I have a city in another world

Chapter 4152 Revenge Never Overnight

Chapter 4152 Revenge Never Overnight

As night fell, the noisy city gradually became quiet.

In this dirty industrial city, only after night falls can people get a little respite.

Workers who have been tired all day, dragging their tired bodies, fall asleep at an extremely fast speed.

They have to get up early tomorrow, repeat the work day after day, and continue to struggle in the sweatshop.

Life does not end, there is no time to stop.

No matter adults or children, they all live the same life. The high-pressure, low-quality and harsh living environment has caused many workers to live below the age of 35.

There are many places in the city that are hotels for migrant workers to rest, but the internal environment is extremely bad.

If money is not enough, you can't even get a bed, you have to sit and sleep on a bench.

If you have a little more money, you can get into a bed like a shelf. There are seven floors from the ground to the roof, and there is only less than half a meter of space.

You can only climb in and out, and it is very strenuous to turn over.

Don't even think about things like bedding, it is simply impossible to provide them.

But even so, the hotel will be full every day. If you can't pay in advance, you may not have a place to stay when you come back from get off work.

At that time, you can only sleep on the street.

The weather at night is very cold, and cold air will come from time to time. When encountering extreme weather, there will often be some frozen corpses on street corners.

Tang Zhen just arrived here, and he didn't know much about the world, so he missed the best moment of staying in the hotel.

Instead of continuing to look for a place to live, he found a corner park where he sat under a tree that resembled a banyan tree.

At this moment, Tang Zhen's injuries had healed, and his running, jumping and walking were not affected in any way.

She changed her clothes to look more crisp and neat, and even her hair was trimmed.

Although looking at his appearance and facial features, he was still the same person, but his temperament was completely different.

Even if acquaintances meet, they may not be able to recognize them.

As a descendant, the changes of youth will become more and more obvious in the future.

The sky is getting darker, and the surrounding light is getting less and less, which means that the whole city has gradually fallen asleep.

Tang Zhen chewed the meatloaf, slowly building up his strength, and there were still some things to be done later.

As time passed, the surroundings became quieter, and the pedestrians on the street gradually disappeared.

Sitting under the tree, Tang Zhen heard footsteps faintly approaching from behind.

The footsteps were so soft that it would be impossible for ordinary people to hear them.

At the next moment, a gust of wind hit.

Tang Zhen opened his eyes, stood up abruptly from the ground, and with a twitch of his right hand, a cold light swept across.

There was a subtle cutting sound, and behind Tang Zhen, there was a figure standing not far away.

It was a woman with fangs in her mouth and her eyes were as red as blood.

It was obvious from the appearance that it was the female nurse who wanted to assassinate Tang Zhen, but lost her life in the end.

She's resurrected, transformed into a ghoul, ready to attack from behind.

If it is an ordinary person, facing such a sneak attack by a ghoul, there is a great possibility that they will be killed.

But in Tang Zhen's eyes, it's not worth mentioning at all. Even if the descendant is a mortal, he can easily kill this low-level evil spirit.

A black mark appeared on the female nurse's neck, followed by dirty blood.


The ugly and ferocious head rolled onto the grass in the park, and it began to rot and melt in the blink of an eye.

The headless corpse also decayed rapidly, emitting an unpleasant stench.


Tang Zhen shook his head, lightly shook the long rune knife in his hand, and shook off all the dirt on the blade.

Then sheathed the knife and walked forward with the backpack.

In the process of walking, he took out another banknote and muttered something.

Throwing the banknote casually, it floated unsteadily in mid-air. During the period, it kept moving forward, but it never fell to the ground.

Tang Zhen followed behind, moving forward in the dark city, hiding in corners from time to time.

Whenever Tang Zhen hides, a mysterious figure will appear on the street, exuding a palpitating aura.

These dangerous figures are difficult for ordinary people to see, but practitioners can perceive them.

In Tang Zhen's eyes, there is no cover, and the origin of the roots can be seen at a glance.

They are projections of evil gods, monsters gathered by filth, lingering in places where life gathers.

For ordinary practitioners, this is an incredible ability, but it is not worth mentioning for gods.

It didn't take long to arrive at a cemetery. The grotesque tombstones and sculptures made the atmosphere here even more gloomy.

Tang Zhen could see that some spirit bodies were wandering here, most of them were low-level dead souls.

Without self-awareness, when creatures pass by, they will instinctively attack.

Tang Zhen jumped into the cemetery, during which a spirit body tried to approach, but was directly driven away by the amulet.

The descendants are still very weak and must rely on the assistance of foreign objects. Tang Zhen spent half a day building a batch of novice suits.

Although it is for rookies, the refiner is a super expert who is proficient in refining and has a rune circle.

Turning decay into magic is just a basic operation for Tang Zhen.

Passing through the chaotic tombs, I came to the depths of the cemetery, and a large tomb appeared in front of me.

Next to this tomb, a big hole was dug out, and gray mist kept drifting out.

One only needs to look at the breath to know that there must be a powerful evil spirit under this tomb.

Tang Zhen came here, naturally guided by Qian Qian.

The owner of the funeral home wanted to plot against Tang Zhen. He manipulated the banknotes and ordered the female nurse who turned into a ghoul to sneak attack at night.

But how could he know that Tang Zhen had already seen through his inferior scheme.

After beheading the ghoul, Tang Zhen used this banknote to reverse locate the owner of the funeral home.

Unexpectedly, this guy actually got into the cemetery, obviously he was digging graves.

At this moment, Tang Zhen thought of a certain possibility.

If this is the case, it would be a good thing for Tang Zhen at the moment.

At least in the initial stage of practice, there is no need to worry about resources.

When he came to the entrance of the tomb, Tang Zhen bowed his head and jumped straight forward.

It landed silently, and there was a tomb passage under its feet, with some human and animal bones scattered around.

Tang Zhen walked unhurriedly, walking forward, and soon saw a stone gate.

The gate is beautifully shaped, but the carved image makes people feel frightened. Two evil spirits with wings guard the gate leading to the underworld.

There is a rune above the gate, which should represent a certain god, but there is a faint divine power emanating from it.

Those dead gods, when they were alive, were aloof and ignored the prayers of believers.

Now after falling, he is extremely generous, as long as he meets the minimum standard, he can hook up smoothly.

This is not a good thing. The fallen gods are a huge source of pollution. Once they intersect, the consequences will be unimaginable.

In front of the gate, there was a figure sitting on the ground, with his back turned to Tang Zhen and looking towards the tomb gate.

He was chanting words, and traces of gray mist kept floating from above his head.

There is a candlestick on each shoulder, but what is burning is not lamp oil, but his own blood and yang energy.

It was Hans, the owner of the funeral home, who just changed into a black robe with some weird symbols painted on the surface.

This is a sacrificial robe, after wearing it, you can easily communicate with the gods

Tang Zhen knew what Hans was doing with just one glance. He was clearly manipulating the ghouls to enter the mausoleum and use his identity to steal treasures.

"Idiot, if you dare to use such a method, you simply don't know how to live or die."

Tang Zhen spoke suddenly, causing Hans to tremble in fright, and turned around to check the situation.

As a result, at this moment, there was a roar from the tomb door, as if some terrible existence had been alarmed.

Hans twisted his neck in half, just when he saw Tang Zhen with a panicked expression on his face, the oil lamp on his shoulder suddenly turned into a ball of fire.

The fuel consumption instantly exceeded the standard by more than a hundred times.

Hans screamed, and his body turned into a skinny appearance at a speed visible to the naked eye.

(End of this chapter)

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