I have a city in another world

4168 - Tang Zhen's Status

4168 - Tang Zhen's Status

The battle on the front line is extremely fierce, and the situation in the rear is equally tense.

The coalition forces adopted the same countermeasures, infiltrating the rear of the Queen's Kingdom, and retaliatory attacks also occurred from time to time.

Compared with the coalition forces with a large number of people, the Queen's camp is obviously more fragile and cannot withstand too serious a blow.

Fortunately, before the queen started the war, she had already considered this possibility, so she formulated a very strict plan.

Not only are all the people soldiers, militarized management is adopted, but personnel are also prohibited from moving around at will.

Any outsider entering will be exposed in a very short time.

Immediately afterwards, they will be investigated, and if their identity is confirmed to be abnormal, the military will directly detain or kill them.

Although the method is harsh, it is very effective, and the rear is built like an iron wall.

Especially near the capital, no matter the imperial palace or important places, they are now guarded by heavy troops.

There are many checkpoints along the way, and there are countless sentries in the open and in the dark. Unless you have the means to reach the sky, you can't even think about doing things here.

The practitioners from the coalition camp quietly arrived near the capital with a lot of effort.

The mission of their trip is to find the refiner of the secret medicine.

According to intelligence, the other party should live outside the city, in an inconspicuous manor.

As the war broke out, soldiers were also dispatched near the manor, but the defense was not particularly tight.

It is estimated that it is loose on the outside and tight on the inside, so as to confuse outsiders and prevent the real secret from being exposed.

No matter what the situation is, it must be investigated. If the target is really hiding here, no matter how much the price is paid, it must be brought back.

Their operation this time was apparently to carry out the mission of the coalition forces, but in fact they accepted the secret orders of the major churches.

The top-level strategic material such as secret medicine must be in the hands of the church and must not be obtained by other organizations.

Otherwise, the foundation of the church will be seriously shaken, and it will be impossible to maintain the suppression as in the past.

It can be said that the top leaders of the major churches are all salivating for the new secret medicine, and they can't wait to snatch it for themselves.

After meeting with the insider in charge of the connection, and obtaining the latest intelligence information, the monks immediately took action.

There are many obstacles on the way to the manor, but for the church elites, it is effortless at all.

It didn't take long to reach the goal.

The vicinity of this manor is covered with stretches of green forests, perhaps because of the frequent cleaning, the forests look very clean.

After observing for half a day, only a few people appeared in the manor.

If the target is really hidden here, it is absolutely impossible for the defense to be so lax. There must be secret sentries hiding everywhere.

After drawing up a plan of action, the monks left behind their companions, and the monks started to act immediately.

The process of sneaking in went smoothly, without encountering any obstacles, and soon arrived at the core of the manor.

Judging by intelligence, the target is likely to be hidden here.

Several monks broke into it, and saw several servants standing outside the quiet corridor.

There is a table in the hall, and a young man is sitting at a table, drinking tea leisurely.

"Find the target, act immediately!"

The monks were secretly delighted, and launched an attack without hesitation.

Some monks cast illusions, some monks attacked servants, and several monks went straight to the man in the hall.

The actions were quick and orderly, and they were not procrastinating. They really deserved to be the elites sent by the major churches.

If there is no accident, it only takes two or three seconds to complete the action smoothly.

As a result, at this moment, the young man drinking tea suddenly turned his head and looked at a group of monks rushing in.

There was a faint smile on that calm face, and there was a hint of mischief in his eyes.

It was this smile that shocked the monks and immediately realized that the situation was not good.

Sure enough, in the next instant, the servants who were supposed to be instantly killed let out deep roars.

But in the blink of an eye, he changed from a humble servant to an extremely ferocious ghoul.

The oppressive atmosphere and the three pairs of wings behind him surprised the elite monks of the church.

"Damn it, it turned out to be a level nine ghoul!"

This is a top-level ghoul that exists in legends but rarely appears. Most practitioners will die in the process of promotion.

The promotion system of ghouls is too harsh for flesh and blood creatures, which leads to an extremely low success rate of promotion.

They didn't expect that they actually saw level nine ghouls, and there were four of them in total!

Thinking of the previous information, they became more and more certain that the target was the young man in front of them.

But the four ninth-level ghouls exceeded the original expectations, and caught several church elites by surprise.

Even if they are also level nine and are real masters, they are still in a hurry at the moment.

When it was found that the situation was wrong and wanted to break out, a more terrifying scene happened.

I don't know when it started, but the outside was full of figures, blocking the evacuation passage.

On the surface, it looks like an ordinary person, but if you observe carefully, you can find a trace of abnormality.

If nothing else, these figures are all ghouls.

A group of church elites who were trapped suddenly fell into despair, and they were afraid that they would fall here today.

Immediately issued a signal, requesting support from friends.

However, the signal has been sent out for a long time, but there has been no response. It is very likely that they have encountered unexpected changes just like them.

It didn't take long for the manor to return to calm.

The originally dense figures disappeared without a trace, and so did the elite monks sent by the church.

The manor is still quiet, as if it is a world of its own, and the disturbances from the outside world will not have any impact on this place.

In the evening, a group of soldiers came in a hurry, but they walked through the secret underground passage.

Outsiders don't know at all that there are caves under this manor, not only a huge underground cave, but also a secret passage connecting the palace.

The head monk had already dealt with Tang Zhen many times, and now his attitude was more respectful when they met.

He witnessed Tang Zhen's strength with his own eyes, and in a short period of time, he was promoted from a fourth-level believer crazily.

Tang Zhen's aura is so deep and obscure that even he can't see through it.

The occurrence of this situation can only show that Tang Zhen's realm is higher, and he may have passed the threshold of level nine.

If this is the case, it is to step into the supernatural completely and become a powerful and terrifying servant of God.

Just like the queen, she adopted a special method to directly become a servant of God.

The stronger the power of belief, the faster the growth rate.

Thinking of this possibility, the servant's attitude became more respectful, explaining the purpose of coming this time.

The queen found an ally who was willing to assist in the battle, but the condition was that a large number of prisoners of war and monk corpses must be obtained.

Such a request from an ally has already involved Tang Zhen's interests, and the empress dare not directly agree.

Only then did Tang Zhen be invited to discuss it.

The queen's servant explained the purpose of coming, which was actually a kind of temptation, wanting to see Tang Zhen's attitude.

If she is rejected, the queen will think of another countermeasure, and she must not offend Tang Zhen because of her new ally.

Outsiders don't know the value of Tang Zhen, but the empress and her servants know that Tang Zhen is absolutely indispensable.

Without Tang Zhen, the supply of the secret medicine would be interrupted immediately, and the combat effectiveness of the followers of the evil god would be seriously affected.

A monk once suggested to snatch this secret technique from Tang Zhen, and he was sucked into a mummy by the queen on the spot.

Such a drastic approach was actually to express his position to Tang Zhen and avoid misunderstandings.

For example, this time, knowing that the joining of a powerful ally would benefit her greatly, the queen still wanted to ask Tang Zhen what he thought.

If Tang Zhen disagrees, the cooperation may be lost.

The queen sent her servants to inquire, in fact, hoping that Tang Zhen would understand the difficulties and allow this cooperation to be achieved.

Tang Zhen knew the whole story and was very interested in this ally.

The other monks did not upgrade the secret technique, and they wanted the corpses of prisoners of war and monks, and it was very likely that they would be used as sacrifices.

But this type of sacrifice is related to the Kingdom of God built by the gods, and it is the goal that Tang Zhen has been looking for.

(End of this chapter)

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