I have a city in another world

Chapter 3822 Kill 2 kings in a row!

Chapter 3822: Kill two kings in a row!

In just one round, Tang Zhen beheaded the enemy god king.

Beheading wouldn't kill him, but it also caused the king of the gods to suffer heavy injuries, and he was no longer able to fight Tang Zhen.

Trying to escape from the battlefield, how could Tang Zhen give the opponent a chance, and the bronze great sword slashed out again.

A sword swept across, and the king of the gods was directly cut in half.

Wanzhang Dharma Body opened its big mouth, bit the upper half of the body, and sent it into the ferocious mouth again.


The god king and powerhouse of Xihe Dajing became terrified at this moment, knowing that his life was dying.

"Save me, save me!"

The god king roared, calling his companions to rescue him, willing to pay any price.

In his heart, he regretted so much, he never dreamed that monk Loucheng would be so fierce.

If he had known this earlier, he would never have dared to make such a big deal, but ended up in such a tragic end.

While regretting, he unexpectedly received a response from his companion, and his heart couldn't help being ecstatic.


"court death!"

There were two roars, mixed with boundless anger, and two god kings arrived for rescue.

They received a signal for help and rushed to the battlefield, but saw a scene that made people burst into anger.

There is a monk in Loucheng who is holding a big bronze sword and is devouring a piece of remnant body, which is clearly the Xihe Dajing God King who asked for help.

Surprised at Tang Zhen's brutality, but more out of anger, he couldn't tolerate being so arrogant in the Xihe realm.

"kill him!"

The two god kings are also powerful dharma bodies, and they can crush Tang Zhen by manipulating the rules, and they have strong self-confidence in their hearts.

As the master of the Xihe Great Realm, with an advantage in numbers, there was no reason why he couldn't beat Tang Zhen.

But the changes on the battlefield are always unexpected, making people feel caught off guard.

Under the attack of the power of the law, Tang Zhen threw himself at the two god king monks without fear.

The god king and strong man who was beheaded desperately fled towards the distance, feeling lucky to have escaped.

But how did he know that Tang Zhen didn't want to kill them all, but was planning to save them for the next harvest.

Beheading the enemy's god king and strong man can make him famous, but it will also bring unnecessary troubles.

Even if the god king is beheaded, it may not be able to harvest too much of the origin of the gods. It is better to save the other party's life and wait until the next meeting to continue harvesting.

The essence of God is a renewable resource, and it can be regenerated after it is used up.

Just like a hen laying eggs, it can keep picking up and accumulating.

But if the hen is slaughtered, or all the chickens are scared away, it will become very difficult to harvest.

This approach requires taking risks. Tang Zhen can kill the enemy god king, and the enemy can naturally kill Tang Zhen.

However, considering it comprehensively, it is still more beneficial not to kill, and at the same time, there are infinite possibilities.

If it is killed directly, it is really a one-hundredth, and there is no operability.

Tang Zhen has already made up his mind to use this plane war to gain more benefits for himself.

Seeing that their companions had successfully evacuated, the two god kings felt relieved, but their killing intent exploded in an instant.

They also want to kill Tang Zhen, let the monks in Loucheng know how powerful they are, and demonstrate the majesty of Xihe Dajing!

Tang Zhen's performance surprised them, and they had no intention of fleeing. Instead, there was a kind of joy that the prey came to their door.

Although he was full of doubts, he could only do his best at this moment, manipulating the power of the rules to try to kill Tang Zhen.

Unexpectedly, the power of rules controlled by Tang Zhen was obviously superior, and instantly suppressed them to death.

Feeling the abnormal change, the two god kings were taken aback.

Now they finally understand why the god king who asked for help was beheaded by Tang Zhen, and they clearly lost in the battle of background.

They shot at the same time, but they couldn't beat Tang Zhen?
This is not impossible. It is said that some ancient god kings can even outnumber a hundred.

A god king with extraordinary talent can also crush the same level.

But it never occurred to him that the Loucheng monk in front of him was also a rare strong man.

The weird power of rules actually turned the energy into a substance, and it appeared in a crystallized state.

The two god-king powerhouses instantly turned into two statues, their movements numb and jerky.

While feeling terrified, the two god kings were about to leave the battlefield without any hesitation.

Suppressed by the power of the rules, there is no possibility of Jedi fighting back. Unless there is another god-king to help them out, they will surely die.

As soon as the thought came up, a sword swept towards him, and the head of a god king shot up into the sky.


Seeing his companion being beheaded, the other god king screamed in grief and anger, but his heart grew more and more panicked.

Just as he was about to rescue him, Tang Zhen turned his eyes and looked over coldly.

The King of God was startled, and immediately gave up the rescue plan, turned around and fled without hesitation.

He knew that if he rescued him, he might also be hit by a sword and end up with a severed body.

"Hold on, I'll call for reinforcements!"

The king of gods roared, but he was already thousands of miles away.



The god king who was beheaded by a sword, who didn't know his companion's plan, was really angry and helpless.

He knew Tang Zhen's ferocity, and if his companions didn't evacuate quickly, they might follow in his footsteps.

But abandoning himself like this is really shameless.

He secretly made up his mind that if he survived this catastrophe, he must make the other party pay the price.

At the moment, he is trying his best to escape from the battlefield.

But falling into Tang Zhen's hands, there was no possibility of escaping. There was a flash of sword light, and the king of the gods was chopped to pieces.

The force of the rules suppressed it, making it impossible for the opponent to escape. Tang Zhen grabbed another piece of body and threw it directly into the mouth of the avatar of rules.


As if chewing a stone, he chewed the remnant of the god king continuously, and then sent it to the kingdom of god in his mind.

More and more monks gathered in Xihe Dajing, but they just waited and watched from afar, not daring to approach the battlefield at all.

This is a war at the level of a god-king. A single thought can suppress thousands of miles and turn everything in the world into nothingness.

The god king didn't do this because there was no need to waste the origin of the gods in vain.

So the smartest thing to do is to keep a low profile as much as possible, and don't attract the attention of the king of the gods.

Otherwise, within ten thousand li, there will be nothing but scorched earth, and no one will be spared.

The god king monk who was suppressed by Tang Zhen is completely desperate at this moment. Under the suppression of the power of rules, he has no possibility of getting rid of it.

It is the most painful and helpless thing in the world to see the enemy devouring oneself, but there is nothing to do

Just when he thought he was going to die, and even gave up resisting, he suddenly heard a voice.

"If you want to survive, then make a deal."

The disheartened god king and powerhouse suddenly lifted his spirits, as long as he saved his life, it didn't matter how much he paid.

As for the belonging of the camp, compared with his own life, it is not worth mentioning at all.

"What kind of deal?"

This god-king powerhouse in Xihe Great Realm was really unwilling to die like this, and was willing to pay a certain price for his life.

"All information related to the ancestor Xingchen must not be concealed at all, including the original core, which is the most important thing!"

Tang Zhen's request was expected by the king of gods, and he also knew that it was because of the ancestor Xingchen that this war was provoked.

Not all the god king monks of Xihe Dajing supported the original cooperation plan, let alone the revenge of Loucheng monks would be so quick.

Not long after the announcement was made, monks from Loucheng swept over, catching the monks in Xihe Dajing by surprise.

The reaction of monk Loucheng, as well as the degree of bravery and ferocity, shocked the king and powerhouse.

He didn't have a clear attitude between fighting and not fighting, and now he secretly regretted it.

If the attitude was clear at the beginning and opposed the cooperation with the wizarding world, it would not have fallen into the current situation.

Facing the catastrophe of life and death, but no monk came to rescue him, which made him feel extremely chilled.

Tang Zhen mentioned the original core, but the king of the gods was slightly taken aback, not knowing what it was.

But in his heart, he felt faintly that the monks in Xihe Dajing seemed to have been severely tricked by the ancestor Xingchen.

(End of this chapter)

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