I have a city in another world

Chapter 3789 God Tomb Sect

Chapter 3789 God Tomb Sect

The rune circle in the mausoleum has always been functioning, nourishing the monks inside the coffin.

The nearest puppet also enjoyed the benefits.

These flesh and blood puppets buried with them are obviously made of flesh and blood creatures. Because of the effect of the secret method, it can be guaranteed that they will not decay for thousands of years, and they will always maintain normal operation.

Since the destruction of the world, the puppet has also fallen into a deep sleep.

When Tang Zhen entered the mausoleum, it was tantamount to disturbing the rest of the tomb owner, and the puppet responsible for guarding the tomb naturally had to perform its duties.

Like ghosts and ghosts, the figures kept flashing, making it impossible to lock their positions.

This is to confuse the intruder into a state of passive tension, and then take advantage of the situation to launch an attack.

But in an instant, the puppet rushed towards Tang Zhen.

It's just that the puppet was still in mid-air, but suddenly stopped moving, and there was no reaction at all.

But in an instant, it turned into fly ash and scattered.

The tightly closed coffin was opened at the same time, revealing the monk lying inside.


The monk stood up straight, his face was pale and his mouth was full of fangs and sharp teeth.

Sure enough, as the rumors said, all the corpses in these coffins had turned into monsters.

As long as the coffin is opened, it is tantamount to waking up the monster, and it will inevitably explode and attack immediately.

It's just that as soon as the monster got up, it was directly controlled, fixed in the air and unable to move.

The runes, which were like thin threads, shuttled back and forth from the corpse's body without any influence at all.

The zombie let out a burst of roars, already aware that something was wrong, and desperately wanted to get rid of the restraints.

But it was just a futile struggle, and it had no effect at all.

Amidst the roar of the corpse monster, the extremely tough body disintegrated and dissipated, turning into countless mysterious and obscure runes.

This is a secret technique created by Tang Zhen, which can decompose everything in the world and turn it into runes that record real information.

As long as it is related to the target, no matter how long the past is, even the information that was deliberately erased is recorded in these runes.

As long as you read these runes, you can get all the news related to the target.

But in the blink of an eye, Tang Zhen knew the identity of the owner of the tomb and the secrets about the Sea of ​​Star Tombs.

It turned out that a long time ago, there really was a super sect here, and the name was the Tomb Sect of God.

Those weird ways of practice are indeed the inheritance of the sect, and they are constantly being updated.

He even collected rumors from the world, and established various inheritances related to death, even the underworld of the earth was among them.

Due to the occupation of the blessed land and the continuous expansion and improvement, the strength of the Shentomb Sect has grown by leaps and bounds.

In a few 10 years, it had an extremely terrifying scale and became the real overlord of the plane.

The strong ones in the sect can create the world with just one thought.

The secret technique of the Tomb Sect, which can create land and space, has always been in a state of expansion.

Each branch of the Tomb Sect has an extremely large realm, and each has its own powerful leader.

Such a powerful Tomb Sect naturally wants to invade the outside world and obtain more cultivation resources.

No matter which practice organization, when it develops to a certain level, it will inevitably embark on the road of outward expansion and invasion.

Nothing to do with good or evil, just to be able to survive.

Just like ordinary human beings have to ask nature for food, the same is true for monks.

I don't know how long this model lasted, because of its strong strength, the Tomb Sect has always played the role of the winner.

It's just that this kind of invasion war quickly became distorted and cruel. Not only did it want to destroy the entire world, but the aborigines were also used for various sacrifices.

Tens of millions at every turn, blood flowed like rivers.

But even so, the monks of the God's Tomb Sect didn't care, and took it for granted.

The powerful sect's strength has brought about absolute self-confidence. The monks of the Tomb Sect believe that the sect will become stronger and stronger.

Its own strength will also become stronger and stronger.

But one day, the Tomb Sect suddenly issued an order that all monks must return to the tomb and enter their coffins.

As for when it will be unearthed, we need to wait for the Zongmen's order.

Although they were full of doubts, the monks of the Tomb Sect entered the tomb individually according to the requirements.

While cultivating, he waited silently.

But the order to unearth has not been issued for a long time, and the monks can only continue to wait.

No one dared to leave without permission, because the sect's laws were strict, and those who dared to violate them would surely die.

Just wait until one day.

The feeling of palpitation came, as if a catastrophe was imminent. The monk felt that something was wrong, but found that he could not do anything.

His body had become rigid and out of control, and he could only lie in the coffin, quietly waiting for death to come.

So far, the monk's memory did not provide much useful information, but it gave Tang Zhen a better understanding of the Tomb Sect.

This sect is indeed very interesting. From the very beginning, it has inherited these things related to death and tombs.

This is certainly not accidental, but implied deep meaning.

As for the reason, Tang Zhen didn't have enough evidence, so he couldn't make a judgment arbitrarily.

If you want to find more news and obtain the highest inheritance in the tomb of the gods, you must find a higher-level monk.

The monk in front of him can only be regarded as a low-level figure, not worth mentioning at all.

In the memory left behind by him, the composition and layout of the Tomb of God Sect are marked in detail, but everything he knows is also limited by his own rank and identity.

What you know is not a secret at all, it can almost be said to be known by everyone.

There are also some rumors, which are also specious, and it is impossible to verify whether they are true or false.

This is the sorrow of the little people, they are always just pawns being manipulated, and even at the moment of death, they have no idea what happened.

After getting the information he wanted, Tang Zhen drove the coffin and went out again through the soil.

Not long after he walked, he discovered something unusual, a dozen coffins were chasing and intercepting him.

Like a mad bull, it hit Tang Zhen hard, trying to destroy the coffin he controlled.

Once the coffin is broken, it will inevitably be affected by the power of the rules, and then be suppressed forever in the depths of the earth.

If you can't survive, you can't die, and the situation you encounter must be extremely miserable.

No need to think about it, the attackers must be the monk organization here. For some reason, they discovered Tang Zhen, so they launched an attack directly.

Don't give the slightest chance at all, Tang Zhen will be killed directly, or trapped under this earth forever.

Obviously, such a violent style cannot be formed in a day or two. Judging from their cooperative posture, it is clear that such things must have been done in the past.

"act recklessly."

With a soft sigh, the coffins surrounding Tang Zhen exploded in an instant.

The monks inside the coffin didn't even have time to react before being crushed and flattened by the heavy ground.

There is no way to break free of the soil that contains the power of rules, but it will become stronger and stronger.

Unspeakable despair rose from the hearts of these monks, and from this moment until their death, they would all suffer unspeakable pain.

No signal was sent, hoping to be rescued by his companions, but the chances of being rescued are extremely slim.

The desperate monk couldn't help thinking, who is Tang Zhen, who is so fierce and terrifying, launching a fatal attack without hesitation?

Perhaps this foreign monk has never heard of their organization's name at all, so he is so unscrupulous.

(End of this chapter)

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