I have a city in another world

Chapter 3994 Tang Zhen's method

Chapter 3994 Tang Zhen's method

The copied activation key has been tightly sealed and placed in a secret warehouse.

Before Tang Zhen arrived, those monks in the expert team also took it out for research.

Try to find some clues and inspirations through this method to increase the chance of successful cracking.

But after all, it is a replica, and there may be hidden traps.

Tang Zhen's original deduction was also recognized by these experts, who believed that replicas should not be used easily to avoid uncontrollable catastrophe.

Such a painstakingly crafted replica, which exhausted countless resources, was just put into the warehouse to eat ashes.

Tang Zhen's current approach is tantamount to repeating the path of others, and there is nothing innovative at all.

If they were known by those experts, they would feel a little contemptuous, thinking that Tang Zhen was nothing more than that.

It's all the same routine, can Tang Zhen still play tricks?
What other people think will not affect Tang Zhenzhao. How can calligraphy with the same stroke structure be the same as written by ordinary people?
In a short period of time, Tang Zhen has completed the information acquisition.

When other monks are studying the replica, they will record the specific process and ideas and share them with other monks for reference.

Tang Zhen took this opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of other experts.

To be selected by the cornerstone platform and become a member of the expert team is definitely not an ordinary person.

What Tang Zhen thought of, the other party could also think of, and even had some eye-catching ideas.

But even so, it still didn't solve the problem.

Tang Zhen knew the crux of the problem. If it could not be ensured enough, no plan could be easily implemented.

Regarding the consumption of the source of God, the stable operation of the core of the source, and even the safety and face of the new theater, no matter how careful you are, you can't be too careful.

After making a plan, Tang Zhen teleported away and entered the independent space opened by the cornerstone platform.

This space is isolated from the outside world and is in a completely closed state. No matter what operations are performed, it will not have any connection with the outside world.

Even inside space, time stands still.

The replica of the starting key is placed in this space, and it is delivered to the eyes in a single thought.

Tang Zhen is no stranger to this replica, after all, he has also participated in the refining.

Even in terms of understanding alone, none of the monks in the expert group can compare with him.

This is Tang Zhen's advantage, which other monks do not have.

Coupled with his accomplishments in the rune circle, it is indeed obvious to all, and he also ranks first among these experts.

The cornerstone platform has its own judgment, otherwise it would not have used Tang Zhen as its trump card, and asked Tang Zhen to come forward to solve the problem when other monks were at a loss.

Of course, this kind of behavior was actually a bit deliberate. While elevating Tang Zhen, it also forced him to do his best.

If it can't be done, wouldn't it be ridiculed.

From the perspective of the cornerstone platform, Tang Zhen is different from other Loucheng monks. He is a very special talent and also needs special treatment.

Please put it on Tang Zhen's body instead of being an aggressive general, it may have an unexpected effect.

Regarding the cornerstone platform's tricks, Tang Zhen was very willing to accept it.

This is the cornerstone platform to help him make a name for himself, and it belongs to the stage he could only dream of, provided that he can take it on, of course.

Looking at the start key in front of him, Tang Zhen pondered slightly, and directly put it into the Kingdom of God in his mind.

In this way, a more detailed analysis is carried out.

Tang Zhen's method is very simple. He is going to disassemble the key in the Kingdom of God in his mind, and then copy it again.

Doing such a thing in the Kingdom of Mind is quite a bold approach, and no one except Tang Zhen dared to try it.

In the event of an accident, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Tang Zhen was not afraid. After all, the key was forged by himself, and he knew that even if it was collected in the Kingdom of God in his mind, there would be no risk.

Even if the enemy can really detonate it in the air, it is only aimed at the original core. There is only one chance, and it is absolutely impossible to waste it easily.

Besides, there are two layers of space isolation, it is impossible for the enemy to generate a reaction, and naturally there is no possibility of detonation.

Put the key into the kingdom of God in your mind, the rules start to work, and this special key is activated instantly.

The body of the starter key is actually only one foot square, and looks like a colorful metal block.

As the key was activated, the volume began to expand wildly, turning into an extremely weird shape.

Numerous square objects of the same size are continuously growing from the inside, and there are extremely complicated runes on the surface.

These squares are connected to each other, spreading towards the surroundings, and at the same time, the power of rules is rippling.

But in a short period of time, the volume of the key reached hundreds of thousands of cubic meters, and countless branches and tendrils stretched out, resembling the neural network of the human brain.

And its real function is very similar to that of the brain, which is to maintain the operation of the original core.

Tang Zhen witnessed the key change process, recorded all the steps, and then performed the deduction over and over again.

At the same time, in the kingdom of mind, the scene inside the original core was copied, just to match the key.

It's like trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle so that it fits perfectly.

This is an extremely huge project, and it is impossible for Tang Zhen to truly replicate it. Even if he consumes all of the God's Origin, he may not be able to reproduce one ten-thousandth of it.

He just made a preliminary judgment in this way, and then gradually carried out detailed deduction.

Gradually immersed in it, countless thoughts flashed, deducing various possibilities.

The operation of the rune magic circle is actually to make various reactions within the limited rules.

The higher the level of the rune magic circle, the fewer the rules and restrictions, and the stronger the ability it has.

Artifacts engraved with rune magic circles, which can use the power of rules, can be called artifacts.

The artifact should not be underestimated, it has flexible and quick thinking, and it also controls powerful strength.

If it is not restricted by the rules, the artifact will inevitably go out of control, leading to terrible disasters.

The activation key is naturally an artifact, and it has a very high level. If you want to fully control it, you must have a higher realm and vision.

Only by mastering all the structures can one be able to know any changes and analyze whether there are hidden traps.

It can be said that Tang Zhen's operation not only analyzed the key, but even turned himself into a key.

After completing this step, Tang Zhen can re-enter the original core and try to use himself to activate this behemoth.

No matter there are any problems, they will give feedback in the first time and try to fix them.

This is Tang Zhen's plan, and it can be regarded as a unique way, which may be able to solve the current problem.

Using this method, at least there is no need to worry about being controlled by the ontology, detonating the original core in the air.

If you want to turn yourself into a key, you can't do it just by thinking about it.

This is a special artifact that was successfully refined by the cooperation of several rune masters. There are many problems to be solved in the process of duplication.

Tang Zhen was not in a hurry, and slowly analyzed and deduced, trying not to make any mistakes.

When it comes to the rune circle, no matter how serious and detailed it is, it is no exaggeration.

Inside the original core, rune experts are still breaking boundaries.

Tang Zhen came and went, staying for a very short time, without any communication with other experts.

Seeing Tang Zhen's hand for a long time, the experts couldn't help but secretly wonder.

They had always wanted to see what Tang Zhen could do to solve this problem that was causing them headaches.

However, Tang Zhen didn't move, as if he had given up on the mission, and he didn't know what he was doing.

After waiting for a long time, Tang Zhen remained silent.

Just when the monks thought that Tang Zhen had given up on the mission, he finally appeared inside the core of the source.

(End of this chapter)

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