I have a city in another world

Chapter 4058 Bai Ji's Shock

Chapter 4058 Bai Ji's Shock

When Qiu Ren was seized and possessed, and entered the city of God, he had already been exposed to Tang Zhen's eyes.

He thought he was hiding it very cleverly, and he thought no one would be able to see it, so he dared to do such an operation.

But how did they know that in the eyes of a powerful being like Tang Zhen, this cover-up has no effect, and it can be easily seen through at a glance.

Qiu Ren didn't know how ridiculous his performance was, otherwise he would be so embarrassed that he vomited blood.

Tang Zhen didn't expose it, but used his plan to dig a big hole for Qiu Ren.

Using Shencheng as bait to attract Qiu Ren to take the bait, and then achieve the final goal.

Qiu Ren didn't notice it, but thought he had a plan and achieved the expected goal.

Playing tricks with the god-king cultivator is destined to be impossible to pick up a bargain. He thinks he has gained benefits, but in fact he has fallen into a big pit.

At any time, don't think about taking advantage of it. The more you want, the more you pay.

It's fine to suffer a loss, and I'm most afraid of losing my life in a muddleheaded way.

The bait of Shencheng is indeed extremely delicious, no wonder Qiu Ren is so addicted to it.

His deduction is correct, Shencheng has advanced to the final state, and it is indeed possible to give birth to a manager at the level of a god king.

Although this is a fact, it does not mean that Qiu Ren can do it.

Still the same sentence, do everything according to your ability.

When a person who earns [-] a month plans to make hundreds of millions of wealth, it means that one foot has stepped into the abyss.

Qiu Ren is in such a state.

The crazy Qiu Ren didn't even know that the sacrifice method he deduced was the result of Tang Zhen's induction.

Compared with Tang Zhen's ability, his ability is like clouds and mud, just like playing chess. When he was still thinking about the second move, Tang Zhen had already deduced the whole chess game.

With such a level of strength, how can he be compared with Tang Zhen?

If Tang Zhen hadn't said anything, Qiu Ren might not have realized until the end that the sacrifice of flesh and blood was an extreme operation, and it would inevitably backfire on him in the end.

At the end of the sacrifice, one must sacrifice oneself, and it is an irreversible process.

Qiu Ren firmly believed in his own judgment, but he didn't know that he had fallen into the abyss and went further and further down the wrong path.

The arrogant and domineering foreign race would never have imagined that in the end it would be him who destroyed himself.

Tang Zhen's real purpose was naturally to catch the sneak attackers, and dealing with aliens was just a matter of convenience.

So far, the layout has gradually come to an end. If the attackers are still chaotic time and space, they may soon take the bait.

When that time really comes, Tang Zhen will close the net in time and deal a fatal blow to the opponent.

Although the plan is well formulated, it does not mean that the action is foolproof. The enemy is an ancient god king, but Tang Zhen has not set foot in the third realm of the god king.

The gap in strength is not the reason for Tang Zhen to retreat. Now that the hidden danger has been confirmed, he must find a way to solve it.

So what about the ancient god king, it's not like he hasn't killed him in the past.

Qiu Ren has already launched an operation, and will launch a sneak attack on the secret realm of the five alien races, and Tang Zhen will also help out at that time.

After killing all the alien gods, coupled with Tang Zhen's secret assistance, Flesh and Flesh God City will definitely be promoted to the realm of God King.

At that moment, the regular breath will spread uncontrollably, as obvious as a bright light in the dark night.

Until the last moment, Tang Zhen still needed to hide behind the scenes and continue to watch the aliens kill each other.


At the border of the human race, Baiji turned pale with shock.

He had just received the news that there was a riot in the territory of the foreign race, and a terrifying and strange building of flesh and blood suddenly appeared.

A city with millions of alien races has been reduced to ruins in a short period of time, and it is suspected that there are still gods involved in the war.

The intelligence did not mention the final result of the battle.

This is a war at the level of gods. It is difficult for ordinary monks to detect it, and they can only analyze it based on clues.

The results of the analysis are quite astonishing.

The alien gods who came to suppress it were likely to have already been defeated, otherwise there would not be only one ruin left behind.

Under normal circumstances, if the alien gods win the battle, there will inevitably be alien monks entering the ruins to investigate and rescue them.

But until now, there has been no rescue operation. One alien city has been completely wiped out, but the five major alien races have not responded at all.

After reading the intelligence information, Bai Ji fell into a state of contemplation.

Seeing the image of the flesh and blood building, Bai Ji immediately recognized that it was a city of flesh and blood.

Although he was not there, he would never admit his mistake.

Baiji was extremely shocked by such a god city of flesh and blood. He never thought that the sacred god city would have such a ferocious posture.

This type of flesh and blood god city is simply a killing machine, and wherever it goes, it is equivalent to opening the gate of hell.

If such a terrifying existence appeared in the territory of the human race, it would definitely be a terrible catastrophe.

At this moment, Baiji couldn't help secretly rejoicing that the disaster did not happen in the territory of the human race.

But more questions arose in his heart, who controlled such a terrifying city of flesh and blood?

When the thought came up, a figure flashed in his mind.

"Could it be Qiu Ren?"

This is the biggest target of suspicion, because the other party is a disguised alien god, and at the same time the owner of a god city.

However, the feedback information proved that the Divine City at the border of Flame Mountain was safe and sound, and Qiu Ren was sitting at the border right now.

That being the case, who is killing the alien race?
Baiji's first thought was that Shencheng was secretly operating, and there were monks who secretly controlled Shencheng.

But looking back, I felt that there was no need for this, let alone entering the hinterland of alien races to kill wantonly, this was an extremely irrational behavior.

While thinking hard, a thought suddenly appeared, which surprised Bai Ji slightly.

Could there be a possibility that the controller of the Flesh God City is Qiu Ren, and his purpose of doing this is only to target the alien gods.

When Bai Ji thought of this, his mood became more and more excited.

Baiji had heard the rumors that five alien gods had fallen into the human god city, and guessed that if the god city wanted to be promoted, it would be inevitable to sacrifice higher-level flesh and blood.

The main reason for being unable to determine is that his Divine City has not yet been promoted to that level, and there is no suitable sacrifice target.

But Qiu Ren is different, his level of Shencheng is high enough, so he must know more clues.

As a god of a foreign race, Qiu Ren must possess powerful power, and may have cracked the real secret of Shencheng.

Not only can it be upgraded, it can even be copied.

In order to avoid arousing the attention of the god city of the human race, he sacrificed wantonly in the territory of the foreign race, and even used the gods of the foreign race as hunting targets.

The more Bai Ji thought about it, the more he felt that such a possibility was extremely high.

The alien gods are selfish and crazy, and they will do anything to achieve benefits. If the benefits they get are huge enough, Qiu Ren may really take risks.

The more Bai Ji thought about it, the more he felt that he had discovered the truth. While he was shocked, he also felt an unspeakable fear.

If the gods of other races could not suppress the crazy Qiu Ren, it would definitely not be a good thing.

If Qiu Ren changed his target and locked on the human race as the target of attack, who can resist this kind of catastrophe?
At that time, the only way to survive is to turn to the Divine City within the territory of the human race.

"No, I have to do something, I can't sit still!"

Such a big event is related to the life and death of the human race, and it is absolutely impossible for Baiji to sit idly by.

Even if it cost his own life, he would never back down.

"Go to the Huoyanshan border first, and see what's going on at Qiu Ren's place, maybe things are not as bad as imagined..."

(End of this chapter)

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