I have a city in another world

4134 - Impossible to save all

4134 - Impossible to save all

In a short period of time, wave after wave of survivors were sent to the No. [-] security zone one after another.

The behavior of these safe zones seems to be somewhat deliberate.

It seems that the survivors are regarded as troubles and have to be taken care of, but in fact they feel disgusted in their hearts.

Now that there are fools who are willing to take the trouble, it is naturally a wish.

One by one scrambling to get rid of the trouble.

Although Tang Zhen has set an example, he can train mortals into soldiers and become the main force against monsters.

But what you know is what you know, but you may not be able to follow suit.

It's just because these soldiers need to use spiritual grains as food, as well as training and corresponding arming.

Only when all conditions are met can the desired effect be achieved. Except for the No. [-] security zone controlled by Tang Zhen, there is no condition for other security zones to do so.

Throwing the trouble to Tang Zhen is definitely the most effective operation. When the number of survivors decreases, the pressure will naturally disappear.

If one person does this, it may feel ashamed, but when all of them do it, it becomes reasonable.

The most important point is that they are willing to give it away, and Security Area No. [-] is also willing to accept it.

Since it is your love and my wish, there is no need to bear the psychological burden.

In the eyes of many practitioners, this kind of behavior in the No. [-] security zone is actually asking for trouble.

Once an unexpected situation occurs and the same troubles are encountered, the No. [-] security zone will be in chaos in a very short period of time.

Although there is news that the production of spiritual grains in the No. [-] safety zone remains high, who can guarantee that there will be no accidents?

Not knowing Tang Zhen's background, it's normal to have such thoughts.

There are even some guys who, with malice in their hearts, have been hoping that there will be problems in the fifth security area.

This kind of morbid psychology means that it is not far from being enchanted.

As the news spread, the No. [-] safety zone has become the benchmark and the leader of practitioners.

If something goes wrong in the No. [-] safety zone, it will definitely be a huge spiritual blow to the practitioners of all ethnic groups.

Especially those fallen ones are even more focused on the No. [-] security zone, making it the key target of destruction.

Under the eyes of everyone, what happened in the No. [-] security zone will always be highly concerned by the outside world.

All kinds of weapons, as well as eye-catching tactics, have become the targets of imitation by major security zones.

They sent refiners to come over to learn the technology, and then bring them back to spread manufacturing.

It didn't take long for various versions of fuel weapons to appear in other safe areas.

Practitioners who have opened their minds not only use fuel, but also use many materials with similar characteristics.

The effects are also different, but in terms of hunting monsters, it does have a pretty good effect.

Even if the conditions are not as good as the No. [-] security zone, and the spirit valley cannot be used to train a large number of soldiers, ordinary people can still operate new weapons.

Naturally, there is a price. The casualty rate on the battlefield is more than ten times higher.

But even so, it still made the major safety zones extremely happy, just because the useless survivors were useful.

The originally critical situation was finally eased.

Many desperate practitioners have rekindled their confidence, at least they are no longer as depressed as they used to be.

Practitioners also know that with everything they have, there is no guarantee of victory.

No one can tell whether the Heavenly Demon will adopt new tactics after being blocked?
Everything is unknown, we can only explore and move forward, slowly looking for opportunities to win.

With the overall situation improving, the No. [-] security area became more and more low-key, silently completing the planned goals.

Although the No. [-] security area had the ability to block monsters a long time ago, it never relaxed.

Although there is still no way to reverse the desertified area, it can actively attack the enemy.

The newly born demonized monsters cannot leave the meat shoots at all, and they will receive a fatal blow.

With this alone, Security Area [-] is one step ahead.

At Tang Zhen's request, the practitioners in the No. [-] safety zone began to study more powerful weapons, turning their eyes from the ground to the sky.

Everyone knows that the disasters on the ground are far less than the ones in the sky.

If you want to solve the problem from the root, you must target the sky and use it as the goal of your struggle.

Before that, the practitioners would be helpless, but with Tang Zhen's participation and guidance, the practitioners' thinking has been completely opened.

They are no longer confused and afraid, but believe that as long as they work hard enough, even gods can kill them.

The reason it can't be done is simply not enough effort.

Before Tang Zhen arrived, no matter how courageous the practitioners were, they would not have dared to have such an idea.

But this catastrophe made the practitioners realize that it is useless to beg and worship the gods.

When they were in distress, they kept praying to the gods for help, but there was no response.

The ability to save lives depends entirely on Tang Zhen's command and leadership, as well as the joint efforts of all survivors.

Pragmatic practitioners quickly agreed with Tang Zhen's propaganda that useless gods are not worthy of worship.

It is this kind of concept that has led to a phenomenon in the No. [-] security zone, where those who believe in gods will be despised and cast aside.

These believers will be warned and subject to various restrictions. If they refuse to mend their ways after repeated admonitions, they will be directly deported.

From the perspective of other safe zones, such blasphemous behavior is purely asking for trouble.

The gods will not help believers, but they will never let go of blasphemy and betrayal.

Since the matter has nothing to do with them, they naturally don't pay too much attention to it.

Just staring at the No. [-] safety zone, and at the same time continuously improving its own strength to deal with new dangers that may arise in the future.

In addition to cleaning up the stubborn believers, the fifth security area has also done one thing, which is to build a protective wall at the border.

In the past, there were no conditions, and they could only evacuate continuously under the pursuit of monsters. Naturally, there was no time to establish an overall defense line.

Today's fifth war zone has already grasped the initiative, and the establishment of a defense line is imperative.

Tang Zhen was personally responsible for the construction of the defense line, and all the senior practitioners in the fifth area participated.

On a certain night, the earth shook violently, which lasted for a whole night.

Countless cultivators were alarmed and asked around one after another, wanting to know what happened.

It turned out that the direction of the vibration came from the No. [-] safety zone.

After dawn, the practitioner in charge of the investigation saw a shocking scene.

It turned out that in the No. [-] safety zone, which borders the desert, a cliff about a thousand feet high appeared.

The cliff is like a knife cutting, completely separating the desert from the uneroded area, which can effectively prevent the attack of monsters.

The land monsters are completely abolished, and they cannot climb the cliff at all. If the flying monsters try to cross, they will be hit by overwhelming blows.

Originally in a state of suppression, now with a thousand-foot line of defense, the monsters are almost completely isolated.

The key is that this line of defense not only isolates the desert, but also isolates other safe areas.

A huge circle is formed, enveloping the No. [-] safety zone.

The news spread, shocking all practitioners.

In order to build such a line of defense, countless practitioners must cooperate with each other, and there must be superpowers as executors.

If there is a mistake in one link, it is impossible to achieve the desired effect, and the defense line that can be called a miracle cannot be established.

From this, it can be judged that the cohesion of the No. [-] safety zone is extremely high, and Tang Zhen has a huge appeal.

The strength of its own realm should be stronger than the outside world estimates.

With this line of defense, it is easier to resist the invasion of monsters, and of course the price paid is quite huge.

It is estimated that for some time to come, practitioners in the No. [-] security zone will be in a state of recuperation and recovery.

There are also practitioners who feel that the behavior of the No. [-] security zone must have other meanings, and it is absolutely impossible to prevent the invasion of monsters.

Out of curiosity, they went to investigate one after another, and then discovered a shocking thing.

In a short period of time, the energy of heaven and earth in the No. [-] safety zone began to recover rapidly, and this situation has continued.

Before figuring out what happened, a new wave of disasters came quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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