I have a city in another world

Chapter 4038 The Human Race That Never Says Die

Chapter 4038 The Human Race That Never Says Die
The summoned monks are extremely powerful, and can easily kill alien monks in seconds.

With a scream, the foreign cultivator disintegrated and was then put into a special container.

Presumably, before he died, the monk of the foreign race had already regretted his past. If he could choose, he would definitely not participate in this war.

The hoarse roar stopped abruptly at this moment.

This unexpected battle caused a lot of casualties, and more than 50 participants were seriously injured.

More than a dozen people were seriously injured and died because rescue efforts were ineffective.

For such a result, everyone had expected it a long time ago, and even rejoiced that the reinforcements came in time.

If it was later, the casualties would have been even more tragic.

The relatives of the deceased silently sorted out the remains and chose to bury them in situ.

The mountains are high and the roads are far away, so it is impossible to bring the corpse back to the place where they lived. Moreover, the human race in chaotic time and space is not so particular about it.

It has long been a habit to bury where one dies.

Because they were used to seeing death, the relatives did not show much sadness, but hummed a song softly in their mouths.

"Where you are going, there are high hills.

In the endless grassland, the flowers exude fragrance.

There is no war there, and it is a paradise for the happiness of the human race.

You can farm, you can also sing, or you can fall asleep leisurely under the big tree by the lake..."

The human race in chaotic time and space has a kind of pride that regards death as home. In their view, death is the beginning of another journey.

Maybe one day, the deceased will reappear in front of him with another identity.

They are not sad, and treat every stranger kindly, always maintaining an optimistic mood.

In adversity, this is a very valuable quality, and perhaps the main reason why the human race can persist until now.

Listening to the singing in the wind, the summoning monks were slightly stunned, feeling that something was touched in their souls.

It seems that at a certain moment, in a trance, such a song sounded in my ears.

After finishing the battlefield and confirming that there is no problem, the assisting monks left quickly.

They have other things to do, and it is simply impossible to stay too much.

Even the monks cannot completely prevent such an accident, they can only deal with it as soon as possible after the accident occurs.

However, before leaving, the monks still provided medical treatment to the injured so that they could recover faster.

The old man who discovered the foreign race managed to save his life, but his arm was smashed in the battle.

The wound has been bandaged, and the face is pale and smoking a pipe.

Looking at those dead and injured companions, the old man's expression was very indifferent. In the past years, he had seen too many similar scenes.

Even if there were tears, they had already dried up.

After treating the wounded, everyone began to prepare food. They had just experienced a battle and needed to rest and replenish their strength.

The laughing children became quiet now, worried that the noisy noise would affect the rest of the wounded.

Having experienced war since childhood, they can mature faster and understand what kind of responsibilities they need to take on.

After eating, people continued to walk in the wilderness as before.

Although they knew that the road ahead would be difficult and they had just experienced a brutal fight, but the people's pace was still firm.

The more dangerous the front is, the more courageous it becomes.

Everyone knows that only this kind of sacrifice and dedication can bring about a longer-term peace for the human race.

The old man was walking in the queue, one sleeve fluttering in the wind, and the other hand was holding a cigarette pipe.

The old and cloudy eyes will look into the distance from time to time.

There is the direction of home. I was forced to leave because of the war before, and I don't know what it looks like now.

There are stops and stops along the way, and I will meet other teams from time to time, and everyone is doing the same thing.

After communicating with each other, and then hurriedly embarking on the journey, in fact, everyone is eager to return.

After spending several times, the team finally returned to their hometown, a small town near the Seventh City.

Although it is safer to live in the city, it is easier to obtain supplies outside the city, and of course it will take more risks.

People always make various choices for various reasons. Don't think that the other party is stupid, let alone that the other party is stubborn.

When you are in the same environment, you may not be able to do better. In fact, every choice is the best result that can be achieved at that time.

The moment they saw their home, people cheered. The more they wandered outside, the more they missed the warmth of their hometown.

But when people approached their homes and saw the scene in front of them clearly, they showed painful expressions.

This war of alien invasion finally spread to their small town.

The homeland that has been worked hard for many years was destroyed by foreign invaders, leaving only a ruined wall.

Such a scene makes people feel extremely sad.

Some rushed to their doorsteps and sat in front of the ruins, weeping quietly, while others walked around the ruined village with blank faces.

The old man who had been silent all the way stood up at this moment.

He gathered everyone together, stood on a stone in front of the town, and looked at the men and women with sad faces.

He has done similar things more than once in the past, each time after a disaster.

The people who listened to him changed one after another, and many of them were no longer there.

Only he, the old man, has been persisting.

Because he always firmly believes that faith and courage need to be passed on and carried forward, so that the latecomers can see hope.

Something like this always needs someone to do it, but the old man has done it all his life.

Just like in the past, the old man encouraged people to regain confidence that although their homes were destroyed, they could still be rebuilt.

No matter when, you must always maintain your fighting spirit and have the confidence to win.

Not to mention this time, the human race won an unprecedented victory and severely damaged millions of alien coalition forces.

Such a tragic failure, even a foreign race cannot bear it.

For the human race, this is an unprecedented opportunity to rise up. If they can firmly grasp it, they will surely be able to fulfill the dreams of countless human races.

From then on, he gained a place in the chaotic time and space, and was no longer oppressed by foreign races.

Hearing some encouragement from the old man, everyone's mood really improved a lot.

It's true to think about it, the most difficult days have passed, and the road ahead will only become brighter and brighter.

I was not afraid before, so why not now.

However, some people put forward different opinions, saying that the construction site of the home should be re-selected.

For example, build a brand new home near the city of God.

By guarding the two big cities, you can get more opportunities and live a better life.

Because of the existence of the two cities, the chance of encountering danger will be greatly reduced. No matter whether the monks of the foreign race or various monsters, they should not have the guts to act near the two cities.

In addition, being close to the two cities can also give children more opportunities.

They are the hope for the future. If there is better development, it will make the residents of the town happier.

The old man fell silent, thinking about this suggestion seriously, and then called everyone to discuss it together.

Whether to rebuild the home on the original site, or move to the vicinity of the city of God, and rebuild a new residence.

After experiencing a war, people have new ideas and are more inclined to move to the vicinity of the city of God.

The people were convened again to discuss, and this time they finally made a decision to collect available building materials and go directly to the vicinity of the city of God to build a new home.

(End of this chapter)

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