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Tang Zhen suddenly discovered that there was a group of travel-savvy humans staying not far from the city of God.

Set up camp, level the land, and clear the dense weeds.

From the looks of it, they should have relocated from somewhere, trying to build a new residence near the city of God.

This is not a good idea, because countless objects will fall from time to time in the sky of this wasteland.

The size of some objects is almost the same as that of a mountain peak, smashing the earth into a terrible huge pit.

At this time, people gathered near the city of God will evade in a hurry to avoid being hit by falling objects. Only practitioners can move freely.

The best place to live nearby is naturally inside the Seventh City, where there is a powerful protective magic circle, so you don't need to worry about being hit by falling objects.

It's just that the Seventh City is already overcrowded, accepting many people whose homes have been destroyed.

Living in the city is by no means an easy task.

The human monks in the Seventh City continued to patrol the outskirts of the city of God, and naturally found this group of people who had migrated.

The patrolling monks persuaded everyone not to build residences near the city of God, lest it would cause unnecessary trouble.

Unexpectedly, this group of people had a firm attitude and expressed that they were not willing to leave. If unfortunately they were killed by being crushed, they would consider themselves unlucky.

For such a situation, the monks were also a little helpless.

When this war happened, the human race paid a huge price, and the common people even paid everything.

The war has been won, but their homeland no longer exists. Now they just want to rebuild their homeland in another place, which is not too much.

If this is not allowed, it would be too hurtful.

It is not easy for monks to force each other to leave, and in the end they can only issue a warning not to do anything out of the ordinary.

If it was in other places, the monks would not bother to pay attention to it at all, but it was different near the city of God.

This invasion war gave Shencheng a special status and was admired by countless human monks.

It has become very important to ensure the safety of the city of God and ensure that no accidents will happen.

To be on the safe side, Seventh City specifically notified Shencheng to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

Naturally, Tang Zhen would not object to such a thing, allowing anyone to build a residence near the city of God.

With the permission of Shencheng, the construction of the new home officially began.

Because of the lack of sufficient building materials, these people did not build ordinary houses, but chose a cliff to dig caves.

A group of people have their own division of labor and are busy every day, and a small town is gradually taking shape.

With the end of the war, more and more human races gathered in the city of God, and some of them stayed and lived in the town temporarily.

The vast majority of the human races came here for the fame, wanting to see this magical city.

All kinds of legends about the city of God have long been circulated in the territory of the human race, which shocked countless human monks and yearned for it.

They feel that there must be a huge opportunity hidden in the city of God, as long as they wait patiently to find it, they will definitely have the opportunity to obtain it.

The project of purchasing the flesh and blood of other races is still going on, and the higher the level, the more expensive the purchase price will be.

The most surprising thing is that among the products sold in Shencheng, there is actually a jade talisman for imparting martial arts.

Inside this special jade talisman, there are skills that can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words, and can be used after activation.

And it can only be used by oneself, and cannot be taught to others, otherwise the exercises will be automatically erased.

There are many types of exercises, divided into different levels, which are completely tailored for the human race.

As long as these exercises are practiced, the strength of human monks will improve by leaps and bounds.

As soon as these exercises were put on the shelves, they immediately caused a sensation in the human race. The higher-ups of the human race attached great importance to it, and sent a special envoy to visit the city of God that day.

Knowledge is priceless, especially skills, which are more important strategic materials than equipment.

Although it has been confirmed that the city of God is to help the human race, but this kind of strength is still a shock to the high-level people of the human race.

After experiencing the invasion war, no one doubted the city of God anymore. If it really harbored malice towards the human race, there would be no need for such trouble.

Easily killing millions of alien allied forces and suppressing five alien gods, the strength of Shencheng is needless to say.

If you want to exterminate the clan, it will be effortless.

Shencheng has been helping the human race from the beginning to the end.

Previously, exchanging the flesh and blood of other races for materials doubled the strength of the monks, and the most important thing was the change of mentality.

The aliens who were once feared are now marked with a price on their heads, and they have become the targets of the human race.

With the improvement of the strength of the human race, going to the area of ​​​​foreign races to hunt and kill will inevitably become the most enthusiastic thing for human monks.

Now there are many adventure teams trying to enter the alien race's area and attack the alien race's cities and tribes.

If nothing else, such things will happen more and more.

These huge changes occurred because of the help provided by Shencheng. If only the efforts of the human race were used, it would be impossible to achieve this.

It's just that the help in the past is still not fully in place.

Providing equipment is a kind of external force improvement. Although it can have an immediate effect, it is too dependent.

Once the supply is interrupted, it will have serious impact.

Providing practice methods has a completely different meaning, which is equivalent to an essential improvement.

As long as he is strong enough, even with a wooden stick, he can easily kill alien enemies.

With the inheritance of these skills, the rise of the human race is inevitable.

Of course, in the process of rising, they will inevitably be suppressed by foreign races. They are afraid that the human race will rise, and they will definitely destroy it at all costs.

Without the protection of the city of God, the process of rising will inevitably be extremely difficult, and it may be strangled by alien races at any time.

But with the protection of the city of God, and the provision of equipment and skills, it is only a matter of time before it rises.

As a high-ranking human race, he naturally knows what this means, and the excitement in his heart is almost beyond words.

If this kind of almost nanny-style support still fails to rise, it can only be the problem of the human race itself.

After receiving the news, the top leaders of the human race have already started urgent discussions on how to maximize the use of this opportunity.

He had wanted to create a group of elite monks for a long time, but suffered from lack of resources, and now he just seized the opportunity to practice the top-level exercises collectively.

Then exchange for a batch of middle and low-end skills, reward them to talented monks, and give them key cultivation support.

Ordinary monks can't be treated badly, they can collect and collect the original human skills, lower the standard of acquisition, and let more monks have the opportunity to practice.

In the past, restricting the spread of exercises was not only out of selfishness, but also because of unavoidable reasons.

Once the technique spreads, it will inevitably be known by other races, and then carry out targeted cracking research.

If a method of restraint is found, it will inevitably be a disaster for the human race.

Besides, the practice of these exercises requires a lot of resources, and the human race itself is in a state of shortage of resources.

The corresponding cultivation resources can only be given priority to elite monks, rather than sharing resources equally.

If the qualifications are not good, it will only lead to a waste of resources.

The practice of eating big pots of rice will only cultivate a group of low-strength monks who cannot cope with the oppressive attacks of foreign races.

As a result, monks at the bottom can only practice the most basic skills, because it can reduce the consumption of resources.

Wait until you have excellent performance and confirm that it is worth cultivating, and then gradually increase the supply of resources.

To put it bluntly, you are poor and have to formulate such rules.

It's different now, with sufficient war materials and more cultivation methods, the original rules can be changed.

As long as the low-level monks work hard enough, dreams that were out of reach in the past can now be realized.

(End of this chapter)

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