Chapter 4073
After seeing Tang Zhen, the soldiers were taken aback for a moment, then raised their rifles.

The slightest mistake and they'll shoot.

Even if they were killed by mistake, the soldiers did not need to bear any responsibility. In this case, no one was too harsh.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Tang Zhen was dressed strangely, with a simple long sword on his waist and a cloth bag in his hand.

It seems so out of place with the humans of this era.

Not to mention that there was a group of children following him closely, with terrified expressions in their eyes.

Such a scene looked very strange, no wonder it aroused the suspicion of the soldiers.

Now that the situation is tense, and spies are being arrested everywhere, soldiers must ask questions.

"Someone captured these children and used them as food, and I rescued them."

Tang Zhen spoke calmly, telling the truth.

"What are you talking about, using children as food?"

Hearing this, the soldier immediately looked at the children with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

They were also a little shocked. They didn't expect that there were people eating people.

The soldier was about to continue asking, when an officer came over.

"what's going on?"

The officer looked stern, asked the soldier, and glanced at Tang Zhen at the same time.

The soldiers quickly explained that Tang Zhen had rescued a group of children, and some people used the children as food.

Hearing this, the officer sized Tang Zhen up, and his eyes fell on the long sword at his waist.

Simple and gorgeous in shape, it is an ancient magical weapon with historical records, which can be said to be invaluable.

In the next second, the officer raised his hand and raised his gun, and directly pulled the trigger.

The bullet flew out and hit Tang Zhen's chest, leaving a small hole in the robe.

Tang Zhen stood still, but the officer was slightly taken aback, and fired two shots again.

Unexpectedly, in the next moment, Tang Zhen rushed forward like lightning, followed by another flash of cold light.

At the same time, the officer let out a scream, like a fat pig being beheaded.

The soldiers came to their senses and raised their guns to aim at Tang Zhen, only to see that he was slowly withdrawing his long sword.

He looked at the soldiers without saying anything, but made them tremble with fright.

These soldiers have experienced wars, and they have all killed and seen blood, but at this moment their hearts are filled with extreme fear.

The murder weapon in his hand could no longer bring a sense of security. Even if his finger was on the trigger, he didn't have the courage to pull it at all.

The robe shook slightly, and three metal bullets fell from Tang Zhen's body, making a crisp sound when they hit the ground.

The soldiers knew at a glance that these were three bullets fired by the officer, but they didn't penetrate Tang Zhen's body at all.

Looking at the officer again, both arms were cut off by Qi Gen, and a pistol was still held on one arm.

The wound was extremely neat, but only a small amount of blood dripped down. At the same time as the arms were cut off, the wound was already anxiously closed.

"Shoot him, damn bastard, ahhhh..."

The officer wailed loudly, screaming and giving orders, unable to accept what happened to him at all.

He really couldn't figure it out, he just did a trivial thing, why did Tang Zhen cut off his arms?
At this moment, he just wanted to kill Tang Zhen and take revenge with more cruel means.

But soon he found that all the soldiers were trembling with fright, and no one ignored his orders at all.

This seems to be a beginning, which means that in the days to come, no one will listen to his orders.

"Enjoy the rest of your life. Every day that follows, you will suffer endless pain until you die."

Tang Zhen said slowly, a trace of hidden spiritual power entered the officer's mind.

You can't use the energy of heaven and earth, but you can use spiritual power. This is another way of practice in the doomed age.

Do not rely on the world, but rely on yourself, just like exercising your body.

The guardian wanted to make troubles and ushered in the Dharma-ending Age, but Tang Zhen had his own way to deal with it.

Time and space traveler's mental strength has been tempered for an unknown number of years, and it has been passed down along with his memory.

This generation of time and space travelers, who inherited the legacy from their companions, are not afraid of the threat of such guns at all.

Using mental power to create illusions and frighten targets is a very common method of operation.

The officer who shot the gun would inevitably become a mental illness in the eyes of others, and eventually he had a mental breakdown and chose to commit suicide.

None of such war butchers died unjustly, and no matter how much torture they suffered, it was only natural.

Under the terrified gaze of a group of soldiers, Tang Zhen led a group of children and slowly disappeared at the end of the street.

It wasn't until this moment that the soldiers were relieved, and their bodies were soaked in sweat, as if they were fished out of the water.

When Tang Zhen was here just now, they even had difficulty breathing, and their muscles were so sore.

Looking at the wailing officer, some soldiers gloated, thinking that this guy deserved what he deserved, and almost killed them too.

If this kind of thing happens, it must not be left alone, they will definitely report the matter.

As for how to deal with it, a decision needs to be made by the higher authorities, and it is very likely that the whole city will be arrested.

The soldiers were praying secretly, don't let themselves get involved in this matter, they felt terrified from the bottom of their hearts when they thought of Tang Zhen with a calm face.

There was always a feeling that Tang Zhen was different from them, but he couldn't tell what the difference was.

Just as the soldiers were still in shock, Tang Zhen led the children towards their respective homes.

The fact is worrying. These children are either orphans or separated from their families. Only the little girl knows where they are.

But when they walked to her house and entered the dilapidated house, they found that the girl's mother had lost her breath.

The head was severely injured, and she hadn't been healed for a long time. She just had a concern in her heart, and she persisted until now.

In Tang Zhen's field of vision, there was a hazy figure kneeling on the ground, prostrating and praying to him continuously.

The mother of the little girl who died could feel the difference in Tang Zhen, shining like the sun in the dark and cold.

She kept praying at this moment, but she couldn't let go of her daughter, and hoped that Tang Zhen could help.

The little girl knelt on the ground, calling for her mother who was lying on the quilt, tears shedding silently.

Maybe she knew a long time ago that her mother would leave her, but she has been working hard to keep her.

"Don't worry, I'll take her with me."

Tang Zhen nodded. Since this kind of thing happened, he didn't mind offering help.

Just like the next journey, there is an extra companion.

In this world, the time traveler is a passer-by in everyone's life, and if he is destined to go with him for a ride, it will be enough to benefit him for a lifetime.

With Tang Zhen's help, the girl buried her mother on the nearby grass and waited for her brother to return home.

But after waiting for a long time, the other party never returned.

The girl was trembling all over, she had an ominous premonition that maybe her brother had also encountered an accident.

Throughout the whole day, the gunfire in the city has not subsided, and it is unknown how many people will die.

Tang Zhen collected some firewood and lit a fire in the collapsed building. A group of children gathered around the fire.

In a broken iron pot, the food for tonight is being cooked, and the children are watching intently, their eyes full of longing.

During this period of time, they have always been hungry, and eating a full meal has become a luxury.

Just as the fragrance dissipated, there was a sound of footsteps outside.

"Eat it, be careful, don't get burned."

Tang Zhen said with a smile, then slowly got up and walked outside the collapsed building.

I saw a group of men and women, holding sticks and stones in their hands, looking over with greedy and fierce eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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