I have a city in another world

Chapter 4074 War Nightmare

Chapter 4074 War Nightmare
There is a pain in the world that has claimed countless lives and has always been the greatest threat to survival.

This pain is hunger, and almost everyone has experienced its threat, but most of the time it is not fatal.

But if it is really going to take someone's life, it won't take long at all, and it only takes a short period of time for people to collapse.

A stable food supply is the result of the efforts of countless people, but it is very likely to be easily destroyed.

It may be a man-made disaster, or it may be a natural disaster.

Because of the war, the residents of this city are in a plight of lack of food, and people die of hunger every day.

In order to obtain food, many people have become crazy, just like the men and women in front of them.

Just before dark, they also blocked roads and looted on the street, stabbing to death several passers-by who refused to hand over food with iron bars.

In the process of returning, they smelled the smell of food and gathered together without hesitation.

When the evil in my heart is released and I fall into a state of madness, I feel that everything I do is right.

Stealing food from a group of children did not make them feel guilty, but took it for granted.

If you can't survive yourself, how can you care about the lives of others?
"Hurry up and hand over the food, or you will know the consequences."

It was a man who spoke, wearing slightly worn-out glasses and a dusty suit.

He used to be a rich man on this street, had an enviable job, and lived a luxurious life.

Everything destroyed by the war, he also became crazy because of hunger, and persuaded a group of people to follow him.

At the beginning, it was just to fill the stomach, and soon began to do all kinds of evil.

They were originally victims, but now they play the role of a victim, and they are even more cruel and cold-blooded.

The men and women around him were also looking at Tang Zhen at the moment, and didn't care about this slightly weird attire.

Because of the war, many men and women are naked, and blankets and quilts can be found everywhere.

In order to combat the severe cold at night, some people even stuffed paper inside their clothes just to keep themselves warmer.

There are also naked women who pass by the street from time to time, and no one knows what happened to them.

This is the tragedy of the times. Many people cannot help themselves. Only cruelty and numbness can lead to a better life.

In the past years, Tang Zhen has seen too many similar scenes, and even more miserable scenes abound.

Such is the case with war, it is not a pity for the soldiers to die, and it is painful for those affected.

As the lord of the Loucheng world, I have waged countless wars, and I don't know how many creatures died because of my orders.

Tang Zhen has always been thinking about whether there is a way to avoid war and help everyone get rid of suffering.

In the end, it was found helplessly that this method does not exist. As long as there is greed and competition, war is simply impossible to avoid.

"You are not innocent and should not be alive."

With a soft sigh, Tang Zhen turned around directly and returned to the room with air leaks everywhere.

The men and women who tried to snatch the food left blankly and climbed to a five-story building that was bombarded by artillery fire.

Climb to the highest place, and then jump down one after another, hitting the ground with a dull sound.

Early the next morning, someone saw the horrific scene, and felt relieved while being shocked.

This group of guys deserve to die.

Tang Zhen took a few children, prepared small backpacks for them, and walked slowly in the city.

It was determined through induction that there are still two fragments of the divine body in the city, and Tang Zhen must contain them.

The strange combination of this team did not attract much attention.

Passers-by are in a hurry, trying to keep themselves and their families alive, and have no mood to pay attention to other things.

When passing by a street intersection, a team of soldiers was checking passers-by.

When the two soldiers saw Tang Zhen, they suddenly trembled all over, and their faces were as pale as paper.

Seeing this, the other soldiers thought that the other party had a sudden illness, and hurriedly asked what happened.

The two were speechless, but looked at Tang Zhen in horror, as if seeing a demon coming.

Just last night, they suffered unprecedented torments, and were almost scared to death by the experience in their dreams.

The protagonist in the dream is the man passing by in front of him.

The sudden change caused the soldiers to stop the inspection and let passers-by pass through the checkpoint.

Tang Zhen took a few children and passed the checkpoint without incident.

It wasn't until Tang Zhen passed that the two soldiers returned to normal, but their bodies were soaked in sweat.

When asked what happened, the two soldiers remained silent, not daring to tell the truth.

At the same time, there is also a hunch that something big is likely to happen next.

The two soldiers didn't know that after Tang Zhen passed the checkpoint, he went straight to the headquarters in the city.

It didn't take long before he came to the headquarters and walked directly towards the building in front.

The soldier in charge of guarding was about to step forward to stop him, but suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

The body was stiff and cold, and the invisible air became like sea water, making it extremely difficult to breathe.

The surroundings were dark, and the sentinel seemed to be struggling in the water, and he had no time to pay attention to other things.

Tang Zhen crossed the gate and continued to walk inside, which soon attracted the attention of more soldiers.

Seeing Tang Zhen approaching, they realized the danger and raised their guns to try to intercept him.

However, in the next moment, they seemed to have fallen into the deep sea and fell into darkness.

There were drenched, struggling figures in pain everywhere, and there were no soldiers to stop Tang Zhen.

In the process of advancing, whenever a soldier tried to attack, he would fall into the same illusion.

Several children followed behind, looking at the scene in front of them in surprise, and gradually came into contact with a different world.

An older boy picked up a pistol and stuffed it quietly into his arms.

The headquarters only has four floors, and soon Tang Zhen walked to the top of the building and walked towards the commander's office.

There was a crisp sound, the door was smashed directly, and a ferocious monster appeared in front of his eyes.

He was nearly three meters tall and had four arms. He was originally wearing the commander's uniform, but was shredded to pieces due to his swelling size.

It holds a heavy machine gun in two hands, a recoilless artillery in both hands, and a circle of neatly arranged shells on its belt.

After seeing Tang Zhen, he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Among the tongues of flames, scorching bullets shot at Tang Zhen, but were intercepted by an invisible barrier.

Suspended in front of Tang Zhen, there was no way to move forward.

Practitioners in the Dharma-ending era dare not face guns and weapons directly, otherwise they will seek their own death.

However, in front of Tang Zhen, the firearms and weapons that could tear apart fierce tigers and bears did not show the killing effect they should have.

In a short period of time, the chain of bullets was exhausted, but none of the bullets hurt Tang Zhen.

The monster roared, dropped the machine gun in his hand, and aimed the artillery at Tang Zhen again.

This cannon has been modified, and the loading method is faster, and it was fired by the monster in a blink of an eye.

With a loud noise, the surrounding glass was shattered, and gunpowder smoke and dust filled the entire corridor.

The monster fired two more shots in a row, locking on to the same position, as fast as lightning.

Amidst the deafening noise, the strange laughter mixed with monsters seemed to confirm that Tang Zhen was doomed.

But as the smoke dissipated, the monster widened its eyes and looked forward in horror.

Although he was hit by three shells in a row, Tang Zhen was not damaged at all, not even a speck of dust.

This strange scene made the monster very frightened and furious. It dropped the cannon and turned around and ran away.

The huge and muscular body directly shattered the window and fell towards the square in front of the building.

It wanted to run away quickly to avoid the time and space traveler's pursuit, and then mobilized armored vehicles and heavy artillery to bombard and kill Tang Zhen.

At the same time, Tang Zhen's figure appeared at the window, holding the cannon discarded by the monster in his hand.

Aim, fire, and a shell flies straight to the monster.

With a loud bang, the monster was blown away, and one of its legs was directly blown off.

(End of this chapter)

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