I have a city in another world

Chapter 404 Teleporting to the desert, the lonely city is covered with snow!

Chapter 404 Teleporting to the desert, the lonely city is covered with snow!
Before Mantian Ice Spear approached him, Tang Zhen quickly activated the teleportation function, and his figure suddenly disappeared from the world of Loucheng.

After the overwhelming ice spear lost its target, it continued to slam towards the ground with the sound of howling wind.

"Bang bang bang!"

The sound of the ice spear hitting the ground was endless, deep pits were constantly appearing on the ground, and the nearby ground was covered with fine pieces of ice.

There are falling ice spears everywhere, and dull impact colors everywhere!

Countless deep pits appeared on the ground, and were immediately destroyed by countless ice spears, and then new deep pits appeared.

The whole land groaned, smashed into mud by the hard and heavy ice spears.

The flat ground began to rise slowly under the accumulation of ice debris.

Not long after, mounds of mud and rocks and shattered ice crystals appeared on the wilderness where the ice spear landed!

If someone is within the attack range of this ice spear, no matter how high his cultivation base is, he will probably be enraged on the spot!

It took half a minute for the overwhelming ice spears to land before it slowly ended.

Tang Zhen's figure was suspended in the air, looking at the messy land, a trace of horror flashed in his eyes.

This seemingly inconspicuous ice spear, as long as it reaches a certain number, combined with the acceleration falling from the sky, it will become so terrifying!
If this Ice Charm alien casts a piece of ice spear in the Holy Dragon Valley, I wonder if the mage defense tower can resist it?

It can change the expressions of the natives of the Loucheng world, and record it solemnly in the history books. This cold moon disaster is really not easy!
Looking up at the dark scene in the sky, Tang Zhen slowly landed on the ground.

He had a premonition that the black light curtain that could condense a huge rune array was actually just one of the methods of the Ice Charm alien race.

Once they launch a formal attack on the barren land, there will probably be countless terrifying methods displayed.

With the addition of ice and snow to their attributes, the ice charm alien race will definitely wreak havoc on the entire wild land in a sweeping gesture!
Tang Zhen reminded himself that the defensive circle of Holy Dragon City must be completed as soon as possible, and the time left for him is running out.

Just as Tang Zhen was concentrating, the black light curtain in the sky changed again.

One after another, rune circles began to flow and flash on the black light curtain.

From the ground, it looks like countless stars reappearing in the sky!
It's just that when these rune magic circles appeared, the chill in the air became more and more intense.

Every time the runes flickered in the sky, a large snowflake would emerge and fall from the sky.

Looking around, there is heavy snow like goose feathers everywhere, and the whole world is plunged into a vast expanse of whiteness!
Bai Xue fell on Tang Zhen's cheeks, and soon turned into clear water, moist and cold.

Feeling the chill in the snowflakes, Tang Zhen's eyes also became cold.

What he was about to face was a cruel war where either you die or I die. As long as he can defeat the opponent, Tang Zhen doesn't mind using some low-level methods.

There is no right or wrong in war, after all, only the victor is eligible to live!
Opening the app store of the mobile phone, Tang Zhen didn't look at other things, but directly looked for the map app.

As Tang Zhen expected, after this upgrade, the map application really changed.

Tang Zhen was very depressed by the new purchase restrictions.

In addition to the map application, there are many applications that need to be upgraded, and various restrictions have also appeared.

Tang Zhen must complete certain conditions before these higher-level applications will be unlocked!

As far as the map application is concerned, the app store will provide Tang Zhen with as much map application as the area that Holy Dragon City can currently control.

If you want a larger map, you need to control a larger area.

According to the display in the app store, the map apps that Tang Zhen can download currently have a maximum radius of [-] kilometers.

That is to say, according to the judgment of the app store, the area that Sacred Dragon City can currently control is [-] kilometers at most!
Tang Zhen doesn't know where the app store got this data, but for him now, [-] kilometers is enough for him.

After paying a huge amount of brain beads, Tang Zhen's map viewing area increased by another [-] kilometers.

Looking at the blood-colored desert still billowing in the snow, Tang Zhen activated the [Map Modification Plug-in].


Tang Zhen and the bloody desert under his feet disappeared without a trace.

When Tang Zhen's figure appeared again, he was already standing on the gravel plain near Shenglong City.

The original gravel plain has disappeared without a trace, replaced by a blood-colored desert with rolling heat waves.

After the goose-feather-like snow fell from the sky, before it touched the blood-colored desert, it instantly melted into snow water and dripped into the desert.

After a while, the snow water will turn into water vapor again, slowly rising up.

The entire Scarlet Desert looks like a huge steamer, billowing hot air rising into the sky.

Due to the constant heat emitted by the Scarlet Desert, there was no trace of snow in the area around Tang Zhen.

Tang Zhen nodded when he saw this. The Scarlet Desert is really useful, and he deserved to work hard to carry it here.

[Terrain Modification Plug-in] has entered the cooldown, Tang Zhen can only use it again after midnight.

Stepping on the thicker and thicker snow, Tang Zhen headed straight for the Holy Dragon City like a gust of wind.

Because his speed was too fast, a snow dragon soaring into the sky was left behind him, dancing wantonly in the wind.

The tall city walls of the Holy Dragon City could not be his hindrance at all. After a few traversals, Tang Zhen stood on the walls of the Holy Dragon City.

"Who are you, hands up?"

Wearing a coat and covered in snow, Sacred Dragon City soldiers immediately surrounded him. The light of more than a dozen flashlights fell on Tang Zhen, and at the same time there was a black muzzle.

Because of the heavy snowfall, they didn't recognize Tang Zhen immediately.

"it's me!"

As soon as Tang Zhen opened his mouth, he was recognized by the soldiers of the Holy Dragon City. They quickly shifted their guns and surrounded them quickly.

"My lord, what's going on, why is it snowing so much?"

Wearing a military overcoat, the captain of the local tyrant, with snow all over his face, hurried over and asked.

"A big event is about to happen, you all cheer me up, you must not be careless, you know?"

After Tang Zhen finished speaking, he activated the mage defense tower casually.

A huge mask suddenly appeared, completely covering the entire Sacred Dragon Valley, without missing a single spot.

After the continuously falling snow hit the protective cover, it immediately slid down along the protective cover and piled up to the edge of the valley.

The mother tree, which was a little wilted by the severe cold and white snow, immediately became excited after the protective cover blocked the wind and snow, and countless colorful stars began to twinkle on the branches.

In the holy dragon valley covered by the protective shield, a giant emerald green tree that shone brightly soared into the sky, standing proudly in the wind and snow.

This fairytale-like scene looks extraordinarily beautiful and mysterious when viewed from the perspective of a map!
After the protective cover was propped up, the soldiers of the Holy Dragon City standing on the city wall immediately became beaming, shaking off the snow accumulated on their bodies.

"Damn it, it's the first time I've encountered such a large amount of snow when I grow up so big, it can almost bury a person!"

"Looking at the way the snow is falling, I'm afraid it won't stop for a while, and I don't know how thick it will eventually fall?"

"After this heavy snowfall, I'm afraid many homeless people will starve to death..."

These soldiers gathered together, smoking and chatting, but their eyes stayed on the wind and snow outside the protective cover.

In this snowy night, it is even more necessary to be more vigilant to avoid sneak attacks by enemies.

They don't know that the enemies they need to beware of have already come to the world of Loucheng along with the snow and ice.

It's just that these terrifying enemies are not on the ground, but lurking in the sky above their heads, slowly revealing their ferocious fangs...

(End of this chapter)

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