I have a city in another world

4104 - Garbage Man Playing

4104 - Garbage Man Playing

The passages of Garbage City are extremely deep, many places are abandoned, and many places are very dangerous.

It is very easy to get lost while walking here.

There are also some garbage people who don't like contact with outsiders and always go to remote places as much as possible.

It can be said that it is difficult to find someone here.

In a special place like this, the law and order must not be much better, and fighting is also a common occurrence.

When passing through some passages, you can occasionally see some closed doors, or extremely secret entrances.

Most of places like this belong to private territory, and the purpose of setting up gates is to prevent others from entering.

If you break in by force, it is tantamount to provoking a war.

Tang Zhen strolled around leisurely, as if he had nothing to worry about.

It's useless to be anxious, the enemy is powerful, and you can't fight against it.

What's more, you have to hide yourself to avoid the enemy's search and arrest.

In addition to hiding to avoid capture, it is also necessary to collect information and make adequate preparations for the next operation.

This matter is related to the fragments of the divine body. Tang Zhen will definitely not give up easily, and must do his best to achieve the goal.

I don't know how far I walked, but the passage ahead has come to an end.

Tang Zhen firmly remembered the route he traveled all the way, and it was a mess.

Even with a map, it is possible to get lost in the passage.

Tang Zhen's current identity is an aborigine of the garbage rookie, a garbage man hiding in a remote location.

For the gods, such hiding has no meaning, and it can be discovered without any effort.

Tang Zhen is not for hiding either, he is just for acting, to deceive the enemy and ignore his own existence.

So from now on, he is an ordinary resident of Garbage City, and his words and deeds are constantly approaching.

A really good actor is to be the same inside and out.

At this moment, Tang Zhen couldn't wait to pick up the garbage and dig mines at the bottom of the garbage mountain.

I don't know what is at the end of the passage, it looks huge, and there are residual cutting marks on the surface.

No need to guess, someone tried to cut it open, but it didn't work.

There is a great possibility that the tool is not in hand.

"As a qualified garbage man, you must have some handy tools."

Tang Zhen looked around, began to collect some items, and kept modifying them like flying fingers.

Do not use the power of gods, only rely on your own knowledge and skills to modify and manufacture.

Of course, in the process of manufacturing, some materials still need to be added, all of which have the effect of turning decay into magic.

Not long after, an object resembling a flamethrower appeared in front of Tang Zhen.

Holding the tool in his hand, he lightly activated the switch, and a tongue of flame about two meters long popped out.

The tongue of fire is thin and long, like a ray of light, shining with a faint blue light.

Pointing at the wall in front of it, stroked lightly a few times, and then heard the sound of clattering.

The thick alloy wall was cut into pieces, exposing the space behind.

The choking smoke brought by the combustion cannot be dissipated in time, which can easily lead to poisoning incidents.

Under normal circumstances, garbagemen will use smoke collectors, as well as gas masks to combat poisonous smoke.

There are also portable fire extinguishing devices, such as miniature fire extinguishing bombs, which can easily extinguish small-scale fires.

A large-scale fire has never happened before, and it has never happened once in history.

There is a legend among the garbage people that this world will never catch fire. It is said that it is the rule set by the ancient gods.

For this legend, many garbage people sneered, how can there be any gods?
Tang Zhen was able to confirm that the rules of this world restrained the flames, and it was true that large-scale combustion could not occur.

A long time ago, there may have been practitioners in this world, and they were quite powerful gods.

The barrier blocking the road was cut open, and the scene behind was displayed in front of my eyes, which turned out to be an empty area.

Under normal circumstances, it takes a certain amount of luck to find open areas.

Most of the time, it is a mess of garbage, and it is piled up tightly.

For garbage collectors, being able to find a space often represents good luck.

Because most of the space is inside of large equipment, there are likely to be precious items left behind.

Even if there are no items, it can also be used as a residence, eliminating the need for laborious cleaning.

Junk Star has storage equipment, which is a must-have for miners, and is used to hold garbage and loot.

It is a customary rule that the excavated garbage must be disposed of in person.

It is not allowed to litter and occupy the public area of ​​Garbage City, otherwise, once discovered, they will inevitably be attacked by groups.

No matter where, there must be rules, and reckless behavior is absolutely not allowed.

"Not bad luck."

Looking at the dim space in front of him, Tang Zhen stepped in and saw some traces of battle.

There are still corpses in the corner, which have long been decayed.

Before that, he was wondering why there was so much rubbish. After seeing some items, he already knew the real answer.

These are all space junk, collected by the cleaners, and put on the garbage planet.

This approach is to ensure the cleanliness of space and prevent interstellar activities from being affected.

When human beings can't control the starry sky, they will feel that the starry sky is extremely vast, and it doesn't matter how much garbage they throw away.

After controlling the starry sky, you will find that these garbage are extremely troublesome, and you must clean it regularly and repeat it every once in a while.

Cleaning up is time-consuming, and garbage disposal is even more of a headache. Whether it is thrown into a star or thrown into a black hole, there are various drawbacks and hidden dangers.

Throwing it to an abandoned planet is also one of the ways to deal with it.

There must have been a tragic war in this area back then, so a large number of spaceships were damaged.

It's just that when the space junk is put in, it must have been cleaned up, and valuable items will be collected and recycled.

When it is put on this planet, it is basically real garbage, and the cleaners simply look down on it.

For garbage people, it is a useful good thing.

Tang Zhen played the role of an aborigine, so he was naturally pleasantly surprised when he encountered such a place.

Such a vivid performance is because the king of gods has the ability to investigate based on key clues.

But anyone who matches the content has a chance to be found and locked.

Inside that planetary assembly, there is a powerful existence hidden, which should be at the level of the ancient god king.

If it weren't for that kind of existence, it would be impossible to bring such an obvious sense of crisis, and they would frantically warn when they approached.

An existence like this, once it finds itself, will definitely not give up easily.

Unless you leave far away from here and leave the area where the opponent is investigating, it is very likely that you will be spotted by the enemy.

If you don't want to be discovered, you have to avoid the other party's detection, so that you don't meet the search conditions.

Pretending to be a good method is to hide the original identity and pretend to be an aborigine who does not meet the investigation.

To put it bluntly, it is a kind of deception, allowing the enemy to clearly see themselves, but unable to discover their true identity.

Seems simple, but very effective.

Reaching out and throwing it lightly, a lamp is attached to the top of the head, revealing the details of the entire interior of the cabin.

Tang Zhen took a look and was ready to act.

As a result, at this moment, he suddenly heard a series of voices, and then saw a hatch at the other end of the spaceship being violently kicked open.

A burly man wearing spliced ​​armor came in from behind the hatch.

After seeing Tang Zhen, he was taken aback for a moment.

"Big man, don't be so violent, if you break something valuable, then we will pay for it!"

There was a voice rambling, and then three figures came in one after another.

Two women and one man, all dressed as garbage men.

After seeing Tang Zhen, they also froze in place. They didn't expect to meet other competitors in such a remote place.

(End of this chapter)

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