I have a city in another world

Chapter 4060 Unrest broke out

Chapter 4060 Unrest broke out
Before the arrival of the human missions, everyone was worried, fearing that the disaster of extinction would come to their heads.

It is only now that I realize that the incident that made me panic is just a part of Shencheng's plan.

As strong as a god of a foreign race, it is just a pawn, and even because it violated the rules, the entire foreign race must be buried with it.

Such a powerful and domineering spirit is indeed enviable and shocking.

At the same time, he secretly rejoiced that Shencheng was on the side of the human race, otherwise there would be no such scene today.

With the means owned by Shencheng, it is possible to turn the territory of the tribe into a wasteland without any effort.

Bai Ji and other special envoys of the human race felt a sense of relief, but a deep sense of fear also followed.

Guarding such a terrifying existence, it is inevitable to feel panic in my heart. After all, if there is a slight carelessness, it may end in ashes.

For such an existence, it is very likely that it was an unintentional move, but the human race is too weak to withstand any storms.

However, this visit still has far-reaching significance, at least to understand the strength of Shencheng, and know that there is no need to worry too much.

The previously issued order can continue to be executed without changing it.

Maintaining a worry-free mentality is very important for the current human race. Only in a difficult environment can a real strong man be honed.

Thinking about it from another angle, this might not be an opportunity.

Once the alien race loses power, the human race can take the opportunity to rise up and become the controller of the chaotic time and space.

The human race is peaceful by nature, and their ambitions are far inferior to those of the foreign races. Even if they wage war against the foreign races, it is only a helpless self-preservation.

After the victory of the war, whether to drive out the aliens or kill them all depends on the situation.

It is too early to think about these issues now, even if you want to take advantage of it, your own strength should not be too bad.

Otherwise, even if you get the country, you may not be able to hold it.

The matter has been resolved, and there is no need for the human special envoy to stay, so he bid farewell to the manager and left.

After returning to the secret realm, another meeting was held to discuss how to use this opportunity.

After the meeting was over, Baiji returned to the border and continued to be responsible for guarding the border.

The Huoyan Mountain border is still as usual, but a few veterans of the human race arrived quietly, responsible for monitoring the foreign race disguised as Qiu Ren.

Pretenders are not worth mentioning, and any veteran can kill them. The key is that there should be no problems at the border, and the guarding human monks cannot be bewitched.

What's more, there is a god city, which is the biggest threat. If summoned monks are driven to attack the human race, no city can resist it.

Once the pretenders use the city of God to launch an attack on the territory of the human race, it is time for them to suppress it.

At the same time, the human race had sent spies to investigate in the territory of the alien race.

It is guaranteed that any news will be sent back as soon as possible.

This kind of in-depth investigation has never been done before, mainly because of the special situation.

This matter is related to the fate of the human race, and it will also have a major impact on the alien race, so we must maintain a high degree of attention.

Outsiders don't know at all that after Baiji returned to the border, he sneaked into the territory of the alien race immediately.

With his current strength, he can take on this important task, let alone his insistence.

He just wanted to see what kind of storm this guy Qiu Ren would stir up?
The real Qiu Ren is more ominous than good, and what Bai Ji wants to see is only the gods of alien races.

I want to know what will happen to this guy who despised the human race, tried to steal the secret art of the city, and now became a disaster for the alien race?
If this accident is really the beginning of the extinction of the alien race, it is even more important not to miss this opportunity.

Even at the risk, Baiji has to be a witness of this important moment.

It was only after entering the hinterland of the alien race that it was discovered that the place had fallen into chaos, with patrolling alien monks everywhere, and the people of the five major alien races were in a state of panic.

In the core area of ​​the alien race, although the five major alien races have territories, they have close contacts with each other, and many of them still live in a mixed state.

Unlike other alien races, they guard their respective territories and rarely communicate with other races.

The main reason for this situation is that the five major alien races have high self-esteem and are unwilling to deal with other alien races.

It is difficult for middle and low-level aliens to integrate into their circle.

Baiji originally thought that the chaos was caused by Qiu Ren, but upon closer inspection it was not the case.

According to the information received, Qiu Ren controls the Flesh God City, and his current target is only the alien gods.

Ordinary alien creatures have no effect on the Flesh God City, so Qiu Ren has no need to take care of them.

After careful investigation, it was discovered that the culprits were some small and medium-sized foreign races who took advantage of the chaos and launched a rebellion.

The tragedy caused by the Flesh God City spread in a very short period of time, because all the aliens knew about it.

This was just an accident, but it completely detonated the powder keg of the alien race and plunged the entire alien race into chaos.

The occurrence of such a situation was actually related to Qiu Ren.

Just a while ago, in order to upgrade the Flesh God City, Qiu Ren kept driving small and medium alien races to attack the border of the Flame Mountain.

Such behavior is tantamount to letting the aliens die. Not to mention how fierce the human monks are, Huoyanshan itself is a desperate situation.

Many alien races entered the Flame Mountain, and before the battle started, they lost their lives in a daze.

In a short period of time, heavy casualties were paid, causing the small and medium alien races to panic and anger.

They pleaded everywhere, hoping to avoid this catastrophe, but in the end no one paid any attention.

There are even monks from the five major alien races who openly ridicule these small and medium alien races, saying that they are just livestock waiting to be slaughtered.

The words and deeds of the five major alien races completely angered the small and medium alien races, and they clearly realized their humble status.

Even at this time, these small and medium-sized foreign races still chose to forbear, fearful of the powerful strength of the five great foreign races.

At the same time, they are still cooperating in private, thinking that in this way, they can gain the right to speak and be qualified to negotiate with the five major alien races.

They are not willing to tear their skin apart if they are not forced to survive.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Qiu Ren took the Flesh God City and slaughtered a medium-sized alien city.

None of the millions of alien races was spared, they were all killed by Qiu Ren.

The occurrence of this bloody massacre finally detonated the fear of the small and medium alien races, making them dare not have any illusions.

It turned out that the alien race that was massacred was the main member of the secret alliance, insisting on resisting the oppression of the five major alien races.

Unexpectedly, just after the alliance was established, it suffered a bloody massacre. Doesn't this mean that the five major alien races have already torn their faces?

He had already been forced to a dead end, and now even if he backed down and forbeared, it was impossible to end up with a better ending.

Since it is impossible to escape death, let's try it out, maybe there is still a glimmer of life.

With an order, the small and medium-sized foreign races that had been suppressed for a long time immediately broke out and quickly gathered in one place.

They tried to concentrate their strength against the attacks of the five major alien races, and even sent an application for cooperation to the human race.

In order to survive, these alien races don't care about any means at all, and cooperation with the human race has become the first choice.

The chaos in the alien territory was caused by this.

After knowing the truth, Baiji couldn't help sighing secretly that the five major alien races had long been in crisis, and they only relied on the powerful top-level forces to maintain stability.

With the changes at the top and the five alien races who lost their means of suppression, various hidden dangers also broke out.

Whether this turmoil can subside depends on how Qiu Ren behaves, whether he can achieve the expected goal of Shencheng?

(End of this chapter)

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