4174 - Chapter [-]
The desert is boundless, and the history is buried under the yellow sand.

Perhaps many years ago, the desert was once a prosperous place, but now it has become extremely dangerous and has become a forbidden area for all creatures.

Quicksand, strong wind, drought and illusion, the desert of death shows a strong malice, trying its best to prevent outsiders from approaching.

However, there are many people who, knowing the danger exists, still choose to enter the desert.

It's just because in this restricted area of ​​life is buried the wealth that they long for and the opportunity to become a powerful practitioner.

People living on the edge of the desert often see magical visions in the desert at certain times.

The incomparably spectacular city appears above the desert, showing a sultry scene.

There are not only magnificent buildings, but also piles of treasures, as well as strange flowers and trees.

Just one look and you'll be drawn in and eager to be in it.

Get a treasure at random, and you can become a real rich man and live a carefree life.

There are many legends about the city in the sky, some say it is the bait of demons, others say it is the kingdom of gods.

As long as there is the guidance of the gods, you can find its location.

Every year, there are greedy guys who can't restrain their desires and enter the desert to find this god city.

The vast majority of treasure hunters never return.

Occasionally, treasure hunters return from the desert, and they will become extremely miserable. Instead of finding the city of God, they encounter many terrible monsters.

According to the narration of the survivors, a map of the desert was also drawn, which became the secret of the local guides.

Even though the desert is so terrible, there are still outsiders who continue to follow, firmly believing that they are the lucky ones.

On this day, countless figures slowly approached the town on the edge of the desert.

Many people have cloaks that cover their bodies and faces, and they walk quietly.

Each group of four people carried a huge box with strange red and blue runes painted on the surface, and a faint cold air wafted out.

These huge boxes are more like coffins.

These strong men lined up in two rows, stretching the team to a very long line. There may be five to six thousand people in total.

In addition, there are some people who are obviously cultivators. They wear local clothes and exude a fierce aura.

These people led the animals, filled them with various supplies, and also formed a long team.

Just looking at the equipment and dressing up, it is clear that these outsiders are going to enter the desert and are prepared to stay for a long time.

There are expedition teams all year round, but this is the first time they have encountered such a large scale in so many years.

Residents in the town received the news and went out to watch carefully. While feeling shocked, they were still speculating about the identities of these people.

"It should be those rich people, or princes and nobles of certain kingdoms, who want to try their luck after hearing the legend of the city of God."

People discussed it in private, and many people agreed with this speculation.

It is impossible for ordinary adventurers to do this.

Apart from other things, the material on the back of an animal is comparable to the entire property of a middle-class family.

Not to mention those weapons and equipment, if there is no strong official background, it is impossible to obtain them.

While guessing wildly, the local people are even more excited. The arrival of this expedition team means that many people will have jobs.

Sure enough, as expected, after the team entered the town, they immediately began to recruit guides in the desert.

In addition to guides, there are also handymen and servants to be recruited. Except for the elderly and children, as long as they sign up, both men and women will be hired.

According to local rules, to establish an employment relationship, [-]% of the commission needs to be paid first.

If there are no accidents and you return from the desert smoothly, you will pay the rest of the reward.

Everything was carried out according to the rules. When the recruitment was over, the expedition team set off immediately.

In the desolate and hot desert, the team stretched for a long distance, crossing one sand dune after another.

In the middle of the line, Tang Zhen and the matriarch walked side by side.

There are also a few male and female believers, who obviously have good strength, and they should all be strong people who have obtained divinity

Just like Tang Zhen, they are all collaborators of the matriarch.

This is a group of unruly guys, but they occasionally look at Tang Zhen with a touch of vigilance and fear.

In the hand of the matriarch, she held a slate map and placed a weird rune ball on it.

On the rune ball, engraved with a sign representing the direction, it should be a tool similar to a compass.

If the locals see it, they will feel that it is very outrageous. It is clearly the direction of the east, but the pointer of the ball points to the north.

Guided by the rune sphere, the matriarch often gave orders to turn around, leaving the local guides who led the way confused.

Although they were puzzled, as long as the employer gave them money, they naturally had nothing to say.

But if the area ahead is a dangerous forbidden area, the tour guide will inform you as soon as possible.

At this time, the practitioners in the team will take action and be responsible for leading the way and eliminating dangers in front.

It won't take long for the forbidden area to be cleared by the believers, and the expedition team will continue to move forward.

When the local residents passed by and looked at the shattered monster corpses, they felt unspeakable shock in their hearts.

They finally realized that this powerful expedition team was completely different from those they had seen in the past.

While secretly shocked, there is joy and anticipation in my heart. I want to know where this adventurous team can go?
Especially those desert guides, they were anxious and excited at the same time. As long as they could return alive, their value would increase exponentially.

After twenty days of trekking, the team has entered the depths of the desert, and the front is an area that no guide has ever entered.

After spending a lot of time and crossing a huge sand dune, the desert guides froze in place.

"Shencheng, this is the legendary Shencheng!"

The guides danced and danced, and some even worshiped devoutly, with indescribable piety and joy on their faces.

The same is true for other people, looking at the spectacular scene in front of them, they were speechless for a long time.

Below the sand dunes is a plain covered with thousand-year-old trees that surround a huge city.

The brightly colored buildings are neatly arranged on both sides of the street, and the area of ​​each building is quite large.

The building is inlaid with various precious stones, and gold and silver are even directly used as building materials. Just knocking down a piece is worth a lot.

There is a moat all around, and the river water is extremely clear, as if it is a long piece of jasper.

In the very center of the city, there is a huge statue of a god, which looks like a combination of several wild beasts.

I don't know what material it is, but it exudes a hazy shimmer.

Around this statue, there are mountain-like treasures piled up, and the brilliance makes people dazzled.

The city is huge, but it looks extremely quiet, without any activity.

Residents on the edge of the desert have seen mirages in the sky more than once, showing the scene of this desert city.

Originally thought that this was an illusion created by demons to attract greedy guys to die.

But at this moment, the city of God is right in front of us, and it is absolutely impossible to be an illusion.

Many guides in the team couldn't restrain their greedy desires, and couldn't wait to rush towards the city.

The more the residents on the edge of the desert, the more times they have seen the city of God, the stronger the greed in their hearts.

If you regard it as an illusion, you can laugh it off, but when the city of God appears in front of you, your greedy desire will be aroused immediately, and you can't wait to get it.

If anyone dares to stop them, they will definitely attack with fury.

For such a situation, the practitioners in the team did not stop them, but let them leave the team.

It is conceivable that the intention is to let these greedy guys find their way.

As the team all climbed over the dunes, more and more people saw the city and were attracted by the mountains of treasures.

From time to time, someone would cheer, leave the team excitedly, and rush to the city desperately.

Only strong-willed practitioners, as well as the ghoul army that will not be affected by desire, can maintain enough rationality to quietly wait and see the next development.

(End of this chapter)

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