I have a city in another world

Chapter 3993 Difficulties

Chapter 3993 Difficulties
The surface of the original core is as flat as a mirror, reflecting a dull luster.

Such a vast land, but without the slightest ups and downs, is unbelievably flat.

There are no soil or trees on the ground, only rock-like substances, like hardened glass, when struck, there is a buzzing sound of gold and iron.

This material that makes up the earth is said to be obtained by refining the stars, and a total of 81 large and small stars were consumed.

The earth is divided into nine colors, covered with all kinds of runes, and the area of ​​a rune is a million square kilometers.

Inside the huge rune, there are countless small runes, as well as rune towers with a height of about [-] meters.

The layout is neat and tidy, without any clutter.

Normally, under the shroud of light, the existence of the Rune Tower is naturally invisible. When the light no longer exists, the Rune Tower also directly appears in front of the eyes.

After countless years of high-temperature calcination, the whole body of the rune tower is like black glaze, but it has become stronger because of it.

In addition, there are cities, but they are not used to live in people, but the hub nodes of the huge rune circle.

The criss-crossing street buildings inside are actually some rare secret treasures, which are deliberately made into the shape of houses for the sake of beauty.

For wizards, the original core is not just a tool, but also a work of art and a spiritual symbol.

Through the raging flames, seeing these majestic cities will inevitably have all kinds of fantasies and pride in my heart.

The original core is the miracle of the wizarding world, which has witnessed the glory of this practice civilization, but also witnessed its decline.

This is a super project, a truly top-notch artifact, no wonder it took a long time, and it is also called the greatest miracle of the wizarding world.

It's just that now, this top artifact has lost its radiance, dimmed with the destruction of the wizarding world.

Artifacts have no owner, and only the strong can obtain them.

For monks in Loucheng, re-igniting the original core is not only about its practical effect, but also has important spiritual significance.

Just to prove to the world that in the sky of Loucheng World, the original core can still function normally.

What wizards can do, monks in Loucheng can also do, and will do better.

If it can't be done, it will be tantamount to a serious slap in the face, making the outside world underestimate the fourth theater because of this matter.

Especially the top three theaters will think that the fourth theater is just a name, and it is not worthy of being at the same level as them.

Cornerstone Platform has already set the tone, no matter what the cost, it must solve this matter.

Tang Zhen made an agreement with the Cornerstone Platform before retreating, and now it's time to make the appointment.

Without any guidance at all, Tang Zhen proceeded all the way, following the secret entrance deep into the ground.

This tunnel leading to the ground is extremely long and deep, and at the same time there are hidden prohibition organs.

Without enough strength, there is no way to detect it, and it is very likely that the soul will be lost halfway.

If you go deep into it, there are still many checkpoints, but none of them can stop Tang Zhen.

When entering the real core, you will see a huge space, like a mysterious world hidden deep in the center of the earth.

In the center of this world, there is also a city, quietly suspended in mid-air.

Things like cables extend out from the city, each with a diameter of hundreds of thousands of feet.

This is the real core of the original core, the expert team formed by the cornerstone platform, all gathered in this city.

Just ten years ago, the expert team was formed and stationed here to conduct research and crack it.

They were not the first wave of experts, and related experts had arrived before, but they all returned without success.

Tang Zhen's arrival did not cause much commotion, and the monks were still responsible for their own deduction, as if they knew nothing about it

No matter which professional system it is, there is also competition, and the same is true for the runes.

There is no clear ranking, and each other is not convinced, and they don't think they are worse than others.

However, in the eyes of outside monks, it is still possible to distinguish between high and low, strong and weak. Tang Zhen has a great reputation, and he has the posture of coming from behind.

For those so-called seniors, this is also a big shock, and I want to know what Tang Zhen is capable of, daring to appear as the finale role.

Tang Zhen naturally knew the inside story, but he only wanted to complete the task and didn't bother to pay attention to other things.

The better way to deal with these monks is to crush each other in terms of strength and wait for the other party to come to see them.

If you don't have enough skills, but take the initiative to contact and show your favor, it will only be annoying, and it may even get you in trouble.

In this city, there are many rune pillars, which should be the seat of the maker.

After sitting on it, you can connect to the entire source core to make various deployments.

Tang Zhen's divine sense was integrated into it, and he quickly cruised within the core of the original source, looking for hidden dangers and disadvantages.

He soon discovered that the problem was far more troublesome than he imagined, and it was not just a lack of starter keys.

Before the ancestor Xingchen evacuated, he had destroyed the original core. Many areas were tampered with wantonly, and even deliberately planted mines in key areas.

Even if the key is really found, there is no way to start it smoothly. Even if it is really able to start, it is very likely that an accident will occur during the operation.

How could the ancestor Xingchen hand over such an important artifact intact, and it was damaged to such an extent that Tang Zhen expected it.

Ten years have passed, and the expert team has not carried out the repair for a long time. The main reason is that the deduction plan cannot be passed.

The spiritual thoughts of the monks exist in the void, and other monks can visit, check and fill in the gaps, and raise various questions and opinions.

Just like a document for collaborative work, members of the expert team have the authority to operate, and then are eligible for deduction verification.

In the past ten years, a lot of similar work must have been done, and most of the problems have been solved.

But even so, it still cannot be repaired.

Because there are still problems that have not been solved, as long as there is a little problem, a small fault, it may cause unimaginable losses.

What's more, in the process of repairing, a large amount of god's origin needs to be consumed. Once there is an error in the repair, these god's origins will be wasted.

The origin of God is not easy to come by, so it must be used with caution, otherwise the cornerstone platform will be the first to let go.

The most critical point is that there is no activation key, which makes it impossible for the monks to pass the deduction smoothly.

This key is not simple, once it is activated, it will directly connect to the hub of the original core, filling those large vacancies.

If this cannot be done, the original core cannot be started normally.

It's like a jigsaw puzzle that lacks the most core areas. In order to prevent it from being cracked, many places are scribbled.

After researching, Tang Zhen fell into deep thought.

He had to admit that this was indeed a big problem, otherwise a group of experts wouldn't be helpless.

In order to refine the original core, the wizarding world can be said to be a gathering of elites, spending more than a thousand years.

In the absence of an activation key, trying to crack the core of the source within ten years is indeed a bit overwhelmed.

Even if he joins it, it is impossible to complete the reverse deduction of the original core in a faster time.

Originally, Tang Zhen had always been against duplicating keys, because it would cause accidental danger.

But now I feel that this is probably the only way to crack it.

(End of this chapter)

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