I have a city in another world

Chapter 3882 Another visitor from beyond the sky!

Chapter 3882 Another visitor from beyond the sky!

The task of delivering the letter was successful, and all the meritorious personnel were rewarded. The surviving monks of the messenger team all became the key training objects of the sect.

Originally possessing excellent talent, and having experienced a reborn fight, coupled with the deliberate support of the sect, a bright road was also paved under their feet.

For such special treatment, no monks object at all, and they dare not object either.

This is an honor earned with one's life, and it was handed out by Tang Zhen himself. If anyone shamelessly dares to question and try to replace it, the final end will be extremely miserable.

As long as he dared to enter the trial city, Tang Zhen would definitely let him never return.

In the following days, the trial city became more and more lively, and more and more monks gathered here just to find their own opportunity.

The monks who came to the trial city got what they wanted.

This is a special city, as long as you work hard and dare to fight, you can get rich harvests.

The Heaven-shattering Realm, which was originally equal to the king level, is the ceiling of this small world. No matter how much effort you put in, there is no possibility of further progress.

If you want to break through the limit, you must either increase the level of the plane, or have a strong person help you.

With the emergence of the trial city, the practitioners who were stuck in the sky-shattering realm realized and controlled the power of the law one after another.

Being promoted to the king of laws, one has the qualification to roam the void, and also has the ability to protect oneself in the face of giant void beasts.

Whenever a monk is promoted to the king of laws, he will receive a task issued by Tang Zhen.

If you are willing to go to the void to explore and gain something, you will get rich rewards.

If you don't want to go to explore, you can continue to practice in the trial city, but the effect will be minimal.

Because the path of practice after the King of Laws belongs to the real secret inheritance, if ordinary monks explore by themselves, they may not be able to find a clue for ten thousand years.

What's more, in this small world, there are no conditions to be promoted to the Spirit Emperor. If the King of Law wants to be promoted to a higher level, he must go to the outside world to find opportunities.

In order to be promoted to Linghuang, Tang Zhen spent a lot of trouble before finally finding a suitable place in the Loucheng World.

The occurrence of such a situation is related to Tang Zhen's lack of sufficient inheritance, and it also shows that suitable places are very rare.

This is still in the Loucheng world, the standard high-energy plane, but if it is replaced by other plane worlds, it is difficult to find a suitable practice place.

Those monks who are hesitant will understand the truth in a short time and will make the right choice for their future.

Without Tang Zhen, practitioners in their small world would never have the possibility of being promoted to the king of laws.

This is a great favor. If Tang Zhen used this as a condition and asked them to go to the void to explore, no one would be able to refuse.

Tang Zhen didn't do that, and he always disdained the behavior of begging for favor.

But in the practice world, fair trade has always been emphasized, and there has never been a pie in the sky.

If you blindly pay without seeking rewards, it is extremely stupid behavior.

If you want to advance to a higher level, you must pay something.

One after another, the kings of law were promoted at an incredible speed, and then quietly left in the shattered void.

Similarly, there are more monks who have been promoted to the Breaking Heaven Realm, and are heading for a higher realm.

The whole world is thriving, and all practitioners are like dragons and tigers.

If it develops like this, it may only take a thousand years to be officially promoted to the medium energy plane.

This is the method of the king of gods, to feed the whole world with himself, and forcefully let the phoenix fly out of the pheasant's nest.

Tang Zhen, who sits in the trial city, is like an indifferent god, silently monitoring the whole world.

Determine the monk's strength, arrange suitable opponents, and secretly guide the opponent's promotion.

This magical operation does not rely on divine power, but uses the power of the rune circle and the divine weapon.

At a certain moment, Tang Zhen opened his eyes slightly and looked at a place outside the trial city.

"It's finally here..."

As soon as Tang Zhen finished speaking, he disappeared without a trace.

This is not some evasion technique, but relying on the incomparably powerful physical body to forcibly break through the air.

Outside the trial city at this moment, there were two figures floating in the air, silently observing this special city.

There was surprise in his eyes, but also surprise.

Obviously, this special city gave them too many surprises, far exceeding their previous expectations.

There are too many places that make them feel confused.

"It seems that the damn guy didn't tell all the secrets. Obviously, our punishment is too light!"

One of the voices said in a cold tone, his eyes were full of irrepressible madness.

This monk has a sheep's head and three pairs of eyes on his face, and each pair of eyes has different abilities.

The powerful aura is enough to prove that this is an existence whose strength is close to that of the Linghuang.

"If you want me to say, it's not that he doesn't want to confess, it's that he doesn't understand at all.

You and I have been researching for a long time, but we haven't figured out the secrets of this city, let alone that guy's knowledge is far inferior to that of you and me.

I'm just a little curious, how can there be such a special secret place in such a remote place? "

The monk who spoke was wearing a pair of thick black armor, covering his entire body.

The surface of the black armor is covered with bright silver runes, full of mysterious atmosphere.

This kind of defense with almost no dead ends is enough to prove that the opponent's habitual character must be a cautious and cunning type.

Regarding the analysis of his companion, the sheep-headed monk smiled coldly, and the disdain in his eyes became more intense.

"Just a bunch of lucky idiots, not worth mentioning at all.

There is a great possibility that this secret realm is a paradise left by their ancestors, but these idiots have never discovered it, but were discovered and activated by outsiders.

I am very interested in the extraterrestrial visitor mentioned by the prisoner. If I can catch him and torture him, I may be able to discover a higher level world. "

In the eyes of the sheep-head monk, the desire for greed is getting stronger and stronger. If a higher plane is discovered, it will represent an immeasurable wealth.

It is precisely because of this possibility that they rushed here in an attempt to obtain more information.

A low-energy plane can't satisfy their appetite, but if they add a mid-level plane world with rich products, it will definitely be regarded as a pleasant surprise.

The monk with full body protection has a not optimistic attitude.

"I think this foreign monk is definitely not a simple person, so we should try our best to be cautious.

It is better to observe for a period of time, and then take action, so that nothing will go wrong. "

Regarding the next action plan, the two sides have faint differences, one is too optimistic, and the other is too cautious.

"It's just a down-and-out person who can't even use spells, and only relies on the strength of his body to deceive these ignorant idiots.

You can fool others, but you can never fool me. If I meet that guy, I will definitely make his life worse than death! "

The sheep-headed monk was furious, and he hated the behavior of his companions the most. He always liked to complicate simple things.

Unexpectedly, as soon as his words fell, a figure appeared in front of him.

It was the face of a young human race, with a faint smile, which made people feel like a spring breeze.

There is no energy fluctuation in the whole body, no difference from ordinary people.

But at the moment when he appeared, the powerful sheep head decoration and the medium-armored monk all felt a sense of horror.

His soul trembled involuntarily, as if he had encountered a great horror.

"I want to see, you ugly guy, how can you make my life worse than death?"

(End of this chapter)

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