Chapter 3823
Since his own life was at stake, the god king and powerhouse directly told all the information he knew without any hesitation.

A total of seven ancestor stars came to Xihe at the same time, hoping to get support.

Although the world of wizards no longer exists, a large number of ancestor stars have remained, and they are powerful forces that many monk organizations dare not easily provoke.

I don't know what method they used, but the ancestor Xingchen persuaded most of the god kings in Xihe Great Realm to agree to cooperate against the Loucheng monks.

Afterwards, a statement was issued to the outside world, establishing an alliance against the monks of Loucheng, and inviting major monk organizations to join it.

The war between the monks of Loucheng and the world of wizards has made many monk organizations panic, fearing that they will become the target of the monks of Loucheng.

With Xihe Dajing in charge of taking the lead, they are naturally willing to join in, so they have the capital to fight against the world of Loucheng.

Never think that being neutral and low-key can protect you wisely, let alone that things that are invaded will not happen to you.

Unless the prey becomes the hunter, the fate is already doomed, it just comes sooner or later.

The world of Loucheng is a hungry wolf. In order to fill his stomach, he will never stop hunting for food.

Not being attacked now does not mean that it will be the same in the future. Being able to prepare in advance and avoid being helpless when disasters are imminent.

No one thought that the alliance had just been established, and even the specific regulations had not been formulated, and it was hit head-on by monk Loucheng.

As the initiator, Xihe Dajing was naturally the key target, and a total of twenty god kings and powerhouses launched a surprise attack.

There are a total of twelve god kings in the Xihe Great Realm, and all of them have gone to battle now. As for the ancestor stars, they must also be fighting on the battlefield.

But no matter the strength or the number, they are not as good as the monks of Loucheng.

Not to mention that there is a fierce god like Tang Zhen, who beheaded two powerful god kings in a row and scared away a god king at the same time.

One-tenth of the God King of Xihe Great Realm was directly wiped out.

The God King who was suppressed by Tang Zhen has already regretted it, and at the same time, he is still a little uneasy.

I was afraid that Tang Zhen would not keep his promise, and then kill and devour himself.

"How much do you know about the original core?"

Tang Zhen asked again, this was what he cared about.

"I don't know what the original core is. From the beginning to the end of those ancestor stars, there is no information related to it."

Hearing Tang Zhen mention the original core again, the king of the gods was also extremely annoyed, knowing that this was the real big hole.

"do not know?"

Tang Zhen pondered to himself, and felt that it made sense.

This group of ancestors Xingchen is full of tricks, it is impossible to release such important information casually, and they must try to conceal it.

Tang Zhen snorted coldly, and looked at the god-king powerhouse with a hint of mockery and pity in his eyes.

"A group of idiots, they are being used by the ancestor Xingchen without knowing it.

To tell you the truth, even if you take a clear-cut stand against the monks of Loucheng, you may not be hit so quickly.

There are countless enemies in the Loucheng world, one more of you is not more, and one less of you is not much.

Delusion to form an alliance and fight is simply reckless.

The strength of the wizarding world is much stronger than yours, and it is still falling apart.

It can be said that from the beginning to the end, Xihe Dajing was not taken seriously by the Fourth War Zone, and there was no plan to conquer it at all.

What you call an alliance is nothing but a ridiculous game.

When things involve the core of the source, the situation becomes different, and you must also pay the price for this matter. "

Hearing Tang Zhen's reprimand, the God King was secretly shocked, but more indignant.

As a result, at this moment, Tang Zhen made a sudden move, contained all the wreckage of the god king, and threw it into the gaping mouth.

"My life is over!"

The God King felt grief and indignation, but there was nothing he could do.

He could hear the piercing chewing sound, but his sanity was not completely lost, which also surprised the king of gods.

After careful examination, it was found that Tang Zhen did not devour himself completely, but left a little bit as big as a sesame seed.

Although small and pitiful, it is a real lifeline.

While hesitating to be pleasantly surprised, a voice was heard, with indifference and disdain: "I'll give you a chance, get out!"

Hearing this, the Divine King jumped up into the sky without any hesitation.

If Tang Zhen didn't open his mouth, he would never dare to act rashly, otherwise he would lose his soul in a single thought.

But in the blink of an eye, the Divine King had already escaped a hundred thousand miles away, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He can be sure of one thing, Tang Zhen really let him go, otherwise it would be impossible to let him escape so far, but he would have been killed in a single thought.

Fortunately, he escaped to death, but the god king and strong man hated it even more, believing that it was a disaster caused by the ancestor Xingchen.

They concealed important matters and brought the monks of Xihe Dajing into the pit. This matter must not be let go.

Tang Zhen, who chopped up and devoured him, was also hated by the god king, but he had no intention of revenge.

He knew very well in his heart that he was not Tang Zhen's opponent at all, and his survival this time was purely a fluke.

If you want to take revenge and fall into Tang Zhen's hands again, you will not be able to have this kind of luck again.

Being swallowed by Tang Zhen in one gulp would be an inevitable fate.

"The original core..."

The God King made up his mind that he must make this matter public when he goes back, and then confront those ancestor stars.

Without a satisfactory answer, He will never let it go.

Of course, before that, you have to restore your own strength and re-condense your divine body.

Thinking of the losses suffered in this battle, the King of God felt extremely painful, and at the same time, a strange thought arose.

Tang Zhen seemed to have done it on purpose, and did not kill himself on purpose, including the god king who was beheaded before, and Tang Zhen should have let him go on purpose.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that this is really the case.

Doubts also arose, what kind of plan did Tang Zhen have for such an operation?
Fortunately, he didn't know that he had become Tang Zhen's long-term harvest hen, otherwise he would be so depressed that he vomited blood.

After letting go of the god king, Tang Zhen waited in place for a while, but did not wait for new reinforcements to arrive.

The God King monk who fled didn't really look for reinforcements. Obviously, he knew Tang Zhen's strength and didn't dare to continue to take risks.


Tang Zhen sneered, feeling the essence of God he had just absorbed, his eyes were full of brilliance.

Sure enough, the fastest way to make a profit is war money, which can be gained just after entering the battlefield.

If it is a normal penance, even if it takes ten thousand times the time, it will not be able to condense so many gods.

This kind of spoils obtained by devouring the body of God itself contains the power of rules, which is a bit higher than the value of the origin of God, and represents the rules and insights of monks' practice.

There is almost no other way to obtain it except war.

The start was good, which made Tang Zhen look forward to the next battle.

After confirming that no reinforcements would come again, Tang Zhen immediately took the initiative to look for the target, and quickly locked on a direction.

But in an instant, Tang Zhen appeared tens of thousands of miles away, and saw two Loucheng monks fighting three Xihe Great Realm Deity Kings.


Tang Zhen appeared suddenly, tore through the barrier of rules, and the ten thousand-foot dharma body was condensed in an instant.

The rules of the secret law were running, and the five god king monks who participated in the battle were instantly affected by the power of the rules.

Accompanied by a low growl, the huge bronze sword thousands of feet slashed down, splitting a god king in Xihe Dajing in half.

(End of this chapter)

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