I have a city in another world

4133 - Different security zone

4133 - Different security zone

In the No. [-] safety zone controlled by Tang Zhen, a group of practitioners cooperated with each other and completed a round of weapons salvo.

One after another, black missiles were fired into the sky almost at the same time, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

It didn't take long for the results from the frontline to come back.

The invading land monster was blown to pieces by a missile, and the dangerous information has been released.

Without hurting a soldier or a single soldier, thousands of miles away, killing countless monsters with one move.

Looking at the image on the screen, the surrounding practitioners of all races were filled with uncontrollable shock.

Such a war mode is simply unimaginable.

Just before today, they never thought that war could be conducted in this way.

There is no need to trade lives for lives, or even to be present at the scene.

The front line applied for assistance, and the rear was responsible for the attack. The terrifying monster was instantly wiped out.

In this way, the front and the rear can be integrated to deal effective and fatal blows to the enemy.

Some people had doubts before, thinking that this method might not be useful, but now facing the iron-like facts, they can only keep their mouths shut obediently.

Don't talk nonsense, it's easy to get slapped in the face.

What's more, their strength is far inferior to Tang Zhen, and they dare not act presumptuously.

Before that, there were idiots who dared to challenge Tang Zhen's majesty, but they were slapped half to death.

With experience and lessons learned, no one will be stupid anymore.

Since Tang Zhen's arrival, the originally precarious safety zone has undergone earth-shaking changes.

A large number of spiritual valleys have been planted, various minerals have been thoroughly developed, the logistical pressure has been eased, and the entire safety zone has been mobilized.

Some people are in charge of farming, some are in charge of mining, and monks are in charge of refining weapons and making various pills.

The survivors are not idle either, they work closely with practitioners and become part of the war machine.

All kinds of weapons and equipment, as well as magic tools and panacea, were refined in this way and sent to the front line one after another.

A large number of mortal soldiers were armed, and after simple training, they were also sent to the front line of defense.

According to Tang Zhen's request, the monks are building a mobile teleportation array, which can be sent to the front line of defense once completed.

Then transport supplies and soldiers, and it can be delivered in one thought.

At the same time, there are also military spaceships and various chariots, which are also under construction.

The smooth progress of the plan depends entirely on Tang Zhen's deterrent power, and he has given a sufficiently complete plan and standards.

As long as you have long hands and a long head, you can follow the standard.

At the same time, supervisors are also dispatched to inspect all links and deal with problems immediately if they are found.

Under the combination of kindness and threat, everything in the safe zone is operating normally, and it has exploded with infinite potential.

Today's weapon test, the high-level monks in the safe zone were called together, just to open their eyes.

From the looks of it, the demonstration was quite successful, and the viewers were deeply shocked.

There is no longer any resistance to Tang Zhen's plan, and he is even full of expectations.

They couldn't be more aware of how serious the disaster caused by the Heavenly Demon's invasion was, and the pressure on the major safe zones was even greater.

Now that there is finally a chance to reverse the critical situation, it is natural to choose to give full support.

It needs to be known that when the world is destroyed, they have nowhere to escape. Even if it is for their own consideration, they must fight hard.

Not to mention that there are sects behind them, and there are huge races, all of which may survive because of Tang Zhen.

Tang Zhen's ability is unquestionable, and his generosity is amazing. When the supplies are in short supply, he directly contributes his private collection.

Such a righteous act made a group of high-ranking monks ashamed, they were not as generous as Tang Zhen.

Everyone has a treasure trove of private possessions, even if they have no choice but to take it out, they must provide for those close to them.

It is impossible to ignore race like Tang Zhen, and everyone has a chance to get it.

This kind of selfless behavior is also the main reason why Tang Zhen is supported.

After a successful demonstration, this long-range attack weapon began to be mass-produced.

The design of the weapon was provided by Tang Zhen, which amazed the craftsmen.

Practitioners themselves have the ability to turn decay into magic, not to mention Tang Zhen personally helping.

For example, a fuel machine gun is a proof of the strength of a practitioner.

Ordinary oil burns slowly, produces low pressure, and is easy to form pollution.

There are quite a lot of disadvantages in making weapons. When there is a choice, fuel guns will inevitably be eliminated.

After being refined by practitioners, the fuel has undergone a qualitative change, the burning speed is extremely fast, and enough gas is generated.

Through rune circles and refining methods, special fuel machine guns can be manufactured, which are powerful enough to meet the needs of war.

Using similar means, it is also possible to create missiles and more powerful weapons that can cause deadly damage to monsters.

The most critical point is that mortals can use these weapons to multiply the strength of the guardian.

According to the development of this situation, not to mention defending the defense line, even launching a counterattack against the monsters is not impossible.

I believe that it won't take long for other safe zones to learn from their experience, after all, their situation is too difficult.

Just after the weapon test was over, one of the high-level practitioners received an order from Tang Zhen.

Survivors from other safe areas will arrive soon, and he needs to be responsible for arranging the reception.

In the past, things like this were handed over to low-level practitioners, and senior monks simply didn't bother to take care of them.

But it's different now. According to Tang Zhen's request, high-level practitioners must be responsible for the survivors from outside.

It will be more efficient for them to handle things. Others may use it for three days, but they may not even use it for three hours.

Naturally, Tang Zhen's orders must be obeyed obediently.

Soon there was a cloud and mist flying over from afar, and there was a figure in a trance.

This is the technique of senior monks, which can carry a large number of items, which is the legendary moving mountains and reclamation.

It's just that such a method consumes a lot of money for practitioners, and it will not be used lightly if it is not necessary.

But in a blink of an eye, the clouds landed quietly, and tens of thousands of survivors appeared in front of them.

They carried large and small packages, and looked at the surrounding environment secretly with horror and bewilderment on their faces.

In troubled times, human life is as cheap as grass, and the survivors have no idea what tribulations await them in the future. At this moment, their hearts are full of fear.

Compared with the bewildered survivors, the practitioners in charge of escorting had helpless expressions on their faces.

If they could choose, they would definitely not accept this task.

There is no ability to feed the survivors, so they can only be sent to another safe area. Such behavior is indeed a bit embarrassing.

But if this is not done, many survivors can only be starved to death, which would be an even greater sin.

The practitioners who escorted and received were no strangers to each other, and the handover was completed after a few words.

Survivors are ushered into their new residence, and after settling in, they move on to different jobs.

In times of disaster, if you want to continue to live, you must bear pressure and pain.

Fortunately, everything has been arranged by the strong, and they only need to do it silently.

It didn't take long for the survivors to come to their new home, which was a round stone mountain rising from the ground.

Like a round pier, there is a spiraling road outside, and there are holes one after another on the side of the road.

Inside the cave is a long corridor, with rooms on both sides, inlaid with stones for lighting, and a large enough stone bed.

The inside of the cave is dry and clean, and each house can accommodate one family.

Seeing such a residence, the survivors were full of joy. They didn't ask for much, just a place to shelter from the wind and rain.

The residence in front of them has exceeded their imagination, and their hearts are even more joyful.

The escorts watching looked at the hilly buildings in front of them with surprise and shock in their eyes.

They could tell at a glance that this was the operation of the monks of the law, creating mountains on the flat ground and transforming it into a residence for survivors.

Such a huge investment, but only to build a dwelling for mortals, in their view, is pure waste.

But in Safety Zone No. [-], every ordinary survivor lived in a similar house.

Before I came here, I heard that the No. [-] security zone is different, and now it seems that it is true.

(End of this chapter)

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