I have a city in another world

Chapter 3881 The Meaning of Success

Chapter 3881 The Meaning of Success

The moment the girl entered the teleportation array, time seemed to have stopped, and everyone's eyes were focused on one place.

This member of the guardian team carries everyone's hope and shoulders the foil of those victims.

The originally thin figure seemed to have grown taller.


There was a sound of thunder, and the teleportation array was running at high speed, followed by a beam of light piercing the sky.

No one knew exactly where the beam of light flew to, but they knew that the operation this time had been successful.

Not only messengers can deliver messages, but guardians can also do it. As long as they successfully enter the teleportation array, the pre-edited messages will be activated and released.


The moment the girl entered the teleportation array, the intercepting enemies let out a roar, with unspeakable anger in their voices.

Although they had an absolute advantage, they still broke through the defense and entered the interior of the teleportation array.

Such an ending is simply a shame.

Obviously, these black-armored monks are not mindless monsters, and they also have emotions.

In other words, these black-armored monks are the real team members themselves. If they take off their helmet masks, they will see a shocking scene.

It's just this secret, I'm afraid no one will ever know it.

"Victory, we are victorious!"

The moment the teleportation array was in operation, those cultivators who were fighting outside the trial city all gave out appalling cheers at the same time.

Although they did not participate in this cruel battle, they really felt the same.

This is a huge victory, which has brought spiritual inspiration to all participants, including the spectators as well.

More viewers are still worried, is it possible for the surviving courier team members to return alive?
As a result, at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Frantically attacking and intercepting the enemies, they all stopped attacking and stood silently watching the survivors.

The atmosphere was oppressive and silent, making people feel flustered and inexplicable.

The cheers of the audience gradually disappeared and turned into deep worry.

Looking at the surviving members of the courier team, although they were all covered in blood, their faces were full of faint smiles.

Death no longer poses any threat to them, and they have completed the expected task, and now they can die generously.

While they were silently waiting for death to come, a tall figure slowly stepped out from among the enemies in black armor.

The appearance of this figure is actually the same as Tang Zhen.

It's just that there are special divine lines on his face, exuding a cold and gloomy aura.

This is the blackened version of Tang Zhen, condensed by chaotic divinity, the purpose is to replace the deity.

Looking at the survivors, the blackened Tang Zhen snorted coldly, then nodded slightly.

"remarkably brave."

After dropping these words, the blackened Tang Zhen raised his head, his eyes seemed to be looking at the void.

In fact, he was looking at the deity with a hint of provocation in his eyes.

At the same time, the Black Armored Brother saluted the members of the courier team by beating his chest with his fist.

This group of team members who sacrificed their lives and fought for their beliefs won the respect of the enemy.

The behavior of the black-armored monk stunned the audience, including the surviving team members.

But in an instant, they laughed out loud, with indescribable joy in their voices.

"If you have experienced this, you will have no regrets in this life!"

A team member said loudly, even pulling out an iron kettle from his waist, and then poured a mouthful of spirits into his mouth.

The companion next to him took the flagon, raised his head and took a sip, and then shouted loudly!
The same is true for other survivors, and it is a supreme honor to be treated like this by the enemy.

When they were about to die calmly, the black-armored monks all turned around and walked slowly towards the distance.

A group of survivors looked at each other in blank dismay, and then realized with surprise that the enemy did not intend to kill them all.

Their only purpose is to protect the teleportation array and prevent the messenger team from achieving their wish.

As for killing more and killing less, it doesn't really matter.

Now that the mission failed, the other party did not plan to vent their anger on the team members, but chose to evacuate directly.

The blocking has failed, and killing team members can only be regarded as an incompetent act of venting anger.

The black-armored monk disdains it.

The team members who had escaped from death, supported each other and struggled to stand up from the ground.

Ants still steal their lives, not to mention these young teenagers, but whenever there is a chance to survive, they will definitely do their best to fight for it.

At the same time, the girl came out from the teleportation formation, her face was stained with tears, but her eyes were full of determination.

Seeing the surviving team members, the girl rushed up quickly and helped them leave together.

On the way back, there was no obstacle, and all the enemies disappeared.

The only corpses that fell on the way forward were their comrades-in-arms and partners.

The joy of victory dissipated and turned into a deep sorrow.

In order to complete this task, hundreds of messenger teams and nearly ten thousand monks fell here.

They are all teenagers, their bright life has just begun, yet it ends in such a hasty way.

Fortunately, their sacrifices were not in vain. The victory of this operation brought enough benefits to their family and sect.

The door appeared before the eyes, and the surviving members of the courier team stepped out, followed by earth-shattering cheers.

Celebrate this victory and admire their bravery.

This time it can be said that everyone was happy, the major sects were rewarded, and Tang Zhen also successfully completed the task of delivering the letter.

The only ones who seem to suffer are the members of the messenger team.

But before they acted, they had already received generous rewards, that is, the life-buying money given by the sect.

If so, they are not at a disadvantage.

No one would know that the place where they fell was the kingdom of mind, a place full of endless miracles.

It seems that he fell and sacrificed, but Tang Zhen can be resurrected with just one thought.

Of course, there is no need for everyone to know about this news, as it will only cause more trouble.

Even if the news is made public, it will not be chosen at this time.

People are still immersed in moving and tragic emotions. If they know that the dead can be resurrected, their emotions will become extremely complicated.

The fellow monks of the survivors, including the suzerain and elders of the sect, rushed forward one after another.

Looking at the team members who performed the task, their faces were full of gentle joy, and they gave enough appreciation and affirmation.

The members of the messenger team have contributed a lot to completing this arduous task, and there will definitely be more generous rewards in the future.

The letter delivery operation was successfully completed, and the gathered monks dispersed one after another, either trying to find ways to replenish supplies, or entering the trial city to continue hunting monsters.

Everything seems to be back to normal, and this spectacular operation will be forgotten.

But how did they know that somewhere far away, there was an extremely powerful world that was affected by this action.

Compared with the monks in that world, the monks who sent the message were extremely weak, not even much stronger than ants.

However, what they did was of great significance, and some gods would avoid a catastrophe because of it.

The location search and rescue of Tang Zhen will also start with the transmission of information.

The cornerstone platform is extremely powerful, and it only needs a little clue to find it.

What Tang Zhen has to do is to continue to clear the hidden dangers of the Kingdom of God in his mind, and slowly wait for the counterattack to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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