I have a city in another world

Chapter 405 Build the outer wall, the monster changes!

Chapter 405 Build the outer wall, the monster changes!

Time passed slowly, and before you knew it, it was midnight.

Tang Zhen did not return to the main building city to rest, but made a pot of hot tea and was drinking it by himself.

On the city wall, there is a room transformed by Tang Zhen, which can be used to store supplies and provide a place for the defenders to rest.

Sitting in the spacious stone house, Tang Zhen drank the hot tea in his cup and glanced at the time.

After midnight, the cooling time of the application was over, and Tang Zhen activated the [Terrain Transformation Plug-in] again.

Following the control of his thoughts, there was a loud "rumbling" sound on the snow-covered ground, and then a huge city wall rose from the ground.

The rising speed of the city wall was extremely fast, but in the blink of an eye, it had already risen to about 50 meters.

After reaching this height, Tang Zhen stopped continuing to ascend.

Such a height is very suitable for both defense and counterattack!
Due to the special effect of the [Terrain Modification Plug-in], the stone of the city wall is extremely hard and will not be easily damaged.

The top of the city wall is flat, nearly [-] meters wide, and hexagonal, surrounding the Holy Dragon Valley!
With his eyes closed tightly, Tang Zhen's brain began to work rapidly, and he began to carve the main part of the city wall.

Time was limited, Tang Zhen ignored those details, and only hoped that the city wall could play a little role in preventing the invasion of the Bingmei alien race.

After the general outline of the city wall comes out, the usage time of the application is over.

Slowly opening his eyes, Tang Zhen let out a long breath.

When the cooldown of the application is over, Tang Zhen will arrange the Scarlet Desert between the outer city wall and the Holy Dragon Valley, making it a heat source against the severe cold.

At present, there are only these things that I can do!

Walking out of the house slowly, Tang Zhen stood on the top of the wall silently.

The thickness of the snow outside the protective cover has exceeded half a meter at this time. It will cover everything in the wilderness, and there will be white patches everywhere.

The methods of the Ice Charm Alien Race are really powerful, but they have covered thousands of miles with snow overnight, completely turning the barren land into a land of ice and snow!
This method is simply appalling!
In comparison, Tang Zhen's three-star lord cultivation base seemed so weak.

This is also the reason why Tang Zhen keeps raising the level of Holy Dragon City. After all, no matter how powerful a person is, there is a limit after all.

But in an extremely powerful building city, there can be thousands of monks like this. When they work together, they are enough to stir up the universe and change the color of the situation!
If Sacred Dragon City had such strength, how could Tang Zhen fear the coming of the cold moon disaster like a tiger?
According to the records in the books, when the disaster of the cold moon comes, the monsters in the wilderness will mutate and their strength will increase greatly.

This mutated monster will become the servant of the Ice Charm alien race, attacking the creatures of hundreds of races in the barren land.

Under the control of the ice charm alien race, the monsters wearing ice armor will become the nightmare of all living beings in the wild land!

Tang Zhen was very curious about this mutated monster.

He would like to know when and how will this change happen?

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen immediately switched to the map perspective, and began to search for traces of monsters in the wilderness in order to obtain first-hand information.

Wherever the eye can see, there is a vast expanse of white, with occasional black peaks and emerald green lakes.

Because of the snowfall, Tang Zhen's vision was greatly affected.

Fortunately, the diameter of the map perspective is [-] kilometers, which made it easy for Tang Zhen to find the target he wanted.

Two hundred kilometers away, in a vast expanse of white snow, there is a giant level five monster roaring upwards, looking extremely angry.

The shape of this monster resembles a giant bear, but its body is covered with crocodile-like scales, and its huge mouth has criss-crossed teeth.

It is seven meters long and looks like a mighty armored vehicle!
However, for some unknown reason, the monster in front of him became extremely irritable and was running and destroying in the snow.

Even if a mountain peak is in front of it, this monster will rush towards it like crazy, launching attacks continuously.

Injuring the enemy one thousand and self-inflicting eight hundred, as the stone debris flew, the monster gradually became bloody.

Just when the monster's physical strength was greatly weakened and its expression became sluggish, another sudden change occurred between the heaven and the earth!
On the black light curtain that covered the sky and the sun, the original rune circle changed again, and a new kind of rune circle appeared on the boundless light curtain.

After the original rune magic circle disappeared, the feathery snow finally stopped.

However, with the appearance of the new rune circle, there are countless light spots falling from the sky, like dandelion seeds shining, they fluttered down to the snow-capped wild land.

Looking up, the dark night sky is like a boundless rain of light, making people feel like they are in a dream.

It's just that in this intoxicating beauty, there are endless murderous intentions!
The dots of light that fell from the sky didn't scatter randomly, but penetrated into the bodies of monsters one after another as if they had spiritual intelligence.

The monsters that had been invaded by the light spots immediately became more and more violent, and let out painful roars from their mouths.

In the entire wild land, there are monsters' shrill roars everywhere, and the sound shakes the world, making countless people who don't know it horrified and inexplicable!
Although they didn't know what happened in the wilderness, just looking at the snow all over the sky and the countless crazy monsters, they knew that something big would definitely happen.

In the wild land, everyone is in danger for a while!

As the monsters in the wilderness were invaded by light spots, their eyes gradually turned blue and their movements became more and more sluggish as they struggled.

Running and running, these monsters stood still, as if they had turned into ice sculptures.

A series of small whirlwinds appeared beside the monsters out of thin air, rolling up countless snow powder, covering the bodies of these monsters.

After the white snow touched the monster's body, it quickly adhered and piled up, and the accumulation became thicker and thicker.

It didn't take long for these monsters to be completely covered by snow, turning into countless big snowballs.

When these snowballs were fully formed, the whirlwind disappeared without a trace, and a faint blue rune array emerged on the surface of the snowballs, completely covering the snowballs.

The snowball standing in the wilderness is constantly shining with faint light, reflecting the surrounding white snow flickeringly.

At the same time that the rune magic circle appeared, the black light curtain that covered the sky and the sun suddenly turned into an emerald blue color, completely illuminating the entire night.

The sky turned into a wonderful color, bright and transparent, and those flickering rune circles hung high in the sky like stars.

This kind of scene is like the fusion of day and moon night, but the brightness between the sky and the earth is only half of the normal day!

The faint blue light filled the entire world, making this world extremely strange.

The snowballs that can be seen everywhere are shining with light, as if they are absorbing some kind of energy from the world, breeding and transforming the monsters in the snowballs...

(End of this chapter)

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