I have a city in another world

Chapter 3771 Follow in the dark

Chapter 3771 Follow in the dark
In a dark place, there must be a light on the way.

With a bright light on, you can ensure your own safety, not only let your teammates see you, but also reduce the attacks of ancient evil spirits.

Of course, this kind of light can only resist low-level evil spirits. If it is replaced by high-level monsters, no matter how bright the lamp is, it will be useless.

There was no chance of dodging when the huge body was crushed, but in a blink of an eye, he ended up dying.

The lamps used by the monks are made by mages using secret techniques. They hang in the void three feet above their heads and use their own blood as fuel.

Only this kind of fire light can scare the monsters. If it is replaced with other ordinary light sources, it will have no effect at all.

This led to a situation where monks with lower strength were less able to persist in the dark place for a long time.

If the essence and blood are exhausted, there is no need for monsters to take action, and you can kill yourself.

Moreover, the lower the monk's strength, the lower the radiation range and power of the blood essence lamp, making it difficult for them to move in the dark place.

Although they knew that there were such drawbacks, there were still some weak wizards who chose to enter the Dark Land.

The reason for working so hard is just to have a better future.

There was a moving light source in front of him, which came from monk Loucheng, and Leiter followed closely behind.

Right next to him, there were also bright lights floating around, which could only illuminate the monk himself.

Except for a foot of land around, it can't illuminate other places at all.

The situation in the Dark Land is far more terrifying than imagined, and it makes people feel frightened.

In the process of marching, you will encounter various skeletons from time to time, and what you need to do at this time is to gather them up.

If there are enough bones, the wizards will sort out the rough and keep the best and most essential parts.

After all, the space for storing equipment is limited, so you can save more space and get more wealth.

The bones after being screened will also not be wasted, and there will be monks with lower strength, or ordinary people will take them at the right time.

In a place shrouded in darkness, it is even more necessary to do this, so that more good things can be brought back.

This kind of picking and picking process would consume a lot of time and delay the speed of travel.

Time waits for no one, so you must race against time when choosing, which is a test in itself.

The monks in the dark place never dared to relax for a moment. If they were not careful, they would leave the team and be trapped in the darkness.

Fortunately, at any time, a light can be seen in the dark place, representing the location of the light place.

As long as you keep going, you can always get rid of the darkness.

Leiter naturally knew this, and he acted very quickly. Once the skeleton was found, he quickly made a judgment, and then chose the part with the highest value.

Or according to the judgment, quickly check the surrounding environment, whether there are bones of the same type?

Only a very small number of skeletons will remain intact, and most of the others are scattered around, which will be difficult to find.

However, there is a power in the dark place that will push the bones from the geography to the surface, so that they can be found more easily.

The wizards must spend more time collecting while walking. The monks in Loucheng in front are much simpler, locking on a direction and moving forward.

During the march, if they encountered those treasures and precious bones, monks in Loucheng would also choose to collect them.

But even so, the distance between the two sides is constantly widening, so that the wizards have to hurry up and catch up again and again.

Since entering the dark place, you can hear all kinds of voices, and see those eerie figures in the dark.

They would approach from time to time, showing a ferocious posture, but most of them would be afraid of the lights, and finally had to choose to give up.

However, it is still swaying around, and once it seizes the opportunity, it will immediately launch a fatal attack.

At the beginning, Leiter was trembling with fear from the evil spirits, but he quickly got used to the existence of these monsters.

He even waited and watched curiously, wanting to see what is so special about these evil spirits?

When encountering those weak evil spirits, Leiter tried to attack, and got a small spirit bone.

These luminous spirit bones are the core of the ancient evil spirits, and they are of extremely high value.

Even if Spirit Bone City does not accept it, other places can also sell it, and the price is absolutely satisfactory.

Just because this kind of spiritual bone is of great value no matter whether it is refining weapons or other aspects.

Soon Leiter realized that it was almost impossible to make a fortune just by collecting bones.

You must hunt and kill evil monsters in order to obtain more spirit bones. This is the real way to make money.

The problem is that all the monsters he hunted were fish that slipped through the net, or they were small shrimps that monks in Loucheng didn't care about.

Only at this time, it will be obtained by the wizards who follow behind, and it is obviously not enough to allocate.

Whoever is lucky can get it, but some disputes have arisen because of this.

In the final analysis, there are still too few monsters and too many wizards to follow. If you really want to make money, you must make a decision early.

It didn't take too long for wizards to leave the team, trying to find bigger and stronger monsters.

They will not deviate too far from the route, and if an accident occurs, they will quickly withdraw and return to the Land of Light along a safe route.

Although you will take some risks, the rewards will be more substantial, which is much stronger than the current follow-up method.

Wizards who dare to do this naturally need to bear certain risks, but if they want to get benefits, they must bear these risks.

Along the way, more and more wizards have left the team, and they have reached the limit of what they can achieve at this moment, and the deeper they go, the more dangerous the situation becomes.

It is wise to leave the team decisively.

Most of the wizards who choose to do this have completed team formation before departure, and some choose to join temporarily.

Before he knew it, there were fewer and fewer lights around Leiter, but he didn't notice it at all.

Still closely following the team, attacking those who slipped through the net from time to time, and happily got a spiritual bone.

And he calculated in his heart, if these spirit bones were sold, how many points could they be exchanged for?

As a result, after following along, Rhett discovered something was wrong.

Those lamps floating around him disappeared at some point, leaving him alone, still following the Loucheng monk ahead.

More and more monsters slipped through the net, but Leiter was not happy, but rather flustered.

Because of the large number of people before, the monsters that slipped through the net need everyone to fight for it, and it depends on luck to get it.

But now it was different, a group of monsters who slipped through the net began to compete for Leiter, a wizard.

The original hunter has become the coveted target of evil monsters, and he keeps circling around him.

Leiter was taken aback, he didn't expect to encounter such an accident, he just felt his soul trembling.

It's just that Leiter has no way out now, he dare not return to the Land of Light alone, because he will encounter various monsters along the way, and if he is not careful, he will lose his life.

The only way is to continue to follow and bite the team of monks in Loucheng, so as to ensure a chance of survival.

Such a choice is not easy, he must fight against the fish that slipped through the net of monk Loucheng, and ensure that he will not be killed by monsters.

Leiter, who had made up his mind, began to grit his teeth.He tried his best to move closer to the Loucheng monk team.

(End of this chapter)

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