I have a city in another world

4135 - The Impenetrable Line of Defense

4135 - The Impenetrable Line of Defense

But overnight, the bamboo shoots began to grow crazily, becoming a colossus about ten thousand feet high.

Like a mountain peak piercing into the blue sky, even from a very long distance, it can be seen clearly.

An unspeakable evil aura permeates the wilderness. It is a kind of spiritual power that makes people fall into depression and frenzy.

Once infected by magic energy, it will become a monster uncontrollably.

From the pustules on the surface of the bamboo shoots, newly-born ferocious monsters continued to emerge, which were significantly more ferocious than the previous generation.

The sticky body surface is covered with a layer of hard scales, which can effectively reduce physical damage.

The limbs are stronger, and the minions are sharper, which can easily tear the prey into pieces.

On the stomach of the monster, a deformed crop appeared, which could hold many prey.

Just like in the past, if you save a certain amount, you can send them back to the brood.

In this way, harvesting the brood of bamboo shoots is a kind of feedback from monsters.

Overwhelming monsters launched attacks on the major safety zones, but in a short period of time, they invaded a large amount of land.

Gray mist filled the air once again.

The monster emits a gray mist all the time, and the strong wind can't blow it away, as if it was drawn with pen and ink.

This gray mist is the power to erode the world.

With the continuous release of demon energy, the originally normal area will gradually become a desert.

Everything withered and turned into dust particles.

To prevent this from happening, the monsters must be expelled and killed, so as to keep the situation from getting worse.

But the current monsters are far more ferocious than before, easily defeating the defenders of the safe zone.

The monsters rushed forward desperately, reaching the limit they could achieve, and then reluctantly returned to the brood.

This does not mean evacuation, but to send the harvest back to the nest, during which countless monsters will continue to come.

If you look around, you can see that there are flying monsters all over the sky. They go back and forth between the battlefield and the brood of meat shoots, and their screams are endless.

Looking at the earth, mountains and rivers, it is even more desolate.

The grass and trees on the ground withered and withered, the river became sticky and dark, not only the fish were dead, but also exuded a foul smell.

This kind of magic energy is like a poison, but in a short period of time, it caused huge damage.

Moreover, such damage cannot be reversed at all, and people will be hurt in such an environment.

The invading monsters mutated, which was expected, but when it happened, it still caused heavy losses.

A large amount of land was occupied and eroded, and the number of sacrificed guardians cannot be counted, including those town residents who have never entered the safe zone, and eventually became the spoils of monsters.

In order to prevent the monsters from continuing to invade, the major security areas have mobilized heavy troops to defend each line of defense.

No matter how much the price is paid, the monsters must be prevented from invading, otherwise the safe zone is very likely to fall.

The recuperation some time ago has significantly improved the strength of the major safety zones. Under desperate resistance, it has temporarily prevented the invasion of monsters.

Just at this moment, another calamity arose inside.

The believers who believed in the outer gods suddenly got a powerful evil force and started to make trouble inside.

They act stealthily, are extremely destructive, and are very good at hiding.

Once the destructive action is completed, they will hide immediately to avoid being chased and killed by practitioners.

In addition to believers of foreign gods, believers of local gods also showed abnormal behaviors.

Their attitude is negative, and they start to become disinterested in anything.

On the contrary, they publicized in private that catastrophe is a punishment from the gods, and confrontation will only make the punishment more and more severe.

Only by sincerely praying and repenting of one's own sins can one be forgiven by the gods and the disaster will be eliminated automatically.

Under such special circumstances, it is obviously an unforgivable behavior to promote such negative remarks.

The major safety zones issued orders to prohibit similar remarks from reappearing, otherwise they would be severely punished.

Although the ban was issued, it didn't have a very good effect. Although they obeyed on the surface, they still went their own way secretly.

And constantly encourage others to give up wrong resistance, so as not to incur more serious punishment.

For this kind of situation, the government definitely cannot tolerate it, and immediately took action to suppress it.

In the end, it was unexpected that the believers of these indigenous gods would resort to force to resist.

Believers of indigenous gods are not only mortals, there are also many practitioners.

Finding that their beliefs were being suppressed, they immediately jumped out to fight back, making the situation in the major security zones even more chaotic.

Both the interior and the defense line were severely affected by this, and some believers of local gods even rebelled.

He didn't block the monster's attack, nor accepted the command of the high-level, but hid in a hidden place.

At the same time, it is still promoting that it will pray for all sentient beings to reduce their sins, so that more lost people can be saved.

They will not reappear until the punishment of the gods is over, and rebuild the purified world.

As soon as such remarks came out, countless believers immediately responded, looking for opportunities to escape.

Regarding such a situation, the controllers of the safe zone were dumbfounded, but they also felt a little worried.

After the disaster, the indigenous gods did not save the world, but disappeared as if out of thin air.

On the contrary, believers add chaos at critical moments. Although the sin does not lead to death, it will cause a lot of trouble.

If the situation is not critical, it is not appropriate to make too many things. I really want to kill all the believers of these indigenous gods.

At this time, someone suddenly remembered that not long ago, the No. [-] safety zone once prohibited the belief in indigenous gods.

At that time, some people felt that such an approach was superfluous and had no meaning at all.

In the end, looking at the current situation, I realized that the behavior of the No. [-] safety zone was extremely wise. It seemed that this trouble had been foreseen long ago, so it was prevented in advance.

After this chaos, the other security areas were in chaos, but the fifth security area was safe and sound.

It's just because the believers of the indigenous gods have long since given up their beliefs, or were directly expelled from the country.

The crux of the problem is, how did Tang Zhen foresee this?
There is one more thing that makes other security areas envious.

This time, in the monster invasion, only the No. [-] security zone did not lose an inch, and all the lines of defense were firmly guarded.

Even because of his extraordinary performance, the demonized monsters were defeated, and the guardian even rested while waiting for the monsters to come to his door.

Unlike other safe zones, there is no chance of respite, and they are always in a state of hard work.

Those in the know couldn't be more envious of No. [-] security zone.

In this chaotic world, Safety Zone No. [-] is like a paradise of pure land, possessing an incomparably huge attraction.

If possible, they will try their best to live in the No. [-] safety zone.

Believers of the Outer Gods absolutely cannot tolerate such a situation.

Seeing the frequent failure of monster attacks, these loyal lackeys of the Outer Gods began to think of ways to provide help to their masters.

They tried their best to sneak into the No. [-] security area and carry out sabotage activities.

It's just that every action will end in failure and a heavy price will be paid.

It was as if a pair of heavenly eyes were staring at them, making these gangsters have nowhere to hide.

There are also some believers of outer gods who tried to preach in the No. [-] security zone, but they were all reported without exception.

What they did would not work in the No. [-] security area, and would be extremely disgusted instead.

Before being killed, the believers of the evil god were full of doubts and could not understand why this happened.

Obviously they used secret techniques, which can easily arouse demons, even practitioners can hardly resist.

But in the No. [-] safety zone, it had no effect, and instead suffered countless people's spurning.

These depressed outer god believers will never know what kind of existence they are fighting against.

The alien gods they crazily believe in are nothing in front of Tang Zhen, and their self-conceived brainwashing skills are even more childish than Tang Zhen's methods.

(End of this chapter)

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