I have a city in another world

Chapter 4103 Garbage star, garbage city, garbage people.

Chapter 4103 Garbage star, garbage city, garbage people.

The real strong will always appear last, so as not to waste combat power.

Just like at this moment, the ball that intercepted Tang Zhen obviously has a higher level

Even before the fight, Tang Zhen could still feel the trembling aura released by the other party.

According to Tang Zhen's judgment, the round ball is comparable to the king of gods.

In an advanced technological civilization, it is indeed somewhat unexpected that there are such powerful practitioners.

Could it be that this technological civilization is controlled by practitioners?

Tang Zhen was puzzled, but he didn't have time to deduce it.

Just because at this moment, the ball's attack broke out instantly, and the power of the rule went straight to Tang Zhen.

It is not a destructive rule, but a means of confinement, trying to trap Tang Zhen here.

As long as the attack is successful, Tang Zhen may be trapped here.

The attitude of the other party is very clear, that is, they want to capture but not kill, and the living gods are more valuable.

Tang Zhen sneered, how could he let the other party get what he wanted.

Although compared to the rules of killing, the rules of imprisonment are more difficult to deal with, and if you are not careful, you will be tricked.

However, Tang Zhen has rich experience, and when the ball launched an attack, he had already cracked it effortlessly.

This cracking speed is enough to make the enemy dumbfounded.

"So what about God King, I really thought I could stop me!"

Amidst the loud noise, the intercepted ball was blown away, and shot into the boundless sea of ​​stars like shells.

It's like a ball blocking the way, being kicked away by Tang Zhen, with so much strength.

The barrier blocking the way was cleared, and Tang Zhen erupted again, completely breaking through the enemy's interception.

At this moment, Tang Zhen was temporarily out of crisis.

However, he also knew that there was a terrifying unknown existence in the inner core of the composite star.

If you don't find out the root of the other party, you must not take it lightly.

Tang Zhen didn't intend to fight, but withdrew from the battlefield before making further plans.

But before leaving, he still locked onto a ball and launched an attack suddenly.

The other party was caught off guard, and was captured by Tang Zhen.

Seeing this, the other spheres tried to rescue their accomplices one after another, and the powerful consciousness from the planetary assembly enveloped Tang Zhen again.

Judging by the reaction, the opponent did not want Tang Zhen to be captured, and tried his best to rescue his companion.

It was impossible for Tang Zhen to let the other party get what he wanted, but in an instant, he put the ball into the Kingdom of God in his mind.

The goal has been achieved, Tang Zhen no longer hesitates, and the origin of God explodes violently again.

Construct acceleration rules to assist self-evacuation.

When he appeared again, he had already left the battlefield, and the distance and direction could not be confirmed for the time being.

Tang Zhen knew very well that the opponent would not give up easily, and would probably continue to pursue.

The thing to do now is to hide their tracks.

His divine sense scanned all directions and found a barren planet, and he flew directly into it.

Soon he discovered that this planet was sparsely populated, but there were many monsters living there.

The monsters are not particularly powerful and have no ability to go into space, otherwise they will be attacked by the outer space defense fortress.

This space fortress should be used to supervise the planet, and the airport can park medium-sized space battleships.

The entire deserted planet will be under the supervision of the fortress, and there will be no omissions.

There are no urban buildings on the planet, but there are countless garbage, which looks more like a garbage recycling bin.

Such a place is better, and it is easier to hide yourself.

Avoiding Battlestar with ease, Tang Zhen entered this world and randomly chose a giant garbage dump.

The area of ​​the garbage dump is huge, covering millions of square kilometers, and the thickness of the accumulation is even thousands of meters.

There are hundreds of similar garbage dumps on the planet.

The garbage discarded here contains many dangerous pollutants, and it is also the source of biological variation on the planet.

The lower the civilization, the more serious the waste. As long as production and life continue, garbage will continue to be produced.

Especially the interstellar civilization, which produces more and more terrible garbage, must be disposed of properly, otherwise it will inevitably cause endless disasters.

If the garbage is not handled well, it will cause huge hidden dangers. It is definitely the behavior of local tyrants to choose abandoned planets for accumulation.

Treating a planet as a garbage dump is only the most superficial operation, and different levels of civilization have different methods.

He has also seen that garbage stars are built in space, attracting all kinds of garbage and meteorites like magnets.

Over time, special planets have been forcibly created.

The garbage dump selected by Tang Zhen has built a garbage city with about 10,000+ residents.

They don't know why, they will live on this garbage planet, and their lives are a bit miserable.

Not far from Garbage City, there is a huge lake with condensed garbage, which exudes an unusually pungent smell.

Just one sip of the sticky and smelly lake water can kill you instantly.

But such a lake still has life, and there are all kinds of weird plants beside the lake.

The vitality is extremely tenacious, and possesses terrible toxins.

The Garbage City is built at the bottom of the garbage dump, and it is full of garbage people.

This is not a curse, but the other party's self-proclaimed, who doesn't care about the derogatory meaning in it.

The original indigenous residents dug out large pits, and then continued to dig down, and finally transformed them into living places.

There is no way to count how many residents there are in the garbage dump. They are like mice. They are born underground and die underground, and they are silent from birth to death.

The heavily polluted environment has mutated garbage dumpers, and many of them are short-lived ghosts.

As long as you live in a garbage city, you will definitely encounter unattended corpses, and you will get used to it after a long time.

This kind of chaotic place is very suitable for hiding and looking for more intelligence information.

Entering the bottom of the tiankeng, Tang Zhen restrained his aura and pretended to be a local aborigine.

The entrance of this garbage city is 3000 meters below the garbage mountain, and thousands of meters away from the ground.

Standing at the bottom and looking up at the sky, it looks like the head of a deep well, only a cloud of gray and mist.

Not far away is a dilapidated warship with a big hole behind its butt, which is one of the entrances to Garbage City.

Occasionally, residents of Garbage City will come out of it, and then leave on a vehicle.

Through these garbage dumps, obtain various survival resources, and survive like cockroaches.

Tang Zhen entered the exit and continued walking along the winding passage.

Among the piles of debris, criss-cross passages were opened up, and the road must be bumpy.

Fortunately, it has been reinforced, so there is no need to worry about collapsing.

These criss-cross passages are actually opened up by garbage collectors after a long period of time in order to find useful items.

Generation after generation, gradually formed today's garbage city.

This behavior is similar to mining, but the rewards are more abundant, often getting a lot of unexpected things.

After traveling a certain distance, I came to a spacious space, which was actually the interior of a star warship.

Special materials and structures support a huge space, where many garbage men are trading.

The main trade items are food, and there are various tool parts, most of which are handcrafted.

In addition, there are weapons, which are used to deal with the monsters in the garbage mountain.

"The sand melons from the prairie have just arrived, so hurry up if you want to buy them!"

"Gr9 individual rations, the production date is 250 years ago, and there are five boxes in total. This is the best reserve food, only ten grams of Taylor alloy."

"The cutting gun made by Master Karl is your best companion for mining. You can take this tool away with three hundred grams of Taylor alloy!"

"The unnamed notebook contains information written in ciphertext and a topographic map. It is suspected to be related to a treasure in a junkyard."

There were not many merchants yelling, and most of them were silent, guarding their booths quietly.

Tang Zhen glanced at it casually, but there was nothing he was interested in. Commodities that were regarded as treasures by traders were no different from rags in his eyes.

After walking around the shopping mall, Tang Zhen walked slowly towards the deepest part of the garbage city along the rugged passage.

(End of this chapter)

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