I have a city in another world

4153 - Desperate Hans

4153 - Desperate Hans

At this moment, Hans looked quite terrifying in appearance, like a mummy that had been dried for many years.

"Ho ho..."

Looking at Tang Zhen behind him, he wanted to open his mouth to say something, but he couldn't make a normal sound from his throat.

Rather, it is like a broken bellows, with low and hoarse movements.

Tang Zhen could see that Hans's eyes were full of despair, and at the same time there was a hint of pleading.

Although Tang Zhen is the enemy, he is also the only hope.

If Tang Zhen didn't help, he would be drained by the oil lamp and turned into a mummy at the gate of the ancient tomb.

But the question is, will Tang Zhen really help?

Hans knew very well in his heart that Tang Zhen's ability to appear in front of him intact was already enough to explain the problem.

When despair surged in his heart again, Tang Zhen had already appeared in front of his eyes, followed by two crashing sounds of objects falling to the ground.

"Uh uh uh!"

Hans felt like his body was leaking air, followed by a sense of relief.

The two lamps on the shoulders were kicked away by Tang Zhen, and the dark green blood essence flames were also extinguished.

Hans collapsed on the ground as if his bones had been taken out.

It was like being stuck in the neck and finally able to breathe at this moment, constantly sucking in the air frantically.

Tang Zhen stood beside him with an indifferent expression on his face.

After dozens of breaths, Hans finally regained his composure, and turned his head to look sideways with great effort.

"Thank you."

At this moment, Hans was extremely weak, and he wanted to use all his strength to say a word.

"You don't have to thank me, you won't live long anyway."

Tang Zhen's tone was flat. In his eyes, Hans was no different from a dead person.

"I know, but I still hope that you can help me perform a secret technique."

When Hans said this, he tried his best to dig out his pocket, and took out a piece of animal skin with trembling arms.

"There is a secret technique of exchanging blood on it, which can help me heal my wounds. As long as you can help, I will give away all my wealth."

Hans, who was about to die, wanted to use a secret method to save his life, but Tang Zhen had to help him to do so.

He knew better in his heart what would happen to Tang Zhen if he agreed to help.

In order to ensure success, Tang Zhen used money as a bait, hoping that Tang Zhen would be tempted.

After all, before this, the dispute between the two parties had already been settled through money.

"Even if all your wealth is put together, it's probably not as good as one item in it.

So your terms, I'm not very interested. "

Tang Zhen looked at the wooden door, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and directly rejected Hans' request.


Hans' eyes widened. This was his only hope of survival, but Tang Zhen directly rejected it.

He still has big dreams, to become a powerful practitioner, he must not die in this place.

Even at this moment, he hated Tang Zhen to the core, but he still wanted to beg.

"Help me, I will not only give you wealth, but also teach you to inherit secret techniques, so that you have great power.

Even one day, it will be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the gods! "

In order to survive, Hans began to talk nonsense, as long as Tang Zhen had his heart, he would have a chance to survive.

But I didn't want Tang Zhen to hear the words, showing a trace of disdain, and shaking his head gently.

"If your so-called secret method is this kind of low-end corpse control technique, don't use it to embarrass yourself."

Hearing Tang Zhen's ridicule, Hans became more and more desperate. He didn't expect that the secret technique that he regarded as a treasure was not taken by Tang Zhen at all.

"No, you don't understand, as long as you continue to practice and sincerely pray to the gods, you will be able to obtain a more powerful inheritance!"

Faced with Tang Zhen's questioning, Hans was a little hysterical. If he could move now, he would definitely fight Tang Zhen and kill the guy who questioned him.

Tang Zhen narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the tomb door in front of him, not bothering to talk to this guy at all.

Soon he squatted down, opened the backpack next to Hans, and took out the silver medicine bottle and syringe from it.

He opened the sealed medicine bottle, sucked a needle of medicine, and looked at Hans who was lying on the ground.

"what are you going to do?"

There was a hint of panic in Hans' tone, and he had a bad premonition.

"Of course it is a punishment to make you pay for your actions!
You use this venom to kill, but you die in the hands of this venom, which is undoubtedly a very suitable way of death.

According to the saying in my hometown, it is called evil will be rewarded with evil. I don’t know if you agree with it? "

Tang Zhen's sarcasm smile was extremely terrifying to Hans, like a devil.

"No, please, don't do this!"

Hans begged loudly, but the syringe in Tang Zhen's hand had already dropped and stabbed him directly in the chest.

At this moment, Hans was in a skinny state, and the needle pierced in without hindrance.

Hans roared hoarsely. As the maker of the potion, he naturally knew the result of the injection.

Even a normal person is bound to be infected and die.

A corpse like this can become a manipulable ghoul as long as it is summoned by a secret technique.

He cooperates with the female nurse to find the strong man who is dying, so as to avoid the suspicion of the official organization.

If it was a sudden death of a normal person, there would definitely be a coroner's examination, but if it was a dying patient in a hospital, no one would pay attention at all.

Using this method, Hans obtained a lot of corpses, refined them and used them as tools to enter the depths of the ancient tomb to search for treasures.

There are horrors in the ancient tomb, and the living will definitely die if they enter. Using the controllable ghouls, it is not easy to be discovered by evil spirits.

There are also disadvantages. This kind of ghoul can only be used for a short time. When the remaining energy in the body is exhausted, the ghoul will also become a real corpse and rot at an extremely fast speed.

In fact, there are also advanced secret techniques, which can refine ghouls, not only for a longer period of time, but also to obtain some strange and powerful abilities.

For example, grow poisonous claws, harden the skin, and even spray poisonous gas from the mouth, possessing the ability to shock the soul.

Hans longed for such inheritance skills, but lacked enough courage and stamina, for fear that he would not be able to withstand the backlash from the void.

This inheritance of controlling ghouls comes from unknown gods in the void, and every time one obtains the inheritance, one has to pay a corresponding price.

After Hans tried it once, he felt that life would be worse than death.

However, for the sake of powerful power and the benefits brought by power, there are still many practitioners who continue to follow.

Only those who have personally experienced it will know how great the temptation is, and it is impossible to give up like an addiction.

The same is true for Hans, who will try to acquire advanced skills when he is ready to practice for a while.

But these dreams will come to an end today.

"Damn beast, I curse you to hell..."

Hans tried his best, screaming and pleading, with his current state, he couldn't bear the poison of the medicine at all.

In a few minutes, it will turn into a corpse.

Hans' dry skin became dull and thin, and he couldn't feel the pain at all.

I also couldn't see it, the needle pierced my body, and all the black liquid was pushed in.

"Shut up and die."

Tang Zhen took the empty syringe, shook it in front of Hans, and threw it aside like garbage.

Seeing this scene, Hans widened his eyes, as if he wanted to kill Tang Zhen with his eyes.

After persisting for a few seconds, he lay down on the ground decadently, as silent as a dead dog.

He knew in his heart that he was bound to die, so naturally he no longer wasted his efforts.

On the contrary, in my mind, recalling the past of my life, I still have infinite emotions in my heart.

If he could choose again, he would definitely not be mediocre, and would do his best to obtain the inheritance of high-level secret arts.

Even dying on backlash is better than living like a dog, eventually falling at the gate of the underground tomb, but not daring to take a step until death.

"If you were strong enough, you might have entered the tomb long ago and obtained that legendary treasure..."

With deep regret, Hans closed his eyes and fell into the endless dark vortex.

(End of this chapter)

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