I have a city in another world

Chapter 3880 Desperate Strike!

Chapter 3880 Fight to the death!
The bloody and silent battlefield instantly became ablaze.

Every monk tried his best to attack the teleportation array ahead, no matter what obstacles were in front of them, they could not stop their progress.

This is a desperate fight, a desperate fight, a desperate charge with no return.

From the very beginning, they were doomed to have no way out, either to die in obscurity, or to explode when they must die.

It's just that this level of explosion is not something you can do if you want to, but requires the accumulation of momentum.

Enough anger, enough sorrow, and enough desire and belief, when gathered to a certain level, can completely ignite and explode.

The appearance of the teleportation array just satisfies this condition.

At this moment, the messenger team started the most brilliant performance in their lives like a madman.

Even if there is an iron wall in front of them, these monks with strong will will forcefully drill a hole.

The messenger, who was originally protected by the team and never made a move, finally showed a ferocious posture.

Possessing the highest talent, the best equipment, and the most resolute attitude, they have become harvesters on the battlefield.

Destroying the dead, the momentum is like a broken bamboo, and the speed of the charge is much faster than the guardian.

If the charging team is sharp arrows, the messenger is the arrow, piercing armor and attacking fortifications, but also suffers the most damage.

Even though he was drenched in blood, he did not retreat an inch.

Not to be outdone, the guardians followed closely behind and guarded on both wings, each risking their own lives.

Such an astonishing momentum moved all the viewers, and sincerely cheered for these messenger teams.

It has nothing to do with camp, nothing to do with interests, just a kind of spiritual resonance.

There has never been a shortcut in the journey of cultivation, which one is not blocked by thorns, and the whole body is covered with scars?

Staying away from the world of mortals, cutting off humanity, ignoring life and death, these spiritual pains are more terrible than physical pains.

Despite suffering both physical and spiritual trials, the monks never gave up their pursuit of the Tao of Longevity, and lived to death, even though they died a hundred times, they did not change their infatuation.

This kind of emotional state of mind, led by the messenger team, was completely seduced and erupted.

People die forever, but the spirit is immortal, and it has been passed down for thousands of years.

Unity of will is a city, thoughts move mountains and fill seas, and even condense into a god-like existence.

No one saw it at all. After this idea power appeared, it was immediately guided into the kingdom of God in the mind.

This powerful spiritual power has nothing to do with Tang Zhen, and when it works, it will not cause the backlash of chaos and divinity.

Blessed on the members of the messenger team, their aura suddenly changed, as if reborn.

This special buff state can last for a long time and doubles the fighting power of monks.

Although they couldn't figure out what was going on, the members of the messenger team were extremely excited and their confidence increased exponentially.

Staring at the teleportation array ahead, he continued to charge.

The chaotic divinity that intercepted, sensed the blessing of external power, and suddenly became furious.

However, limited by the rules, he cannot mobilize more interceptors, and the number and strength are always equal to those of the messenger.

Killing a courier team member will reduce the number of interceptors, which can be replenished immediately after being killed.

This is an advantage of Chaos Divinity, and it is extremely unfair to the courier team, because the enemy will never be reduced.

For the strong, it is actually a good thing, which can make the strength increase rapidly.

The levels of many couriers have increased rapidly in a very short period of time, and they have crossed several realms in a row.

This is certainly a good thing, but there are also disadvantages. If the state is unstable but the battle will not retreat, this will cause fatal hidden dangers.

Breaking through is not a good thing, but an overdraft of vitality. The more times you break through, the greater the hidden danger.

But the messengers at this moment don't care about any hidden dangers at all. They just want to break out to their heart's content and break through the enemy's heavy interception.

The desperate charge is still effective after all, and the distance from the magnificent teleportation array is getting closer and closer.

The enemy also became more and more crazy. When the strength level was reached, they even used the method of self-destruct to attack.

Accompanied by loud bangs, flesh and bone stubble flew in all directions, exploding in the center of the courier team.

The front foot just exploded into slag, then reappeared in an instant, and then exploded into pieces again.

There are actually concerns about restricting the level of messengers, but unfortunately it is still unavoidable after all.

One enemy is equivalent to a thousand horses, causing fatal damage to the courier team, and one Guardian after another fell.

The same is true for those messengers, all of them were covered with bruises, and their eyes were blood red like fierce beasts.

"Rush, Rush, Rush!"

Before a messenger fell down, he was still screaming unwillingly, and died with an enemy who rushed up.

Although this way of self-exposure caused tragic casualties, it also provided the messenger team with an opportunity to advance.

The survivors stepped on the shattered flesh and blood, and kept charging forward, taking the first step to kill the self-exploding enemy.

As long as the opponent is not allowed to approach, the lethality will be greatly reduced.

The little monk waved the iron rod in his hand, but it had already been broken into two pieces, and his body was covered with blood and pieces of flesh.

Some came from the enemy, and some came from teammates. The white monk robe has completely turned blood red.

The delicate and gentle face is full of ferocity at the moment, making people shudder when they look at it.

The brother and sister who were rescued by the little monk, who were following him at the moment, were also covered in blood.

The Taibai sect they belonged to has been maimed by the enemy. Not only did most of the guardians fall, but the messenger also died in the enemy's sneak attack.

The brothers and sisters survived the disaster and followed the little monk spontaneously, taking care of each other.

The same is true for other sects. Most of the hundreds of messenger teams have been wiped out.

There are only dozens of teams left, and the remaining members of some teams are still struggling.

Every step staggered, and with every step someone fell to the ground.

However, everyone had crazy and sickly smiles on their faces, looking at the teleportation array that was close at hand.

However, the enemies have also gone mad, and they gathered together to form an impenetrable wall.

In any case, the courier must not be allowed to pass through.

The guardians in the team communicated with each other, and they had already made up their minds.

"Everyone, let's go first!"

Several guardians looked up to the sky and laughed, and suddenly hugged each other and rolled towards the intercepted enemies.


With a loud noise, the enemy's interception was blown out a gap.

"Monk, take care of my sister, please."

The elder brother among the siblings looked back at the little monk and smiled slyly again.

At the last moment when he turned his head, he took a deep look at his sister, and rushed towards the enemy with several guardians.

There was another loud bang, and the enemy's flesh and blood flew all over the place, accompanied by the cry of my sister.


The little monk clasped his hands together, closed his eyes silently, and the hidden power in his body exploded suddenly.

The gift from Tang Zhen was released without reservation at this moment.

"I don't go to hell, who goes to hell?"

With a roar, the little monk's eyes turned blood red, and his body instantly swelled to ten feet.

Like an ancient ferocious beast, it rushed towards the enemy's camp, smashing the enemies along the way to bloody flying, forcibly breaking a road of flesh and blood.

At the last step close to the teleportation formation, a ten-foot-tall black-armored monk appeared out of thin air and stopped the young monk who was about to step into the teleportation formation.

"Girl, charge me, this is the last chance!"

While speaking, the little monk embraced the black-armored monk with a ferocious smile on his face.

"Bastard, let's die together!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a loud noise, and the little monk and the black-armored monk died together.

Along the passage of flesh and blood opened by the little monk, the members of the courier team rushed forward desperately, holding the enemies blocking the way and dying together.

"Come on, girl, don't let us down!"

One messenger after another left the opportunity to the girl.

Because her strength is the lowest, she will not be attacked by high-level enemies, and enemies of the same level do not have the ability to expose themselves.

If they die, the enemy will not reappear

The girl gritted her teeth tightly, trembling all over, rushing like a madman through the bloody path opened by her two brothers and teammates.

Just when the team was about to be wiped out, the girl jumped into the high-speed teleportation array.

(End of this chapter)

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