I have a city in another world

Chapter 403 The cold moon is coming, it's weird and unpredictable!

Chapter 403 The cold moon is coming, it's weird and unpredictable!
The night was deep and the moon was hanging high. In Tang Zhen's anticipation, the upgrade of the mobile phone was finally completed.

As the phone started up, before Tang Zhen checked the changes in the app store, something went wrong on the phone.

The scene in front of him changed drastically, and a continent surrounded by endless ocean suddenly appeared, as if looking down from space.

Compared with the turbulent ocean, this surrounded continent seemed extremely small.

Tang Zhen looked at the scene in front of him intently, and determined that this continent surrounded by the ocean was exactly the land where the Holy Dragon City was located.

Because the outline of a certain coastline on the mainland is very similar to the map he got before.

It wasn't until this moment that Tang Zhen realized that the map that seemed vast in his eyes was actually just a corner of the continent!
The size of this continent is actually far beyond my imagination.

And the area of ​​the surrounding ocean is even more unbelievable!
Just when Tang Zhen was about to take a closer look at other areas on the mainland, he found a faint shadow slowly appearing over the mainland.

Tang Zhen looked at the shadow that suddenly appeared, and an ominous premonition rose in his heart.

Because he has already determined that this shadowed area is exactly where the Holy Dragon City is located.

As time slowly passed, the shadow became thicker and thicker, and a faint blue luster began to appear in the shadow from time to time.

Tang Zhen held his breath and looked at the shadow with cold and serious eyes.

Suddenly, the shadow seemed to break through some kind of restriction, appearing directly above the mainland, casting a large shadow on the earth.

"This is... that cold moon?"

Tang Zhen exclaimed in his heart, staring blankly at the looming floating object that seemed to be completely covered by ice and snow, his eyes were full of horror.

Looking at the crystal clear, dream-like strange buildings on the objects, a crazy thought came to my mind.

"Could it be that the cold moon that appears once in a thousand years is..."

Just as Tang Zhen thought of this, the scene in front of him suddenly disappeared, and the phone returned to normal.


Slightly relaxing his stiff body, Tang Zhen drank the wine in his glass in one gulp, calming down his excitement.

The scene that appeared just now was really beyond Tang Zhen's expectation, which made him feel caught off guard.

I didn't expect that the so-called Hanyue turned out to be like this!

I just don't know if the scene that just appeared was a special reminder from the mobile phone?
Could it be that the once-in-a-thousand-year disaster of the cold moon has really appeared unknowingly and silently?
After thinking of this, Tang Zhen was not in the mood to check the changes after the phone was upgraded, but immediately teleported back to the world of Loucheng.

As soon as he returned to the world of Loucheng, Tang Zhen felt a sharp chill hit him.

When he returned to the original world, the temperature was not so low. It seems that something happened in the Loucheng world.

When he looked up at the sky, Tang Zhen was surprised to find that the sky where the stars were originally twinkling turned into pitch black!
The area covered by this darkness is extremely wide, and when you look around, you can't see the edge at all!

This feeling of darkness is extremely depressing, like a huge pot cover, covering all areas of the barren land.

Since this incident happened late at night, almost no one noticed it, it just felt that the night tonight was particularly dark.

But Tang Zhen has already realized that what he has been worrying about has finally happened.

The disaster of the cold moon suddenly appeared in the world of Loucheng in a way that no one expected!

From this moment on, the endless snow and ice will completely cover this land.

Looking carefully, there are countless streams of cold air falling from the sky like waterfalls on the object covering the sky, making the temperature in the barren land lower and lower.

During the period, from time to time, there will be a blue light that stretches for tens of miles, like lightning, looming at the bottom of the object.

A pair of wings popped out from Tang Zhen's back, and then he soared into the sky!

The cold wind blew past Tang Zhen's ears, and the chill brought by the high-speed flight made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

As the height of the ascent continued to increase, a sense of danger that seemed to be there, began to emerge in Tang Zhen's heart.

It seems that the object covering the entire sky contains great danger.

However, Tang Zhen did not intend to back down, but continued to accelerate forward.

The matter is very important, no matter how dangerous it is, Tang Zhen has to figure it out!
Unknowingly, Tang Zhen got closer and closer to the object covering the sky, and the sense of crisis in his heart became more and more obvious.


Tang Zhen, who was flying rapidly, seemed to have hit a huge protective shield, and the faint blue cracks like spider webs appeared in front of Tang Zhen out of thin air.

A huge counter-shock force came, and Tang Zhen was caught off guard, and his whole body was bounced back violently.


Tang Zhen was so shocked by the rebounding force that his mouth spurted blood, and after falling a long way down, he stabilized his figure.

Looking up at the sky, he saw that the area hit by him was flickering, and some places began to gradually become transparent.

Looking through this transparent area, Tang Zhen saw a scene that left him dumbfounded.

An incomparably vast continent of ice and snow is quietly suspended behind the black protective cover, covered with towering blue ice peaks that soar into the clouds!
On the outside of the suspended continent, there is a round blue protective cover, completely enveloping it.

Seen from the ground, this floating continent wrapped in a blue protective cover really looks like a bright moon hanging high!

Tang Zhen suddenly realized that this was the origin of the name "Hanyue".

There was another wave of light flashing, those transparent areas were slowly covered by black mist, and the floating cold moon disappeared!
At this moment, the sense of crisis hit again.

Tang Zhen's hair stood on end, he turned and fled without hesitation.

At the moment Tang Zhen turned around, a strange rune with an area of ​​more than ten square kilometers quickly condensed and shone on the surface of the protective cover.

The sense of crisis that made Tang Zhen shudder came from this huge rune!
When this rune was formed, countless sharp ice spears emerged rapidly like mushrooms after a spring rain, and grew longer and longer!

In the blink of an eye, the entire sky was filled with ice spears that looked like giant stalactites!


As the huge runes flickered, those ice spears fell from the runes one after another like a gust of wind and rain, and went straight to Tang Zhen.

Looking at the ice spears that almost covered the sky, the number of them was at least one million!
Once hit by this ice spear, I am afraid that it will immediately turn into a skewer of human meat, and the dead can't die anymore!

That astonishing aura is enough to make the weak-minded collapse instantly.

This weird and miraculous method greatly increased Tang Zhen's sense of crisis in his heart, and he became more and more aware that the disaster of the cold moon was far from being as simple as he imagined.

Fortunately, the overwhelming ice spears couldn't hurt Tang Zhen. He only needed to activate the teleportation function to avoid it easily.

But the weirdness and difficulty of the Ice Charm Alien Race had already sounded the alarm for Tang Zhen at the moment when the ice spear appeared!
 Thanks: The pigs who have good names are rewarded by i, thank you book friends for your monthly tickets and recommendation support!
(End of this chapter)

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