I have a city in another world

Chapter 4136 The layout behind the scenes

Chapter 4136 The layout behind the scenes

As time passed, the situation became more and more serious.

There are constantly new meat shoots, condensing silently, and then growing at an extremely fast speed.

The living space of the survivors became narrower and narrower, and the expected bad situation finally came.

The surroundings of several safe areas are all occupied by monsters, like islands in the sea, falling into a state of isolation and helplessness.

The other safe zones couldn't provide assistance at all, and they were all overwhelmed.

The state of desertification cannot be reversed. Under the attack of demonized monsters, the territory of the safe zone will be continuously eroded.

Sooner or later, the rest of the land will be swallowed up, and the guardian may be doomed.

The monks knew in their hearts that the countdown to the destruction of the world had entered.

No one is willing to suffer death, they are all trying to find a way to get out of the predicament, and they can do it at any cost.

Safety Zone No. [-] was once again in the spotlight.

Compared with the area that suffered heavy losses, the No. [-] safety zone, which has not lost an inch of land, has become more conspicuous and special.

The well-connected practitioners started to take action one after another, trying every means to obtain the admission qualification.

Although they knew that the No. [-] safety zone had a strict system and would not allow them to be domineering, they still did not hesitate at all.

It's okay to be strict, saving your life is the most important thing. Even if the world will be destroyed sooner or later, the No. [-] safety zone should persist until the last moment.

Such pessimistic thoughts have become the consensus of many practitioners, which means that they have lost confidence.

Now it is just to survive, struggling desperately with all my strength.

There are also some leaders of the safety zone, hoping that Tang Zhen will provide assistance, and they are full of righteousness.

Even in the words, there was a hint of threat hidden, carrying Tang Zhen on his back if he didn't help, the worst would be death.

If they couldn't survive, Tang Zhen wouldn't even think about it.

Facing the crisis of life and death, all the masks of sanctimoniousness have been lifted, and there is no patience to continue to cover up.

Facing such threats and pressure, Tang Zhen just laughed it off.

These ants-like existences dare to play dirty tricks when they are about to die, they are simply extremely stupid.

In the past, they obviously had the opportunity to imitate the No. [-] security zone in an all-round way, so that they could persist for a longer period of time.

If it is a coincidence, it may even turn defeat into victory.

With Tang Zhen here, miracles are not impossible, and whether to help is only in his mind.

Although there was an opportunity, he didn't seize it.

Due to various reasons, or selfishness, other safe areas are selective imitation plagiarism.

Once one's own interests are involved, one will shelve or give up without hesitation, completely unable to be as impartial as Tang Zhen.

Use your own resources to ensure the smooth execution of the plan, and don't care about the rewards at all.

By doing this, Tang Zhen is not setting an example, and hopes that those high-ranking monks will follow suit.

Now that the situation is critical, he wants to use dirty means to try to coerce Tang Zhen.

If Tang Zhen was a local practitioner, he might really be under pressure, and considering the overall situation, he had to make a certain compromise.

But his real purpose was to quietly lure the fragments of the divine body into the net.

There is no need to pay attention to the life and death of this group of idiots.

The development of the current situation is within Tang Zhen's predictions. After encountering resistance, the Outer God automatically increased the intensity of erosion.

Other safe zones will sooner or later become wasteland.

The pressure in the No. [-] safety zone will also increase exponentially, and it will become the main target of the Outer God.

The next few days should be very exciting.

In fact, Tang Zhen is also curious why none of the local gods have appeared until now.

Could it be that the indigenous gods discovered that the invaders were too powerful, so they took the initiative to escape from this world?

The possibility of this is extremely high. After all, this group of foreign gods is so fierce that even Tang Zhen dare not provoke them easily.

In order to achieve the goal, he had to plan carefully to avoid revealing his true identity as much as possible.

If the indigenous gods choose to escape, it is tantamount to giving up their own godhood, and after the world is destroyed, they will also be reduced to the existence of foreign gods.

Although it will suffer huge losses, it can also save a life.

In the face of an invincible opponent, escape is also a helpless choice.

Similar things are not uncommon. Among the thousands of planes, there are many similar bereaved dogs wandering around.

Tang Zhen didn't bother to pay attention to these indigenous gods, but he couldn't ignore the residual poison left by the other party.

Recently, believers of local gods have been in a trance, and their attitudes have become extremely negative.

Treating this invasion of foreign gods as the punishment of the gods, they even advocated to endure without resistance.

Such a situation occurred because the godhead of the indigenous gods collapsed and dissipated, which led to the divine thoughts of the outer gods being able to take advantage of the void.

Pretending to be an indigenous god, spreading negative thoughts to believers, making them give up resistance and wait for death.

Believers who don't know the truth, believe in this negative induction, and quietly become a source of spiritual pollution.

Not only was he infected, but he also wanted to infect others, trying to make the survivors give up resistance collectively.

As time goes by, this situation will become more and more serious, and driven by the instigation of the Outer Gods, they will even be more perverted and crazy than the followers of the Outer Gods.

These believers from within, the harm is far more serious than imagined, and it is very likely that they will stab a fatal knife.

If Tang Zhen wanted to, he could kill all the believers, but it was not necessary at all.

It would not be beautiful to scare the snake away.

However, in order to avoid accidents, Tang Zhen organized a team dedicated to internal maintenance and inspection.

During this period of time, many believers of outer gods and out-of-control people infected by magic energy have been discovered.

Some believers of indigenous gods who have given up their beliefs but are not firm in their will are gradually showing signs of being infected.

When encountering such a guy, the cleanup troops were not polite, and basically killed them all on the spot.

Killing one demon and saving all good people is not a sin, but a kind of merit.

Safety zone No. [-] is now under control.

Although the external situation is critical, to Tang Zhen, all this is just a game.

On the surface, the ants who participated in it and struggled in the troubled times at the same time were actually aloof and quietly making arrangements behind the scenes.

Including those outer gods, they are also just pawns, belonging to insignificant roles.

The only target is the fragments of the divine body.

Just as Tang Zhen secretly deduced and monitored the status of each safe zone, No. 12 safe zone, which is the farthest from No. [-] safe zone, suddenly had violent spiritual fluctuations.

With a flick of Tang Zhen's mind, he instantly locked on to the source of the mutation.

Inside a city, thick smoke and fire are everywhere, and corpses lying in pools of blood are everywhere.

Wearing a black robe and covered with strange growths, the followers of the evil god are killing wantonly in the city.

In the very center of the city, the corpses of the victims were piled up and arranged in weird shapes.

Dense blood vessels and meridians connected these corpses together, and in the middle was a huge ball of flesh and blood.

The surface of the ball is covered with flesh membrane, and there are protruding tendons like tree roots, which seem to be filled with the extracted blood.

The ugly ball of flesh and blood, like a beating heart, kept rumbling.

The sound has a magical power, which can make people paralyzed in pain and let out bursts of painful wailing.

Even a cultivator can't resist this kind of magic sound penetrating his brain, and he collapses on the ground to be slaughtered.

For believers of Outer Gods, this is the sound of nature, which makes them feel extremely wonderful.

All of them were full of madness and laughed triumphantly, staring at the altar of flesh and blood in the center of the city.

Covered in blood, they gathered around the altar and sang loudly hymns in praise of the gods.

As the tone of voice continued to rise, and finally turned into a howling chant, the expressions of the outer god believers were twisted to the extreme, but the fanaticism in their eyes became more and more intense.

Dark clouds rolled in the sky, and a terrifying giant eye with countless compound eyes flashed through the gaps in the dark clouds.

In the next second, the ball in the center of the altar suddenly exploded.

A naked figure slowly stood up from the bloody water, raised its head to the sky and screamed piercingly
The avatar of the Outer Demon God has successfully arrived, and the real catastrophe of annihilation will also begin.

(End of this chapter)

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