Chapter 4105
Inside the damaged spaceship, Ann suddenly became quiet.

The group of aborigines looked at Tang Zhen, their eyes turned slightly, as if they were thinking about something.

There is a great possibility that he wants to kill Tang Zhen and occupy this place to himself.

Similar things are not uncommon. In the deep passages of Garbage City, there is never a shortage of unjust dead souls.

Fighting because of interests, such situations happen from time to time.

The boy of the group of four is the leader and has the strongest strength, but he is only at the third level.

On the contrary, in the depths of his soul, there is some kind of power sealed, indicating that there should be some stories about him.

At this moment, the young man was staring at Tang Zhen intently, like a fierce lynx.

"It's unlucky, why are there other miners here?"

The boy's face was stained with oil, and a piece of colorless cloth was tied on his head, and he said in a depressed tone.

The faces of the two women beside him were as indifferent as ice, and their weapons had already been drawn.

The situation at this moment is a bit tense.

Compared to the nervousness of the group of four, Tang Zhen's expression did not change at all. He just glanced at each other before turning around to search in the cabin.


Seeing this, the group of four on the opposite side was surprised and speechless.

Apparently Tang Zhen on the opposite side didn't take them seriously at all, and he didn't even have the intention of fighting.

But that's good too, although the number of people has an advantage, it may not be Tang Zhen's opponent.

The man in front of them made them feel that their breathing was oppressed, which meant that he was definitely not an ordinary miner in a garbage city.

"Let's find our own, don't conflict with him."

The boy rolled his eyes and quickly made up his mind not to conflict with Tang Zhen for the time being.

While they were searching, they were still observing Tang Zhen to prevent accidents from happening.

The harsh and cruel competitive environment made the group of four cautious. If they hadn't maintained enough vigilance, they would have died many times already.

Not far away, Tang Zhen ignored the four garbage miners at all, but searched in the spaceship on his own.

To him, the other party is just an ant-like existence, which can be directly wiped out with a single thought.

I don't need to pay attention to it at all, but continue to play my role and deal with the secret investigation of that mysterious consciousness.

If the other party committed suicide, Tang Zhen would not be polite, this is where their bones are buried.

Looking at the current situation, the other party is very honest, and it seems that he does not want to have a dispute with Tang Zhen.

Passing by a corpse, Tang Zhen stopped and kicked the corpse into pieces.

The floor under the bones cracked, revealing a box, which was sealed extremely tightly.

With such a tight package, there must be valuables.

Tang Zhen waved the tool and slid over the box, and then heard a crisp sound.

The originally sturdy box was cut in half, and the contents rolled out.

"It's the voice of Taylor alloy!"

The group of four who searched hard, their eyes widened when they heard the crisp sound.

The boy with the headband looked even more excited, looking at where Tang Zhen was.

When he saw the thin metal strips scattered inside the box, his eyes immediately turned bright red.

"Standard Taylor alloy bars, one is 270 grams, there are a total of [-] five in the box, the total is..."

The young man seemed to be possessed, muttering to himself while calculating the value of these Taylor alloys.

But after all the calculations, the boy just got stuck, and as a scumbag, he couldn't figure it out at all.

"Ah, I don't know how many, but there are a lot!"

Without turning his head, the boy said to his companion in a questioning tone: "How about, let's do it!"

His three companions were also looking at Tang Zhen, focusing on the box.

Just like the envious young man, they have never seen such wealth, it is simply an astronomical sum.

I never dreamed that such a treasure was hidden in this dilapidated spaceship.

But unfortunately, wealth does not belong to them.

At this moment, similar thoughts appeared in their hearts, should they rob wealth?

As a result, at this moment, they saw Tang Zhen's expression.

A calm face, as if this is a pile of scrap iron, without any value.

The calmer it is, the more disturbing it is.

"You want this thing?"

Tang Zhen turned his head and looked at the four trash star natives.

"Of course I want to, this is Taylor alloy, who will have trouble with money!"

The boy said loudly, his eyes still red.

Although he shouted to grab a fight with his companions, he didn't take any action.

Either he didn't have the guts, or he was afraid of Tang Zhen and was not sure of victory.

There is a great possibility that it is the latter, which is also the reason why the other party did not act, for fear that the goal will not be achieved, but in the end it will cost his own life.

His three companions just stared at Tang Zhen, ready to fight.

Not just to snatch it, but also to guard against Tang Zhen's attack and cover up the secret of his discovery of the treasure.

Kill the four of them, and no one will know about it, and Tang Zhen will be able to enjoy this fortune to himself.

The young man knew this, so he planned to launch an attack, so as to ensure his own safety.

The best defense is to take the initiative to attack and wipe out all dangers.

Tang Zhen stretched out his hand to grab it, and the Taylor alloy that had been spilled on the ground was sucked into his palm one after another.

"It's okay to give it to you, but you have to answer some questions for me first."

While Tang Zhen was speaking, he flicked his hand lightly, and threw a large handful of Taylor alloy over.

The alloy flew in front of the boy, and then fell to the ground continuously.

When the group of four saw this, they were stunned. They didn't expect such a thing to happen.

The boy's speed was extremely fast, as if his body could be stretched, and he picked up all the Taylor alloys on the ground.

At the same time, he took out a small piece of equipment and threw one of the metal bars into it.

"Purity is top-notch, it is a real Taylor alloy!"

Excited in the boy's voice, he stared at Tang Zhen's feet, where there were more Taylor alloys.

He wanted all these Taylor alloys.

But he also knows that this is a huge amount of wealth, and if you want to get it, you have to pay a price.

I just don't know, what is the plan of this strange man in front of me?
Got a part of Taylor alloy, but the group of four became more and more vigilant, because they couldn't understand Tang Zhen more and more.

He obviously got a huge amount of wealth, but he didn't pay attention to it at all, and even gave half of it without hesitation.

Facing Tang Zhen like this, they became more and more worried.

Tang Zhen's performance at this time was clearly unscrupulous, and he didn't take the group of four seriously.

It seems that half of the Taylor alloy has been divided, but if they are killed, this wealth can be recovered at any time.

"Come on, what's your problem?"

The young man was full of vigor, knowing that he had no choice, he gritted his teeth and fought hard.

Tang Zhen smiled softly and sat on the broken cabinet next to him.

"Let's just say, I'm interested in everything about this planet and rumors about various civilizations."

Hearing Tang Zhen's request, the group of four froze again.

In their minds, there used to be various speculations. What kind of questions would Tang Zhen ask?

The result is that you can say whatever you want.

"What's your problem?"

The young man frowned, looking at Tang Zhen in front of him, he felt that the other party was extremely weird.

Living in the garbage city, I have seen all kinds of characters, and there are many vicious people among them.

But there has never been one, as special as Tang Zhen, that made him feel irresistible.

The young man was shocked and curious, and wanted to know the origin of such a special Tang Zhen.

(End of this chapter)

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