I have a city in another world

4040 - The reaction of the alien race

4040 - The reaction of the alien race

In the alien territory, the atmosphere is tense.

Millions of alien coalition forces were completely annihilated in the territory of the human race. It is impossible to conceal such a major event.

Soon the news spread, causing a violent shock.

The aliens were dumbfounded, they couldn't believe it anyway, and they were extremely skeptical about the authenticity of the battle report.

When did the weak human race be so brave that they defeated the joint army formed by the elites of the foreign races.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, this is a lie!"

Shouts like this kept ringing in the territory of the foreign race, and it was impossible to believe such a fact.

Alien races have always been arrogant and arrogant, and they don't even bother to understand the human race, just like humans don't bother to care about the daily life of pigs and sheep, even though they use this kind of livestock as food.

It is this kind of mentality that makes them unable to accept the result of failure, and even become hysterical.

It's normal to react so violently.

After all, the defeat this time was too outrageous, and none of the millions of monks from other races returned.

No matter how strong a human monk is, there must be a limit after all, and it is impossible to win this level of victory.

Behind this incident, there must be an unknown secret.

There is no problem with this kind of inference, and it is indeed the case. The human race won this victory, which is no different from Bai Jian.

The foreign race who cared about this matter began to ask around for news, wanting to find out the specific situation.

This matter is related to vital interests, and [-]% of the monks of different races who were lost were elite powerhouses of various races.

If they really fell and were captured, it would be a huge loss for the major races.

The terrified and shocked aliens didn't know that the loss of this invasion war was far more serious than imagined.

There has been no news of the five alien gods so far, and there is a great possibility that they have fallen into the city of God.

For this special city, the foreign race finally paid enough attention.

Originally, the battle between the two sides was limited to below the gods, but now it has quietly escalated.

But it is precisely because of this that it is even more necessary to be more vigilant.

The alien race has only grasped a very small part of the information so far. Under such unfavorable circumstances, it is impossible to act rashly.

They will spy secretly, gather information quietly, and launch a fatal blow at the right time.

It is absolutely impossible to act rashly, that is purely asking for trouble, and if you fall into the trap of Shencheng, you will inevitably pay a greater loss.

As for those noisy voices, there is no need to pay too much attention to them. The alien race regards the human race as pigs and dogs, and the gods are not raising the people.

These self-righteous guys clamor for power and interests all day long, but they don't know that in the eyes of the supreme being, they are nothing at all.

It exists precisely because of its value. If it cannot create value, it would have been wiped out long ago.

Several major alien races jointly discussed, and orders were issued soon.

The human race is despicable and cunning, and they used tricks to plot against the alien coalition forces, which led to the failure of this invasion war.

This matter must not be let go, the human race is bound to pay a tragic price.

However, among the foreign races, there are also a large number of spies, and it is because of them that the war was defeated so badly.

For this incident, a thorough investigation has been launched, and the black sheep will inevitably be severely punished.

This public statement sounds sincere, but in fact it is a hidden routine.

As long as you understand this war, you will know that there are no traitors at all, and it is entirely because Shencheng is too powerful.

Millions of alien coalition forces completely collapsed without attack, and were completely annihilated under the pursuit of human monks.

But such a fact must never be made public, otherwise it will inevitably cause great panic.

After all, such a city sounds too scary, and it will make foreigners fearful.

Blaming the traitor for the failure can conceal the truth and shift the focus of the conflict.

They even used this excuse to eliminate dissidents and suppress some opposing voices.

Even if someone questioned why they didn't retaliate against the human race, they could find a suitable reason.

Because the spies have not been eliminated, it is very likely that the secret will be leaked and the war against the human race will fail again.

While appeasing the people, the investigation of Shencheng also started.

Although there were investigations in the past, the strength was obviously not enough, which led to the accident.

This time, we must do our best to investigate, even gods will participate in it.

The hidden spies of the human race must also be activated and developed as much as possible.

The alien gods in several forbidden areas also entered into a state of war and were ready to attack at any time.

The fiasco of the invasion war stimulated the nerves of the foreign races, making them nervous and serious.

A series of arrangements have also been launched against unknown enemies.

But how did he know that Tang Zhen never paid attention to them from the beginning to the end.

If it weren't for the fear of scaring the snake, Tang Zhen would have entered the forbidden area of ​​the foreign race long ago, beheading him and turning his back on his back.

As for the sneaky methods of other races, they didn't pay attention to them. Even if they knew that there were spies approaching the city of God, they never deliberately caught them out.

Tang Zhen wasn't interested in this kind of small fish and shrimp, and after alarming them, how could he catch a big fish.

The same is true for summoning monks, as long as the spy is not too much, you can ignore the existence of the other party.

On the contrary, the monks of the human race have been busy during this time.

In a short period of time, they discovered dozens of spies, all of whom were bewitched human scum.

They accepted the order and tried to enter the city of God to find out the news, but they accidentally showed their feet.

Although the record is outstanding, the monks of the human race are becoming more and more vigilant.

The exposed spies are only at the lowest level, and the high-level spies hide extremely deeply, and it is very difficult to find them.

Fortunately, such a situation has long been expected, and it will not be caught off guard.

It is said that the investigation of these spies is limited to the periphery of the city of God, and cannot touch the core at all.

As for the interior of the city of God, monks are summoned to guard it, and it is almost impossible for spies to sneak in.

The higher-ups of the human race also attached great importance to this matter, and a group of elite monks could be drawn to garrison.

And not long after, a huge monastic academy was built between the Seventh City and the Divine City.

The monastery college is huge in scale and gathers the elites of the human race, only to cultivate the top talents.

Another purpose is that in the event of an accident, the monk academy can send troops to support Shencheng in time.

But any important area will inevitably be stationed with heavy troops. This is the case in the mortal country, and the same is true in the world of practice.

Such an operation is enough to show that the attitude of the high-level people of the human race really attaches great importance to the city of God.

In the past period of time, Shencheng has undergone two upgrades, and its area has become larger and larger.

If it is upgraded a few more times, it will be comparable to the Seventh City.

Each of the twelve cities of the human race invested countless resources and took a long time to complete.

But looking at the city of God, there is no need for manpower construction at all, and it will automatically expand every once in a while.

This is the means of the gods, it can be said that there is no doubt about it.

Many viewers were amazed and even wanted to follow this upgrade model, but they were ridiculed.

This kind of behavior is purely self-deprecating, something that even the upper echelons of the human race dare not hope for. How can ordinary monks do it?

When the news was sent back to the forbidden land of the foreign race, the gods of the foreign race became very interested in the upgrade mode of the city of God.

They are keenly aware that this special upgrade mode is likely to have great value.

(End of this chapter)

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