Chapter 4072
Years are like running water, rolling forward, looking at the picturesque mountains and rivers, I don't know how many times I have experienced cold and heat.

The wheel of the times is advancing, and no force can stop it. Everything in the world is a passer-by, and only rules exist forever.

The practitioners who were once extremely powerful and flew into the sky and escaped from the earth gradually disappeared from this world.

Unknowingly, practitioners have become legends, imaginary existences.

Something called technology has begun to emerge and gradually changes life.

Some countries that have tasted the sweetness began to use the power endowed by technology to invade and plunder other countries.

Relying on the advantages of their equipment, they burned, killed and looted unscrupulously, and countless humans were swept among them.

The devil named war has never disappeared, but is lurking in the dark.

From time to time, it will jump out, waving its fangs and claws, and harvesting a batch of innocent lives.

The whole world is affected by war, and no country can survive alone, and the stink of war and death has never dissipated.

It was just dawn, and the inhabitants of a city under bombardment were hurrying through.

Not long after it was occupied by the enemy, the traces of fierce fighting still exist, and corpses can be seen from time to time in the streets and alleys.

The body collectors pushing carts or driving carriages collected the corpses expressionlessly and dragged them to the ravines outside the city for burial.

Soldiers with guns passed by the street from time to time, their eyes cold and sharp.

From time to time, people were arrested, brutally beaten and scolded, and even dragged to street corners and shot.

The faces of passers-by are numb. In this chaotic era, they have witnessed too much death and misfortune.

The only thing that can be done is to endure silently and wait for the day when the suffering will end.

This is the sorrow of mortals, if they don't have money and rights, they can only sway in the tide of fate.

If you are not careful, you will fall into the waves and drown.

When civilization tears off its camouflage and reveals its cruel bestiality, any terrible thing that destroys humanity is likely to happen.

On a remote street, a blonde girl is rummaging through garbage, hoping to find food.

Her face was covered with dust, her body had small wounds, and there were dried blood stains on her clothes.

Through the broken trousers, one can see the red and swollen wound, which has obviously deteriorated and is bleeding pus.

The little girl didn't care about these things, she just hoped to find some food, preferably some medicine, and take them back to her family.

Just half a month ago, her home was destroyed by an air strike, her father was killed on the spot, and a hole was smashed into her mother's head.

She was playing outside with her brother and was not hit by the collapsing building, but was also hurt.

But compared to death, this damage is nothing at all.

The elder brothers and sisters of the neighbors never appeared in front of them again, and several neighbors covered in blood were rummaging through the ruins in despair.

The girl grew up overnight, knowing how to take care of her injured mother and go outside to find food.

It's just a chaotic and dilapidated city, full of hungry residents. They collected everything they could eat, and they didn't even let the cats and dogs killed by the bombing go away.

Rats are even a delicacy. Once discovered, they will be hunted down crazily.

Everything that can be eaten is eaten, but even so, it still cannot fill the stomach.

Want to spend money to buy, but can't find a place to sell it, and many people have no money at all.

The little girl could only look around, searching every corner, hoping to find bugs or something to eat.

While rummaging through, the little girl heard footsteps, and immediately felt darkness in front of her eyes.

She could feel that she was put into a pocket and then carried on her back.

She struggled and shouted loudly, but it was useless. Even if someone found her on the side of the road, she might not come to her rescue.

Otherwise, if they were stabbed, they could only lie on the street and wait to die.

The girl was trembling with fright. She knew that terrible things were waiting for her, but she was powerless to resist.

It didn't take long before she was dumped and found herself in a factory warehouse.

In the strong iron cage, several young children were locked up. They curled up together, and there was only fear in their bright eyes.

The little girl was still in a daze, so she was pushed in directly, and then the iron door was firmly locked.

The girl looked outside the cage, where several vicious men gathered together, they were chatting unscrupulously while gambling.

Because of the war, many people were sallow and emaciated from hunger, but these strong men had greasy faces.

In the pot not far away, this pot of hot soup was still boiling, exuding a strange and alluring aroma.

For some reason, the moment she smelled the fragrance, the little girl hugged her knees tightly in fright, her body began to tremble uncontrollably.

As a result, at this moment, a sound of footsteps came, which attracted the girl's attention.

Then he saw a handsome man in a robe walking in from the warehouse door.

Seeing this, several strong men immediately stood up vigilantly, and raised the knives, axes and short guns beside them.

They rushed towards the robed man, obviously wanting to strike first.

As a result, at this moment, a cold light flashed, and several strong men fell to their knees one after another.

The smelly blood spurted from their necks, like a broken faucet.

At the same time, a corpse floated out of the fireball and merged into the body of the robed man.

This strange scene made the girl's eyes widen, and a hint of envy suddenly appeared in her heart.

If she could do the same, would she be able to protect her relatives and kill those villains?

As soon as the girl thought of this, the man in the robe came over and put his hand on the cage.

The strong iron lock was torn off by the man, as if pinched by mud.

"You are free, do you want me to take you home?"

Tang Zhen said with a smile, his expression gentle and calm.

Feeling Tang Zhen's kindness, those terrified children crawled out of the iron cage one after another.

Standing in front of Tang Zhen, he was at a loss.

"Come on, I'll take you home."

While Tang Zhen was speaking, he casually picked up the cloth bag next to him, which contained a lot of food.

Under normal circumstances, grain should have been stored in storage space, but Tang Zhen couldn't do it now.

The sudden opening of the Dharma-ending era has completely cut off the path of practice. The practitioners who once flew into the sky and escaped from the earth have already become legends in the story.

The rapid development of science and technology has made people more and more sure that practitioners are just the imagination of the ancients.

Tang Zhen was naturally affected by the rules, and the devastating spells could no longer be used.

Tang Zhen has reason to believe that this is a conspiracy by the guardian, just to create difficulties for him.

Although the method is dirty, it also complies with the rules. If you can't bear it, you can evacuate directly.

It is impossible for Tang Zhen to make the guardian fulfill his wish. He still travels all over the world, looking for the broken body of the god.

After 2000 years, he once again felt the aura of the shattered divine body.

Only this time, the dispersal is more thorough, and it spreads all over the world.

At the same time, the target is randomly selected and hidden in the opponent's body. It must be close to a certain distance before it can be determined.

The purpose of doing this is to increase the difficulty of Tang Zhen's search, so as to create more fish that slip through the net.

There is another reason, that is, the energy of heaven and earth no longer exists, and it is impossible to practice to the king level.

Since you can't cast spells, and the gathering of gods can't increase your strength, it's better to disperse them in every corner.

The successive changes did not bother Tang Zhen.

Compared to hundreds of millions of years of trekking, this kind of search is not worth mentioning at all. As long as you slowly collect and search, sooner or later you will be able to contain all the hidden broken god bodies.

The villain who had just been beheaded had a broken divine body hidden in his body, which gave him great power and liked to eat people.

It's just that in front of Tang Zhen, he had no chance of being demonized, so his throat was cut open with a sword.

With the children who escaped, Tang Zhen kicked open the warehouse door and walked towards their respective homes.

Not far away, I heard a few gunshots.

Accompanied by the sound of hurried footsteps, a group of heavily armed soldiers rushed towards his position.

(End of this chapter)

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