I have a city in another world

Chapter 4055 Reckless

Chapter 4055 Reckless

The power of the rules surged, forming a closed space, and the two alien gods fought non-stop.

At this moment, Qiu Ren became persistent and crazy, wanting to achieve his goal with all his heart.

What kind of consequences will there be, he will not think about it at all.

The alien gods who were attacked became extremely flustered, and did not expect to encounter such an unexpected attack.

Qiu Ren's behavior is simply the behavior of a lunatic, who doesn't care about the consequences at all.

Regardless of the final result, the five major alien races will be affected.

The five major races check and balance each other to achieve today's stable situation. Once the balance is broken, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Facing the crazy Qiu Ren, the alien gods didn't have the slightest desire to fight, and just wanted to escape from the battlefield quickly.

Report this matter to find out why.

He had a feeling that something was wrong with Qiu Ren's situation, but anyone with a bit of brain would not do such crazy behavior.

But when he wanted to escape, he found that there was no way to get rid of it, as if there was a barrier blocking him.

The unexpected situation made the alien gods more terrified, and the premonition of uneasiness became stronger and stronger.

"Damn bastard, do you know what you're doing?"

The alien god roared loudly, trying to wake up Qiu Ren, so that he would stop being obsessed.

But at this moment, Qiu Ren has only one thought, that he must complete his own experiment.

He didn't notice at all that the alien gods he hunted down suddenly fell into a state of sluggishness.

Apparently there was an off-site force that participated in this battle and murdered the alien gods at a critical moment.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it is impossible for Qiu Ren to miss it. He immediately killed the terrified alien gods and directly suppressed them.

The battle ended in an instant, and all traces were erased.

Qiu Ren's heart was full of excitement, like a child who got candy and couldn't wait to try it out.

He didn't have the heart to think about anything else.

Looking at the wasteland in front of him, Qiu Ren stepped up his attack again, and countless summoned monks swarmed out.

Over the entire city, there are flying figures everywhere, arresting the panicked aliens.

The dazzling blood rushed straight into the sky, and after devouring the flesh and blood of millions of alien races, the level of Shencheng was raised again.

The bystanders were shocked to see this scene.

At this moment, the flesh and blood god city looks like a terrifying demon god, which makes every creature that sees tremble.

And from the bottom of my heart, there was an unspeakable panic, and I just wanted to do everything possible to stay away.

But at the next moment, a strange feeling emerged in my heart, that fear disappeared without a trace, but it felt unusually kind.

It seems that there is no place that is warmer than the Flesh God City, which makes people yearn for and try to get close.

"I really want to blend in and never be apart..."

A monk from a different race made a dreamlike sound and flew towards the Flesh God City.

More and more monks from other races are attracted by the flesh and blood god city, and they keep approaching as if possessed by demons.

It flew directly into the giant mouth and was chewed into minced meat.

The stronger monks realized that the situation was wrong, and tried their best to escape.

They knew in their hearts that this was a great terror that they could not fight against, and they must not have any hesitation, the farther they escaped, the safer they would be.

Not only must he escape by himself, but he must report the news immediately to inform everyone of the hidden danger here.

The monk of the foreign race who escaped from the dead quickly reported the news, which once again caused the shock of the top management of the foreign race.

Originally, he had acquiesced in this matter and thought it was under control, but he didn't expect such a change to happen again.

If this situation develops, things will only get worse and worse, and may even completely get out of control.

On their own territory, this kind of thing is absolutely not allowed, and must be controlled and suppressed immediately.

It's just that the operator of this matter is a powerful god, and the high-level decision makers of the foreign race have no ability to control it.

In desperation, I can only send the news to the secret realm, hoping to get support.

The alien gods who received the message immediately became extremely vigilant, confirming that something had happened.

The god who dealt with this matter has lost contact at present, and it is likely that an accident occurred.

The situation is extremely critical and must be dealt with immediately, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

The alien gods mobilized together and went straight to the scene of the incident.

After arriving at the place, I realized that the appearance of the Flesh God City had changed again.

Ferocious and weird, huge but solemn, people dare not give birth to the slightest blasphemous thoughts.

He could clearly see that countless flesh and blood beings were being devoured by it, but he didn't feel that this was a sin, but an incomparably merciful redemption.

This ability to turn black and white and confuse people's minds secretly shocked the gods who rushed over.

"No, this is clearly the power of rules!"

Seeing the Flesh God City for the first time, the faces of the alien gods changed drastically.

They actually have a corresponding understanding of the God City of the Human Race, and they can see the origin of the God City of Blood and Flesh at a glance.

Compared with the god city of the human race, this god city of flesh and blood is more complicated and weird, and there are too many things that cannot be explained clearly.

For the gods, the unknown is the real horror, which means that things are likely to be out of control.

"Edomok that bastard, what the hell is he doing?"

Looking at the Flesh God City, feeling the unknown and terrifying atmosphere, a foreign god looked gloomy.

The Edomok he was talking about was an alien god disguised as Qiu Ren. This name was known only to the higher-ups of the alien race.

If it is not necessary, the alien gods will never mention their real names, which can be regarded as a taboo.

Breathing out angrily at this moment can be regarded as a kind of revenge.

Of course, this kind of behavior doesn't make much sense, it's just a way to vent.

"Edomok, get out of here immediately!"

Another alien god roared angrily, because the missing alien god belonged to the same god line as him.

If it turns out that this matter is related to Edomok, the gods he belongs to will definitely not let it go.

Although until now, there is no clear answer, but he has an ominous premonition in his heart.

As soon as the roar fell, a figure walked out of the city of God.

I saw that his body was covered with a set of flesh and blood armor, consisting of heads and stumps.

The constant wailing and roaring sounded shrill and gloomy, and even a group of alien gods were affected.

"This is... an artifact of flesh and blood?"

The faces of the gods were gloomy, and their gazes at Qiu Ren became more and more unkind.

Qiu Ren, who was wearing flesh and blood armor, showed an expression of incomparable enjoyment, and even groaned morbidly.

"Listen to it, what a wonderful sound it is, it has completely baptized the soul."

Speaking of this, Qiu Ren looked at the gods in front of him with an extremely serious expression.

"If you are willing, I will also give you a chance to obtain this supreme enjoyment."

Such crazy words, but they are said with a serious attitude, but it makes people feel extremely weird.

"Edomok, you'd better stop talking nonsense, tell me now, where did you take Qila?"

The furious god roared, Qi La was his fellow clan, the god who was in charge of investigating Qiu Ren but disappeared mysteriously.

The other alien gods also glared at the words.

"Correction, I am no longer Edomok, you can call me Qiu Ren.

That's right, it is the human race that I devoured and fused, a little guy that surprised me. "

Qiu Ren had a proud face, as if he had obtained an unknown benefit.

"Zilla is very happy now, although he resisted at first, but soon realized the mistake.

If you want to see him, I can satisfy this request. "

When Qiu Ren said this, he snapped his fingers lightly, and immediately after that, he saw the City of Flesh and Flesh begin to tremble.

Not long after, a huge head squeezed out from the mucus-filled city of flesh and blood.

When they saw the shape of the head, the alien gods were shocked, and it turned out that it was Qila who had lost contact.

(End of this chapter)

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