I have a city in another world

Chapter 3788 Tang Zhen explores the tomb

Chapter 3788 Tang Zhen explores the tomb
Tang Zhen wandered around this peculiar market in a leisurely manner.

All kinds of commodities related to tombs are dazzling, and people always feel that there are novelties everywhere.

This incomparably peculiar sect has carried forward the burial way to the extreme.

It is surprising at first glance, but if you look at it more, you will find some tricks.

Products that can be seen by others are definitely not the best things. If others see and know casually, the original mystery will be lost, and the value will be greatly reduced.

If you want to get good things, you have to have a deep chat with the merchant and show a certain degree of sincerity.

Only with such an operation, can we have the opportunity to do bigger business.

Naturally, Tang Zhen didn't need to be so troublesome. As long as he entered the shop, the shop owner would obediently tell the information he knew.

When the avatar hears it, the deity will also know it, and then conduct deduction and analysis.

When Tang Zhen left the shop, the shop owner was out of his daze, but he didn't know what happened before.

Fortunately, Tang Zhen's goal was only to collect information. If there were villains with evil intentions, all the shops in the market would be in bad luck.

He didn't deliberately cover up what he did. As long as his cultivation reaches a certain level, he can discover Tang Zhen, a special tourist.

Sure enough, not long after, a cultivator guarding here came forward and tried to warn Tang Zhen.

"Your Excellency, you are going too far."

The guards, wearing Kowloon Shroud Clothes and glazed golden crowns, were driving a coffin as large as a house, and suddenly blocked Tang Zhen's way.

He sat upright on the dragon chair, with incomparable majesty in his eyes, looking down at Tang Zhen condescendingly.

It seems that the emperor of the mortal world controls the world and can decide life and death with a single word.

As the master here, the guardian was naturally dissatisfied with Tang Zhen's behavior, so he gave a stern warning.

Originally, he thought that with his own warning, Tang Zhen would be able to retreat in the face of difficulties.

As a result, he saw Tang Zhen smiling slightly.


Originally full of confidence, he had been the guardian of the Earth Emperor for an unknown number of years, and fell off the dragon chair in a state of embarrassment.

No longer the majesty before, but extremely terrified, looking at Tang Zhen with fear in his eyes.

Trembling all over, like a humble ant.

Tang Zhen has become a supreme existence, and he can be wiped out with just a single thought.

"Your Excellency, I'm sorry..."

The guard exhausted all his courage before finally opening his mouth, trying to ask Tang Zhen for forgiveness.

His heart was full of regret, he wished that time could turn back, and then he pretended not to see Tang Zhen.

Even if Tang Zhen demolished this market, that's okay, the big deal is to build it later, it won't take much time anyway.

If it can't be built here, then simply move. After so many years of operation, I should have retired a long time ago...

The guardians began to be uncontrollable, recalling all the past experiences, almost without any omissions.

The secrets about the Sea of ​​Star Tombs also surged out like a flood that opened the gates.

Some of these secrets, the guardians even swore an oath that they must never let outsiders know.

but now……

I don't know how long it took, the guardian slowly came back to his senses, only to realize that his eyes were filled with tears.

Facing the crisis of life and death, the guardian felt repentant and recovered his lost Dao Xin.

Looking up again, he found that the human cultivator who made him so frightened had long since disappeared.

Seeing this, the guard was surprised and happy, but he let out a long sigh in an instant.

He knew very well in his heart that this powerful human monk didn't even bother to care about himself.

He is just a passerby, offended by himself, so he will punish slightly.

The secret hidden in the heart must have been fully exposed, which is the price charged for offending the other party.

Although they don't know Tang Zhen's true identity, the guardians know very well that this is definitely a powerful god.

The gods and guardians of the Star Tomb Sea have also been lucky enough to meet, but they have never made him feel so terrified.

The guards who have gone through this catastrophe have already made up their minds, and they will immediately retreat to death when they go back.

If you don't become a god, you won't come out easily.

As for this market, it is left to others to manage and operate, and he is too lazy to take care of it.

Not being a god, but being an ant, he had the most real experience.

Without strong strength, everything is empty after all, and no matter how much wealth there is, it will only be guarded for others.

Not to mention the repentance of the guardian, who strengthened his heart of cultivation, only talk about Tang Zhen's harvest just now.

The guardian has an extraordinary status, and it is very valuable for Tang Zhen to know more about the secrets of Star Tomb Sea.

Tang Zhen wanted the secret, but still had no clues, not even the guards.

If he wants to know the deeper secrets and get what he wants, Tang Zhen must investigate it himself.

Those gods who haunt the sea of ​​star tombs may also know some secrets. If there is a chance to meet them, Tang Zhen must inquire about them.

After leaving the market, Tang Zhen went to the Fragment World.

He originally tried to find a truly valuable tomb through induction, but he didn't get anything.

The rules of the Shattered World are still in operation, hindering Tang Zhen's spiritual exploration.

Although Tang Zhen is a god king, he has no way to distort the power of the rules of the high-energy world, so he can only slowly look for opportunities.

The fragmented world outside has been dug thousands of feet by the monks, so it is basically of little value.

Out of prudent consideration, Tang Zhen still chose a Fragment World on the outskirts, and went directly into the interior to investigate.

After entering, it was discovered that this place had long been occupied by a monk organization, and outside monks were not allowed to explore at will.

Unless you cooperate with a monk organization and choose to share benefits equally, you can be eligible for exploration.

Naturally, the rules formulated by the monk organization would not affect Tang Zhen, and he escaped directly into the depths of the earth.

After entering, I discovered that the land of the fragmented world is also full of rule power.

It is this kind of rule power that hinders the exploration of spiritual power.

At the same time, Tang Zhen also discovered that it would be extremely difficult to go deep into the ground without using tools.

The deeper you go into the ground, the stronger the resistance becomes.

With a wave of Tang Zhen's hand, a coffin appeared, exuding a cold and rancid smell.

This was a coffin that he had casually put away when he was in the market, and it had already been looted.

Tang Zhen lay in it, the lid of the coffin was tightly closed.

Driving the coffin into the ground, the resistance and repulsion disappear without a trace, and the spiritual power can spread to sense the conditions of the surrounding ground.

Although he can enter the earth, he can only look for the ancient tomb buried deep in the earth like a headless fly.

And in the extreme depths of the earth, there are not only mausoleums hidden, but also terrifying traps and dangerous monsters.

These deadly dangers are obviously aimed at outsiders and can be regarded as a means of defense.

There are too many grave-hunting monks who lost their lives in a daze in the process of running around underground.

Therefore, some monks speculated that the past sect monks must have found ways to avoid hidden dangers.

It is no longer known what the method is, and it has long been buried in the long river of history.

Tang Zhen's mental power spread, exploring the depths of the fragmented world, and wandering around in a rampage.

It didn't take long before he felt a strange resistance and confirmed that he had encountered the mausoleum hidden underground.

Without any effort, Tang Zhen entered it directly, and a gloomy and cold tomb appeared in front of him.

In the center of the tomb, there is a black iron coffin, the surface is filled with strange runes.

Around the Huahua coffin bed, a group of humanoid puppets kneeled to accompany the burial, and at the same time Tang Zhen entered the tomb, they opened their gloomy eyes together.

(End of this chapter)

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