I have a city in another world

Chapter 4056 Interracial infighting

Chapter 4056 Interracial infighting
Qi La's huge head looked at the alien gods around him, his eyes were full of indifference.

Looking at the eyes of the gods is like examining the prey that comes to the door.

The atmosphere became more and more dignified, and at this moment, Qi La suddenly showed a bright smile.

Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, this smile is extremely ferocious.

"Welcome, my dear companions and friends.

Come on, join the city of God together, let us merge together and never be separated.

You will soon see that an incomparably bright avenue of gods is about to unfold before you and me! "

There was joy in Qi La's voice, and there was also a strong bewitchment, trying to seduce a group of alien gods to take the bait.

Looking at the attitude of the gods, they have become more solemn.

Qi La's performance at the moment is actually enough to explain the situation, he has fallen into an abnormal state.

There is a great possibility that it will be completely controlled by the Flesh God City.

"You goddamn idiot, you have to pay the price for doing such a thing!"

When Qi La's family saw this, they were furious, and the thing they were most worried about finally happened.

Qiu Ren went completely insane, and even attacked his allies, this matter must not be let go.

"Oh, how could this be?"

Edomok's fellow clan sighed secretly, feeling a headache, this kind of behavior is provoking internal disputes among the alien races.

If it is not handled properly, the consequences may be unimaginable.

He wanted to persuade him, but looking at Edomok's appearance, he knew it was useless.

When the gods recognize a thing, they will regard it as the truth and follow their own rules.

If you want the other party to change their minds, unless you win by force, or use your own rules to suppress the other party.

Edomok, who abandoned his original identity and regarded himself as Qiu Ren, was in this state of obsession.

He is now being demonized, ignoring the natural rules of heaven and earth, and doing everything according to his own will.

If you want to solve the problem, you can only suppress or kill it, and then study what caused it and whether it is possible to save it.

"Everyone, take action to suppress!"

At this moment, the gods have decided to join forces to suppress the black sheep in front of them.

"A group of idiots, you don't know how to grasp the opportunity.

That being the case, then obediently act as a sacrifice, so that my city of gods will continue to thrive.

With your participation, Shencheng will become stronger and stronger, and I will also become the King of God, reaching a height that you can't imagine! "

Qiu Ren's tone was full of longing. He had already determined through deduction that if Shencheng was promoted to the limit, he would be the God King.

For the alien gods, the god king is an unreachable supreme realm, which has never been touched by any god.

If he becomes a god king, he will have the opportunity to get rid of the shackles of chaotic time and space, and travel to the vast and boundless world.

Unable to cultivate to the realm of the god king by himself, he tried his best to cultivate the god city and give birth to the administrator of the god king realm.

Once it is successfully cultivated, Qiu Ren can take its place and gain the power to formulate rules.

Faced with such a temptation, how could Qiu Ren not go crazy.

He knew very well in his heart that if the alien gods knew the truth, they would probably be three points crazier than him.

Qiu Ren was not selfish and was willing to share the benefits, but these stupid guys didn't believe it at all.

He even had to kill him, and then completely destroy the city of God.

"You idiots, the benefits are already in front of you, but you don't know how to grasp them at all!"

Thinking of the possible consequences, Qiu Ren suddenly became furious.

The city of God is related to his future, and no one is allowed to destroy it, otherwise he will be punished by death.

"I don't know what's good, and I block my way of the god king, it's really a crime that deserves death!"

Qiu Ren's face was distorted, he let out a hoarse roar, and flew back directly to the city of God.

At the same time, Shencheng began to squirm crazily, turning into an even more terrifying monster.

He is more than ten feet tall, like a giant moving mountain, fighting with a group of alien gods.

Recently participating in the operation, there are five alien gods, all of whom have the strength of a mid-level god general.

He thought he was sure of winning, but when the battle unfolded, he realized that he still underestimated Qiu Ren.

The Flesh God City was so fierce that it was able to dissolve the attack of regular power, which made the five alien gods dumbfounded.

The most powerful method of the gods is naturally the rule attack, manipulating the rules of the world to crush the opponent.

If this kind of attack fails, you can only use close combat. For the monks of the gods, it is equivalent to throwing away guns and replacing them with fists.

Not only will the combat effectiveness be greatly damaged, but it will also increase their own risks. Although there are many people, they may not be opponents of the Flesh God City.

This ferocious monster is not easy to mess with at first sight.

The foreign gods were terrified, but they couldn't give up, they could only grit their teeth and continue to attack.

The five gods cooperated with each other, and their fighting power was naturally not to be underestimated. Soon the Flesh God City was suppressed.

Seeing this, the alien gods quickly increased their attack power, trying to kill the Flesh God City.

The victory or defeat on the battlefield is often in an instant, and the key depends on whether you can seize the opportunity.

The gods of the alien race became powerful and merciless, and they turned into giants one after another, wielding their divine weapons and smashing wildly.

The flesh and blood god city under attack kept roaring ferociously, and its huge tentacles kept waving.

Terrifying wounds appeared continuously, but they healed in an extremely short period of time, forming a scar shell full of natural runes.

The more injuries, the stronger the shell, and before you know it, the weapons of the alien gods can no longer cause damage.

Until this moment, Flesh God City began to fight back.

"You are all going to die, no one can escape!"

Qi La, whose head was covered with scars, roared again and showed a ferocious smile at the same time.

As soon as Qi La's words fell, his head turned to one side, and the sound of mucus squeezing followed.

Soon another head squeezed out from beside Qi La's head, it turned out to be Qiu Ren who had just disappeared.

After he appeared, his blood-red eyes flicked around, and a crazy smile hung on his face all the time.

The big mouth full of sharp teeth was split open, and a wild laugh continued. A long tongue was thrown out of the mouth, and it was covered with screaming and wailing heads of alien races.

Seeing this, the five alien gods were secretly surprised and had a bad premonition at the same time.

Sure enough, in the next instant, Qiu Ren launched a crazy counterattack, and his strength was more than doubled.

The five alien gods suffered heavy injuries, so they could only consume the essence of gods crazily, so that the wounds could be repaired as soon as possible.

If the divine body is not repaired, there is no way to continue fighting.

Originally thought that the outbreak of the flesh and blood god city was only performed through secret techniques, and it would not take long to end.

Unexpectedly, Flesh and Flesh God City had infinite endurance, and the fierce attacks came one after another, as if they would never stop.

At the same time, countless summoned monks gathered and threw the captured aliens into the mouth of the city of God.

It seems that in this way, sufficient physical energy is maintained, so that he can continue to fight.

Theoretically, it definitely won't work, but the Flesh God City is so weird, maybe there is such a terrifying supernatural power.

The five alien gods became more and more worried. Their battle was extremely exhausting, and it was impossible to continue.

The battle between the gods is often resolved in an instant, just to avoid the consumption of the essence of the gods.

Qiu Ren suddenly erupted and suppressed the five alien gods collectively. The longer the delay, the more dangerous the situation became.

"Damn it, could it be that this guy has been plotting against us from the very beginning, just to wait for this moment to explode!"

The alien gods woke up suddenly, always feeling that they were deceived by Qiu Ren and fell into his trap.

(End of this chapter)

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