I have a city in another world

4169--Andrew Tribal Matriarch

4169--Andrew Tribal Matriarch

The deepest part of the palace was still brightly lit at this moment.

Her Majesty the newly appointed empress, wearing a gorgeous robe at the moment, came to greet Tang Zhen on her own initiative.

Tang Zhen's willingness to come here shows that things are negotiable.

As far as Her Majesty the Empress is concerned, this is a good thing she can't wait for, and it can help her relieve her urgent needs.

Things have developed to the present, and in the face of tremendous pressure, the queen is actually struggling to support herself.

It is definitely not an easy task to dare to challenge the inherent divine right and support an evil god to the top.

Although at the beginning, there was no distinction between good and evil, but all rules are determined by people.

The rules are the gods who have benefited, and have established a blockade so that other evil gods cannot touch it, so that they can guarantee their own interests.

Before this, how did the empress succeed in ascending to power? These are trivial matters that are not worth mentioning.

Under normal circumstances, even if the queen is being made things difficult by the church, there is actually a limit.

As long as the queen is willing to compromise, the throne can be secured.

In the end, she didn't expect that after she took over the position, not only did she not give any benefits to the major churches, she even directly snatched food from them.

The consequences of doing this can be said to be quite bad. Once the queen is allowed to succeed, other evil gods may learn to flip the table.

The major churches have tried their best to kill the queen, and there is a reason for this.

Although for the time being, it seems that the Queen's troops withstood the enemy's attack, and their strength was comparable to each other.

The problem is that such a situation cannot be sustained at all, it is all based on the incentives of generous bounties and the belief support of the followers of evil gods.

Fortunately, after gaining divinity, the queen's mentality became extremely strong, even in the face of tremendous pressure, she was still able to do so with ease.

Even for her, it's a game.

If you win, you will have enough food and clothing, and earn a lot of money from it. If you lose, you will just catch up with a country and delay the speed of ascending to the throne.

The queen's goal is to put the evil god on the throne, and in order to achieve this goal, everything else can be given up.

By the same token, in order to achieve her goal, she will pay any price.

Even for such an existence, when he saw Tang Zhen, he was still shocked from the bottom of his heart.

The queen can also be regarded as a witness, watching how Tang Zhen performed miracles and was promoted from a low-level believer to a high-level madly.

Now when she looked at Tang Zhen, she had a hazy feeling, unable to judge his true state.

This situation shows that Tang Zhen has also condensed his divinity and possessed the ability to conceal his perception.

Tang Zhen's operation is undoubtedly more difficult than the divinity he obtained through the ceremony and tricks.

This is enough to show that Tang Zhen's huge potential cannot be regarded as the same as those ants.

After meeting Tang Zhen, this legendary woman who was widely rumored to be the Queen of the Blood Sea showed enough intimacy.

He personally invited Tang Zhen and entered the living room of the palace.

The two sides chatted for a while, and after confirming that Tang Zhen was fine, the empress asked the servants to convey the order.

It didn't take long before someone was led in.

It is also a woman, wearing a black robe, she is extremely tall, and her appearance is also extremely pretty.

Beauty is beauty, but it makes people feel very cold, as if it is a cold ice cube.

The faint divine power is enough to prove her identity, and she is obviously an existence beyond the ninth level.

In Tang Zhen's eyes, the opponent was more like a snake.

In the sequence of primitive gods, many gods are snakes, tigers, wolves, and worms. They are the most primitive worship, and they had great reputations in ancient times.

As civilization progresses, the prestige of these ancient gods will gradually fade.

There are even some gods who have been completely forgotten by the world.

Situations like this exist in other worlds, but the situation in this world is completely different.

No matter what level of gods they are, they all died with the fall of the main god and became terrifying existences wandering in the void.

It's just that those restless believers insisted on dragging them out of the grave, and then pretending to be a tiger to achieve their goals.

The so-called belief and loyalty are completely self-deception. The high gods can't perceive these at all, and are more like a mechanical puppet.

Let those churches fiddle with it, and issue one oracle after another. In fact, they are all concocted and fabricated by the top leaders of the church.

This is a weird world, where the gods have become the tools of ants and are manipulated wantonly by believers, just to achieve one evil goal after another.

Believers who understand this point either want to get a piece of the pie, build a brand new church, and become one of the masters who carve up the world.

Or the ambition is greater, trying to use the condensed divinity to become a real god.

This is what the queen thinks, and the top leaders of other churches also have similar thoughts.

With enough power and wealth, higher desires will arise, which is a reasonable thing.

The woman in black robe stared at Tang Zhen after she came in. Her arrival this time was tantamount to stealing Tang Zhen's benefits.

Therefore, conflicts are likely to erupt between the two parties.

But even so, the black-robed woman still chose to intervene, which showed that she was not afraid of Tang Zhen.

Or for the sake of benefit, they can not be afraid of threats and challenges. If the cooperation cannot be reached because of Tang Zhen, the black-robed woman will definitely take further actions.

For example, find Tang Zhen in private and use some means to make him compromise or change his mind.

The current situation is undoubtedly the best result, which satisfies both the queen and the woman in black.

It's easier to talk about things without tearing faces.

The queen stood up to greet Tang Zhen, and introduced Tang Zhen's identity as a tribal leader from another country.

This country is composed of tribes, and the black-robed woman is the patriarch and has considerable power.

She is willing to join the war to help the queen win, and she can also help win over more helpers.

The condition is also very simple, the corpses of monks who died in battle, and the enemy prisoners who must be killed must all be handed over to the woman in black.

Both the empress and Tang Zhen understood the other party's purpose, obviously wanting enough sacrifices.

Under normal circumstances, if one wanted to obtain so many sacrifices, one would have to pay a huge price.

The troubles caused by this may not be solved even by the woman in black.

This sudden outbreak of war has become the best opportunity to get what you want at a very low price.

In fact, participating in this war, the benefits of the matriarch are far more than these.

Through this war, she can give the tribal monks practical experience and take the opportunity to attract more followers of evil gods.

When the time is right, the matriarch will take the initiative to conquer other tribes in the country.

Practitioners in the tribe can also obtain more spoils through this war.

Especially the secret medicine of the queen's camp, which is a good thing that money can't buy, and only those who participate in the war are eligible to obtain it.

This is the reason why the matriarch joined. If Tang Zhen is unwilling to cooperate, the other party may really do whatever it takes.

In fact, the matriarch should be thankful that she didn't really take action, otherwise she would definitely regret it.

Because Tang Zhen was willing to make concessions, the queen seemed very happy, and said that she would definitely make compensation in other ways.

Things went well and the matriarch was happy.

Especially when she heard that Tang Zhen was proficient in the rune circle and was also the real refiner of the secret medicine, she immediately had a lot of thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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