Chapter 4059
The Huoyanshan border is not far away, and Baiji has arrived soon.

In a short period of time, earth-shaking changes have taken place in this harsh human border.

It is not only the environment that has changed, but also beliefs and hearts.

All changes are related to the city of God.

The human monks stationed here have grown in strength by leaps and bounds, and their equipment is even more excellent.

Especially the lava battle armor, which has powerful defense and killing effects, doubles the strength of human monks.

Wearing the top lava battle armor, one can even kill a hundred, killing the enemy blood into rivers.

In today's Huoyan Mountain border, the monks of the human race are full of vigor and have unprecedented high fighting spirit.

The monks are gearing up, waiting for the arrival of the next wave of enemies.

Since this time, alien enemies have continued to attack, and the fierce battle has almost no middle finger.

With the improvement of equipment level, this kind of battle has become a one-sided harvest, and the casualties of human monks are very few.

For such an obvious change, Bai Ji saw it in his eyes, both amazed and worried.

Sure enough, the more you know, the greater the pressure you will bear. It is clearly the territory of the human race, but it feels like breaking into a dragon's pool and a tiger's den.

When Baiji arrived, he immediately saw the volcanic god city soaring into the sky, and there were summoning monks hovering above it.

After the briefing, Baiji saw Qiu Ren who was practicing.

The two sides exchanged a few words, and the content was related to the alien race and the city of God, which is the hottest topic now.

During the conversation, Bai Ji expressed his admiration for the speed of development of the Flame Mountain God City, and asked for advice on how to lure the enemy to come.

Qiu Ren shook his head with a smile, saying that he didn't know too well, it could only be attributed to good luck.

Baiji smiled and did not continue to ask.

It's normal for Qiu Ren not to say anything, after all, it's about competition, and no one wants others to snatch benefits.

During the conversation, Bai Ji mentioned the changes of the alien race and the city of flesh and blood with unknown origins.

The discussion of this kind of topic is a very normal communication, and the commanders also want to know other people's opinions.

When talking about this incident, Bai Ji quietly observed Qiu Ren, looking for possible flaws in the other party.

Qiu Ren looked indifferent, and didn't think there was anything strange about this matter.

"Until now, the origin of the city of God is still a secret, and what happened in the territory of the foreign race is likely to be related to the city of God in the territory of the human race.

For the Human God City, we still need to be vigilant enough. "

Qiu Ren's attitude at the moment obviously shows that he doesn't trust Shencheng very much.

The first to ask for the secret technique, went to God City as a special envoy, and now ranked first in the competition.

With such a special identity, but to say such words, it is obviously not in line with Qiu Ren's personality.

It was his turn to be questioned by others, but Qiu Ren shouldn't have such an attitude. If Shencheng knew about his remarks, he would inevitably question the morality of the top human race.

"Don't talk nonsense, if it comes out of your mouth and enters my ear, it will end here."

Bai Ji hurriedly stopped him, but Qiu Ren showed a trace of disdain, as if mocking the other party's cowardice.

But he also knew that the words were very sensitive, so he didn't say anything more.

"I came here this time, hoping to learn some experience, but it's a pity that luck can't be learned, so I can only wish you victory in advance."

Baiji sighed lightly, with some unwillingness in his tone.

"I hope Your Excellency will not forget the promise I made in Shencheng."

When Bai Ji said this, he looked at Qiu Ren intently, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Qiu Ren pondered slightly, then nodded slightly.

Although he didn't say much, Bai Ji showed joy, and immediately got up to say goodbye.

Just after he left, Qiu Ren showed a sneer, and the murderous intent in his eyes flashed away.

At the same time, Baiji suddenly changed direction and rushed towards the territory of the human race.

Thinking back to the contact just now, Baiji was able to confirm that the commander of the Huoyanshan border gate was a fake.

I don't know where this guy came from, and he pretended to be Qiu Ren, so that he could avoid others' suspicion.

Although the appearance is generally the same, the pretender doesn't know much, which leads to some flaws in his speech.

In the end, Baiji tried to make a promise that didn't exist at all, but Qiu Ren didn't even question and refute it.

This is enough to prove that Qiu Ren is definitely not that alien god, but another guy.

The life and death of Qiu Ren's deity is uncertain, but he was impersonated one after another, completely ignoring the human monks.

Baiji was angry and impatient, but he didn't dare to act rashly, for fear that he would startle the snake.

The current pretender is not too strong, not even as good as Qiu Ren himself.

Bai Ji was able to suppress the opponent without any action from others.

It's just that it depends on the owner to beat the dog. The alien gods behind the opponent are too powerful, and Baiji can only choose to endure.

Otherwise, with his temper, he would have pushed the opponent to the ground and exploded with the hammer, and it is absolutely impossible to bear it until now.

The thing to do now is to inform the higher-ups of the human race and let them prepare in advance.

Things have already happened, avoiding and waiting is not the solution, we must find a way to solve them as soon as possible.

At the same time, I have to go to the city of God, ask the manager for confirmation, and ask for countermeasures to deal with the crisis.

When encountering such a catastrophe, the human race is powerless, and they can only tide over the difficulties by relying on the city of God.

I didn't dare to hesitate for a moment along the way, and finally entered the secret realm of the human race, and told all my discoveries and conjectures.

The higher-ups of the human race attached great importance to it, and even regarded it as a genocide crisis.

They knew very well that once Qiu Ren locked onto the human race and launched an attack, the human race would have no power to fight back.

In order to avoid catastrophe and preserve the spark of hope, the top human race issued an emergency order again.

All human cities immediately entered a state of combat readiness and were ready to transfer at any time.

The elite seeds of the human race are all sent to the border restricted area. Once the catastrophe strikes, they will immediately enter the restricted area to save their lives.

When the border monks of the human race encounter irresistible forces, they are allowed to evacuate and move to a safe place without needing to make unnecessary sacrifices.

Although such an order is issued, it will inevitably cause an uproar, and it will also have a serious impact on morale.

It's just that at this time, there is no way to worry too much, everything is based on the survival of the race.

Bai Ji served as a special envoy again, and went to the city of God to communicate, accompanied by several elders of the human race.

They left the secret realm and rushed to the Divine City in the territory of the human race, not daring to delay for a moment.

In front of the current Divine City, there is still a lot of voices, and monks from all walks of life gather here.

The scene of prosperity is absolutely unmatched by other places.
After reporting their intentions, the mission was quickly led into the city of God and met the administrator.

Bai Ji explained his purpose, with a worried attitude, asking how to solve it?

The manager of Shencheng always has a smile on his face and a confident attitude.

"What happened in the territory of the foreign race is just an inevitable result. When someone tries to crack the secrets of the city of God, disaster will follow.

The Qiu Ren you mentioned is the disguise of a foreign god. He tried to crack the secret of the city of God, and now he is suffering the punishment that belongs to him.

Not only himself, but the entire alien race will also be implicated, and this is just the beginning. "

Hearing the manager's answer, the high-level people of the human race were secretly shocked. They didn't expect that Shencheng was behind all this.

You can control the alien gods at will without taking action yourself, and set off a terrorist killing in the enemy's territory.

The ability possessed by Shencheng shocked the high-level people of the race.

In the past, I only knew that Shencheng was strong, but I didn't have a clear concept of how strong it was.

Now it is finally clear that the human race is as vulnerable as ants in front of this terrifying existence.

(End of this chapter)

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