I have a city in another world

Chapter 4137 The face is finally torn

Chapter 4137 The face is finally torn

The avatar descended from the Outer God possesses powerful power, and it almost breaks through the rules.

Fortunately, there are rules that intercept the powerful intruders, otherwise the Outer Gods would have descended directly.

Although it is only the clone of the Outer God, it is still an extremely terrifying existence.

It is crazy and cruel, and it only comes for destruction, and wherever it goes, people are devastated.

It was like a drop of ink falling into a plate filled with clear water, and then continuously spreading around.

If it continues to develop, it won't take long for the clear water in the plate to be dyed black.

That also means that the entire safe zone will be completely lost, and the survivors' territory will no longer exist.

In order to avoid disasters, all major safety zones have dispatched elites to kill the clones of the Outer Gods.

But he didn't want the defenders to collapse at the first touch after the war started.

Facing the clone of the Outer God who can borrow the power of the Outer God and use the strongest means restricted by the rules, ordinary practitioners are no match at all.

Wherever it goes, it will form a deadly field, and as long as it enters, it will be corroded.

A cultivator's combat power cannot even be used to [-] percent, and even a demon slave cannot be killed.

But even so, you have to grit your teeth and stand firm.

This blocking war was completely filled with lives, and in a short period of time, it caused extremely tragic casualties.

Seeing that the situation is so critical, the controllers of the major security areas can only be forced to take part in the war.

Existence like them would not easily make a move. While accumulating strength, it is also to be able to keep some hole cards.

If it is exposed prematurely, it is not a very good thing, and it is very likely that the enemy will catch the loophole.

And at the critical moment, give a fatal blow.

However, the development of the situation has reached the most dangerous moment, and they cannot afford to hesitate any longer.

Once the safe zone is no longer there, he will become a bereaved dog. Even if he can escape to another safe zone, his power and dignity will be completely lost.

It's so nice outside, but it's not as comfortable as coming from your own kennel.

After paying a considerable price, these Outer God clones were finally beheaded, and those Outer God believers who were jumping up and down were all crushed and ashes.

The hatred for these believers far exceeds that of the Outer Gods.

Even if the frontline war is tense, the major security zones have formed clean-up troops one after another, looking for and digging out the believers of the outer gods.

They all do the same thing, but compared to No. [-] security zone, they are always one step slower.

Even those who are unwilling to do so have to admit at this moment that the No. [-] safety zone is leading everywhere, and many places cannot be compared at all.

Many monks feel that the current situation is actually their own fault.

Greed and selfishness make them miss the best opportunity
No matter how embarrassing and remorseful it is, it will not help solve the current crisis. Instead, it should increase its connection with the No. [-] security zone and obtain more benefits to make up for its own losses.

In a short period of time, envoys from other safe areas arrived in No. [-] safe area one after another.

They all have the same goal, they need resources, reinforcements, and a place to enter the No. [-] security zone.

At the very beginning, they didn't get any response, which made these envoys angry and anxious.

They joined forces to put pressure on the No. [-] security area, and they would never leave until they achieved their goals.

Some envoys even publicly declared that if their own territory was destroyed, they would desperately drag No. [-] safety zone into the water.

Letting out such wild words is a sign of frustration.

Prior to this, the major security zones had put forward various requirements many times, but none of them were fulfilled.

The resentment and embarrassment in my heart naturally became deeper and deeper.

The current situation is getting more and more tense, and it is already a matter of life and death. Under their desperation, they naturally don't have so many scruples when it comes to words.

It's even more of a risky move, and I hope it will work.

It's just that it's impossible to scare Tang Zhen with such an approach, but it will cause trouble for himself.

A group of overconfident guys who dare to utter such wild words are simply seeking their own death.

Tang Zhen didn't care too much, and it was impossible for him to be unresponsive, lest it affect the morale and morale of the army.

Following his order, the emissary who shouted the most joy was directly expelled, and was never allowed to enter the No. [-] security zone.

At the same time, tell those envoys that No. [-] security zone is not afraid of any threats.

You can accept asylum seekers, but you will never agree to any unreasonable demands. If you continue to provoke unreasonably, you must be prepared to be hit.

Those envoys were shocked and angry when they heard the words, but they were helpless.

They were only intentionally intimidating, and they didn't have the ability to besiege the No. [-] security zone at all. Whether it was the monsters on the border defense line or the frequent descendants of the outer gods, they were enough to make them burnt out.

Even if he really has that ability, facing the powerful No. [-] security zone, he may not be sure of victory.

In the final outcome, it is very likely that both sides will suffer, and there may even be failure.

Facing the powerful No. [-] security zone, these messengers had no choice but to choose to leave.

Everyone was ashamed, and their hearts were at a loss.

After this incident, the two sides have completely torn their skins apart, and it is impossible to communicate and dialogue in the previous way.

There are only two options, either to become an enemy, or to submit to the No. [-] security zone and become a vassal.

Everything is controlled by others, and it is no longer possible to have all kinds of privileges like in the past.

This is the evil of living under the hedge of others. For many practitioners, there is no way to bear it.

The envoys shuddered at the thought of returning from this trip and the attitude of the controller of the safe zone.

But they could only bite the bullet, returned to their respective safety zones, and reported the news truthfully.

Sure enough, as expected, after bringing the news back, it immediately caused a collective outrage.

The controllers of these safety zones collectively jumped out to accuse Tang Zhen, saying that he was immoral and disregarded the overall situation in times of crisis.

He is even a scum in the practice world, and should be punished by everyone.

There are even some safety zones, which specifically list Tang Zhen's various crimes, and believe that his crimes far exceed those of the Demon God.

The words were extremely fierce, leaving no room for them at all.

It even publicly stated that from now on, it will enter a state of hostility with the No. [-] security zone.

As long as there is a chance, he will definitely kill Tang Zhen and restore the world to a bright future.

After the news was sent out, there was an uproar immediately.

It should be known that before this, Safety Zone No. [-] has always been a model, representing the hope of the entire world.

Regardless of monks or ordinary people, they all hope to join it, and even pay any price for it.

The survivors who were shunted to the No. [-] security area and ridiculed by others have now become the envy of everyone.

As a result, Security Area No. [-] became a traitor overnight, which really shocked and puzzled people.

A smart person can think of the reason, secretly contemptuously cursing in his heart, knowing that he was framed by the controller of the safe zone.

They did something wrong and ended up taking the blame for themselves.

The vast majority of the people are confused and ignorant, and they follow blindly on weekdays, and they are whoever controls them.

Under the connivance and instigation, they crazily cursed and slandered, venting their hatred for No. [-] security zone.

How envious I was before, how much I hate now.

After all, in their hearts, they all regard the No. [-] safe zone as the last escape route. Once the current safe zone is lost, they can go to this last paradise.

But now, the last way of life is also blocked, how can they not be angry?
If conditions do not permit, the people are likely to take more drastic actions to vent their despair and hatred.

But he didn't realize at all that this kind of impotent rage couldn't solve any problems at all.

The demonized monsters continued to attack, and the clones of the outer gods came frequently, and the situation became more and more serious and critical.

The result was that this wave of slander against Tang Zhen didn't last long at all.

Seeing that the monsters became more and more ferocious, and the defense line of the safety zone continued to fall, the group of people who scolded the most fiercely at the beginning ran to the No. [-] safety zone first.

(End of this chapter)

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