I have a city in another world

Chapter 3787 Star Tomb Sea

Chapter 3787 Star Tomb Sea

The little episode during the journey had no effect on Tang Zhen.

Having experienced countless winds and rains, and seen all kinds of monks, Tang Zhen has long been calm.

You don't need to look for it deliberately, there will always be some idiots who will act to death.

There are too many such things, there is no need to get angry at all, just eliminate the unsightly guys.

Making it disappear is the best way to solve the problem.

There is no need to pay attention to the sects with teleportation arrays, they only need to be intimidated.

When they return, they may still take this path, and the damage cannot be too serious.

If that sect is relentless, it is simply seeking its own death, provoking a god-king strongman, and fearing that the whole world will be implicated.

Continue to move forward all the way, after going around, Tang Zhen finally arrived at the destination.

The rumors are indeed true, this special ruins is indeed extremely lively.

Since I got closer, I saw monks one after another, manipulating objects similar to coffins.

The stale and gloomy, as well as the strong rancid smell are enough to prove that they are real coffins.

The coffin is either used as a weapon, or as a means of transportation, or even lies in the coffin itself.

No matter what he did, he refused to come out of the coffin, as if he didn't dare to see people.

There are also quite a few coffins filled with foul-smelling corpse water, and the smell is unbearable.

The practice methods of these monks are also eerie and weird, making themselves like corpses.

The clothes and accessories of some monks all come from coffins, which belong to the funeral objects and clothing of corpses.

It's not that the hobbies are unique, but that these items from the coffin have quite magical effects.

Due to special reasons, the funerary objects in these coffins have extremely powerful and strange power.

The power of some items is comparable to that of real artifacts, making it impossible for the enemy to guard against them.

Cultivators go against the sky. It can be said that there are no taboos. They use whatever is good. As time goes by, they naturally form a special regional style.

As long as you see the eerie and eerie coffin, and then look at the outfit that makes your scalp tingle, you can know the origin of the other party.

It was only after arriving at the destination that Tang Zhen knew the exact name of the place.

Sea of ​​Star Graves.

Dare to use such a name is enough to prove that there are many tombs in this area.

The so-called Star Tomb Sea is actually a disintegrated high-energy plane, with countless fragments floating in the starry sky.

Although it is said to be fragments of the world, the size is astonishingly large, and each of them is comparable to a planet.

Because of the inner spiritual power, even after it was shattered, it still formed an energy cloud.

It can provide protection to the fragmented world, and everything will thrive as usual, and the environment of each fragmented world is different.

If monks want to search for tombs and dig coffins, they must enter the world of these fragments, and then earnestly search for them.

Just like looking for a treasure, it has attracted countless monks who come here admiringly.

Some monks got the chance, but some lost their lives and became corpses dug up by the latecomers.

If you want to explore in the sea of ​​star tombs, you must prepare a coffin. Firstly, it is convenient to enter the world of fragments, and secondly, it is also convenient for traveling up the mountain and down to the sea.

If there is no coffin around you, you will be attacked by all kinds of attacks. It seems that the mountains, rivers and earth are full of hostility.

If you have a coffin, you will not be affected in any way.

A powerful monk claimed that such a situation probably originated from the world rules of the Star Tomb Sea.

Regarding the origin of Xingmohai, most monks agree with a legend, believing that it was once a super sect.

Although it is called Zongmen, its scale is far larger than the ordinary world, and there are countless monks.

In this sect, there are also strong men at the level of gods.

Perhaps it is the inheritance of skills, or it is a special habit, all the monks of this sect use the coffin as a place of practice.

Not only can it be cultivated, it is also a weapon, and it can also be used to store items.

At the same time, a mausoleum should be built to match the inner and outer coffins, which can double the effect of practice.

These mausoleums are not simple. After special design, they are connected to the spiritual eyes of the earth veins, which are comparable to the blessed land and the cave.

Later, for some unknown reason, this strange and huge sect suddenly encountered a catastrophe.

The whole world was destroyed, and all the monks who entered the coffin and hid in the earth mausoleum also fell in this catastrophe.

No one was spared, including the gods.

This is the origin of the Star Tomb Sea, and there is a lot of evidence to support this speculation.

The monks didn't particularly care about the true origin of the Sea of ​​Star Tombs. The real purpose of exploring history was just to find more benefits.

The higher the level of the coffin and mausoleum, the more benefits they will get, so monks naturally have to look for it carefully.

In the cultivation world of Star Tomb Sea, there are even a large number of archaeological experts, who are said to have quite high status.

When many adventurers are exploring, they often consult these experts and buy some secret information from them.

Only by doing this can the chances of success of the operation become higher, so that the busy trip will not be in vain.

You only need to inquire about various things about Star Tomb Sea. If you want to obtain more detailed information, you need to pay a corresponding price.

In order to obtain some important news, one must join some organizations, and in order to enter a certain area, one must obtain permission from certain forces.

Obviously, this star tomb sea is exactly the same as other places in the practice world, there are conflicts of interests and the strong prey on the weak.

Tang Zhen is not interested in the conflict of interests in Xingmuhai. He just wants to find what he wants.

At this moment, he is in the market, slowly wandering and searching, trying to get more news.

This is a huge market, located on the edge of the sea of ​​star tombs, with various coffins piled up on the plain.

Some coffins are as high as a hill, and there are shops run by monks on them.

There are also some coffins with monks practicing in them, so don't touch them lightly unless necessary.

If you annoy the other party, a dispute is likely to erupt.

Most of the large and small coffins that have been piled up have been opened, and the items and corpses inside have also been taken away.

The empty coffin can be sold to monks in need, and it can also be exchanged for a fortune.

There are also many monks who sell unopened coffins.

Opening the coffin is risky, so you need to be cautious.

The corpses in these coffins have been cultivated in a special environment, and each of them will become a powerful spirit.

If it is buried in the mausoleum and lying in the coffin, there is no danger.

But once the coffin is opened, it will be fatally attacked.

Without sufficient strength and adequate preparation, monks would never dare to switch on and investigate easily.

For fear of making a mistake, he would be lying in the coffin instead.

After the monks explored the tomb and successfully obtained the coffin, they would analyze and judge.

Coffins that are not of much value will be sold directly at a marked price. Although the harvest will be less, it can be guaranteed to be safe enough without taking too much risk.

Only the high-quality coffins are left, and after proper preparations, experts are invited to start the investigation.

Relying on this approach, we can ensure the maximum benefit, so as to obtain more benefits.

This weird market is surprisingly lively at the moment.

Sell ​​all kinds of coffins, open coffins on the spot, and sell various funerary objects.

The strangely dressed shopkeeper, all kinds of weird and eerie funerary objects exuding stench and chill, make people feel scalp tingling once they get close.

But there are many monks who like this environment the most, wandering in it and forget to return.

The corpses that have turned into spirits are also commodities for sale. They are restrained by various methods, and they continue to roar.

The goods can be inspected on site, then priced according to the quality, and refined on site when purchased.

These ferocious corpse monsters are the best puppets and the best tools for monks to explore the way.

Isn't it a kind of sadness to be driven and manipulated by greedy monks to explore the tombs of the same sect?

(End of this chapter)

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