I have a city in another world

Chapter 4175 Madness and the Price

Chapter 4175 Madness and the Price

The matriarch stands on the dune with uncontrollable excitement on her face.

This time the desert expedition was initiated by her. In order to be successful, the matriarch devoted all her manpower and material resources.

Her purpose is only one, to find the legendary desert god city, and then enter it to obtain inheritance.

Her behavior like this is actually similar to that of the empress, all in order to obtain the true divine inheritance.

Although believers can gain a trace of divinity when they are promoted to the king rank, it cannot be compared with inheritance indoctrination at all.

In terms of development potential, there is a world of difference.

Any capable practitioner will try his best to find the relics of the Kingdom of God, and then obtain a formal inheritance of divinity.

There are quite a few monks who do this, but not many succeed. Unless they meet the implicit standards of all aspects, the result of greed is often their lives.

But even so, the believers still go on and on, vowing not to give up until they reach their goals.

If you don't fight or fight, you can only leave regrets in the end.

The other helpers recruited by the matriarch also looked excited at the moment, pointing at the city of God below.

"It seems that this legendary God City is actually nothing more than that, and we can easily find it anyway!"

The male monk who spoke wore a pure gold ring on his head, with red and blue runes engraved on the gold ring.

The brown bald head is covered with ferocious blue and black tattoos, and there is not a single omission on the whole face.

Looking at Shencheng at this moment, there was a hint of complacency in his tone.

Although the gods enshrined in this god city have nothing to do with his beliefs, they should be respected accordingly.

Being able to put on such a contemptuous gesture is enough to show his intentions, obviously he did not pay attention to the gods in the city of gods.

This situation is not an exception, and the same is true for several other monks, who lack sufficient respect for other gods.

This is a very ridiculous phenomenon. While relying on divine power to imbue the body with powerful magical skills, at the same time, it lacks due respect for other gods.

Such a situation is obviously related to the gods, and if you don't take the initiative to contact a certain god, you don't need to worry about being punished by the other party.

Even if a believer is furious and insults the gods they believe in, there is no need to worry about divine punishment.

Even if it is an orthodox church, the believers have a pious attitude in front of people, but they don't think so in private.

This situation is actually because the gods are dead and can no longer supervise the world as in the past.

In the past, when the high gods had not turned into ghosts, the bald man would have been severely punished for his speech and gestures.

But now, let you curse at will, as long as the other party's believers have no objections, then there will be no problem.

Tang Zhen did not participate in the discussion, but looked at the Shencheng in front of him, somewhat disappointed in his heart.

He knew that the divine city in front of him should not be the target he was looking for, and it was impossible for the fragments of the divine body to hide here.

Although the Divine City in front of him is complete, it is actually in a semi-open state, and it is not suitable for hiding at all.

If the fragments of the divine body were here, Tang Zhen should have noticed it when he approached.

Of course, this trip is not in vain. In such a broken kingdom of God, there must be remnants of the origin of God.

Ordinary monks can't find it, and if they find it, they can't practice it, and they don't even know the existence of this substance.

Tang Zhen is different. He has ways to collect and use them to enhance his cultivation.

While cultivating and improving, while looking for fragments of the divine body, the two do not affect each other.

It was for this reason that Tang Zhen agreed to the request of the matriarch. After all, there is always a process in everything, and he needs to integrate into this circle a little bit.

The divine city in front of him is just the first step.

"Patriarch, do you need to send someone to investigate?"

The guard next to the female patriarch asked in a low voice, seeing the desert residents rushing into the city of God, fearing that it would cause an accident.

"Don't worry about it, you just need to observe quietly."

The matriarch said coldly, while staring at the Shencheng below, seemingly calm, but in fact she was more nervous than anyone else.

Because this desert city is related to her future cultivation path, there must be no mistakes.

Don't stop these guides and people, just let them act as pathfinders to see what dangers are hidden in the city of God.

She will not force the guide to die, nor will she stop him. These desert residents violate the rules, and they need to bear all the consequences by themselves.

Under the gaze of everyone, one after another figure rushed down the sand dunes, crossed the moat and entered the city.

This divine city, hidden in the depths of the desert and silent for an unknown number of years, ushered in a group of fanatical outsiders today.

They rushed into the streets of the city of God, groping for the priceless treasures, and some even picked up knives to pry them violently.

For this legendary god city, their greed is more than reverence, and now they finally visit the city in person, and their desires are completely exploded at this moment.

The strongest thought is to take wealth away.

There are also some desert residents who are not fascinated by the treasures, but go straight to the statue in the center of the city of God.

Wealth is not what everyone pursues, and there are still many people who are trying to obtain extraordinary power.

It's a pity that not everyone can obtain extraordinary power. Even if there are many gods in this world, mortals without qualifications still cannot practice.

But there is a legend that even ordinary people can become believers as long as they enter the temple and pray sincerely.

It's just that in today's world, real temples are hard to see. Even if there are remaining temples in the world, they will be destroyed by the major churches in the first place.

At the same time, it also declared that this move is to avoid taboo pollution, and then use the taboo things in the temple openly, and even send people to secretly practice evil mysteries.

There are such secret monks in every church, but they are never disclosed to the public.

They practice and study evil mysteries, provide the church with reference and practice assistance, and even perform some tasks that cannot be put on the table.

In the past history, many believers of evil gods rebelled, but in fact there was the shadow of the church behind them.

For example, the thief shouted "Catch the thief", so that the church can intervene in certain things, or pretend to be a follower of evil gods, killing people, setting fires and robbing property.

Add notoriety to evil gods, promote the power of the church, and take the opportunity to attract more believers.

The evil gods are so terrifying that ordinary people shout and beat them, and [-]% of them are the credit of the major churches.

With such a huge statue in front of the god city, the history of its existence must be quite long.

Under this kind of idol, if you sincerely pray, you will be able to achieve your wishes and become a true believer in the gods.

As for whether it is an evil god or not, for those who have no choice, there is no need to care about these at all.

Not long after, hundreds of guides and servants bowed down in the square below the statue.

There are also some guys among them, with bright gems in their pockets, obviously not satisfied with the harvest of wealth, and they also want to obtain extraordinary power.

As they knelt down, the statue formed like a combination of wild beasts changed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The hazy shimmer on the outside began to flow continuously like water, bursting out with colorful clam lights.

The eyes of the god statue also had brilliance, as if a real god, watching the mortals kneeling down and praying.

Brilliant divine power descended from the sky, and traces of gray-black divine power poured into the mouth, nose and seven orifices of these mortals.

In the next instant, a sudden change occurred.

(End of this chapter)

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