I have a city in another world

Chapter 4210 Deadly Crisis

Chapter 4210 Deadly Crisis
The suspended platform has its own defense system, which can not only effectively defend, but also actively attack.

Compared with smart mining vehicles, it can be said to be the same, enough to deal with various unexpected situations.

This kind of manipulation platform itself has the function of repression and deterrence, but this function is rarely used.

The staff would rather face threats than leave the operating platform, which is actually the reason.

But at this moment, several elders among the aborigines gave them a strong sense of fear.

Before they could react, the old men on the ground made strange sounds.

Above their heads, fireballs appeared out of nowhere and shot up into the sky like fireworks.

These head-sized fireballs were as fast as lightning, and they hit the suspended operating platform in a blink of an eye.


There was a dull sound, the platform vibrated continuously, and the transparent image became flickering.

At the same time, there is a sharp alarm sound, which reminds the operator that the shell has suffered serious damage.

"how can that be?"

The person in charge roared in shock, he really couldn't believe that a small fireball could have such power.

But this is the truth, and it is still issued by the dying old man. Judging from their previous appearance, it is obvious that they may die at any time.

No one answered the doubts of the staff, but more and more fireballs flew from the ground, shooting towards the suspended operation platform continuously.

The continuous sound of the alarm finally woke up the staff, knowing that if they didn't fight back, they would die if they waited for their end.

"Activate cleaning mode and kill them all!"

The person in charge roared loudly, with a ferocious expression on his face.

He never thought that he would be in such a bad situation and need to face death threats from the indigenous people.

The thing to do now is to kill all these natives, and the threat will be eliminated automatically.

"Accept the order and start cleaning!"

A cold voice sounded, followed by strange fluctuations that spread in all directions.

The aborigines on the ground immediately became agitated, and some fell to the ground and rolled.

The dense crowd dispersed, fleeing in panic like frightened birds and beasts.

This is just the beginning, as time goes by, more and more abnormal situations appear.

The eyes of the aborigines were bloodshot, they lay on the ground and twitched continuously, and soon they all twisted and died.

Although the indigenous people ran wildly, they did not run very far at all, and one after another collapsed halfway.

If one looks down from the air, the corpses of the aborigines appear to be in a state of radiation, with a circular suspended operating platform in the center.

This kind of brutal killing did not make the staff get rid of panic, and even became more frightened.

Because they discovered that among these hideous corpses, there were still a few figures standing still.

It was those old men who were dying and in a state of decay. Instead of dying in the sonic attack, they had undergone incredible changes.

In a short period of time, they became younger and their eyes sparkled.

The loose and old skin, as well as the dry and pale hair, are all transforming into a youthful state.

There was also a ball of jumping light that enveloped their bodies, blocking the damage of fatal sound waves.

"What's going on, why aren't they killed?"

Several staff members turned pale with fright, and just activated the cleaning system, just to eliminate these strange old men.

As a result, all the ordinary natives were killed, but a few old men were safe and sound, but their abnormal conditions became more and more obvious.

"Keep attacking, I don't believe I can't kill them!"

The person in charge gritted his teeth and issued the order again viciously.

This intelligent monitoring platform does not have only one attack mode. Following the order of the person in charge, the light energy weapon locked several old people.

The technological weapons carried on the platform are extremely lethal, and even a building can be destroyed in an instant.

The moment they were locked by the weapons, several old men roared and flew directly from the ground.

The weapons on the platform also launched attacks at this moment, continuously shooting at those figures.

An unbelievable situation happened, the indigenous old man who was locked by the light energy weapon was not burned to fly ash by the high temperature.

Instead, withstood the fatal attack, he abruptly flew up to a thousand feet high and surrounded the control platform.

At the same time, they shot fireballs and acid, which actually destroyed the light weapon.

The strange energy field was generated, and the monitoring platform was imprisoned, and there was no way to move and fly.

The continuous accidents were beyond the imagination of the staff, and they even thought they were hallucinating.

It was never expected that a fragile flesh and blood creature would possess such extraordinary means.

But they also knew that the scene in front of them was definitely not an illusion. They were already surrounded by terrifying natives, and they might lose their lives at any time.

The staff members holding weapons didn't feel any sense of security at this moment. Their voices were full of despair, and they kept asking when the reinforcements would arrive.

The person in charge was equally desperate, and he also became helpless in the face of this weird situation.

Several figures floating outside launched attacks one after another, the fireball became bigger and bigger, and the vibration caused by it became bigger and bigger.

There are some faint cracks and large and small black spots on the shell of the monitoring platform, which are signs of serious damage.

The staff became more and more worried, fearing that in the next second, the shell of the platform would be smashed to pieces by a terrifying fireball.

Just when he was worried, a voice suddenly came from the communicator of the monitoring platform.

The sound was intermittent, and at the same time, there was a virtual figure flickering in the central area.

This is the remote contact system, and the connection established with the monitoring platform is currently in a state of forced access.

Under normal circumstances, the communication connection would definitely not be so difficult. The abnormal state is enough to show that there is a special energy field that is interfering with the connection.

Before invading this planet, the military did not detect an abnormal energy field, which is enough to prove that this is an ordinary planet.

Thinking of the previous explosion and the intelligent mining vehicle that was swallowed and melted by the light, everyone has already guessed the answer.

Without the release of powerful energy, this is simply not possible.

"Don't let anything go wrong, the connection must be successful!"

The staff prayed secretly and hurriedly adjusted the communication mode, trying to improve the quality of the communication signal.

Some hard work paid off, and a blurry image appeared in front of my eyes.

"What happened, why was an abnormal energy fluctuation detected on this planet?"

The Inquirer is the security chief, who controls the armed forces and is responsible for the security of dozens of mining stars.

After receiving the request for help, he immediately dispatched the fleet for reinforcements, but found that something was wrong.

Out of safety considerations, the supervisor immediately contacted the monitoring platform to find out the specific situation.

In the end, I was shocked to find that the monitoring platform of the target planet could not be connected smoothly at all.

After a lot of effort, the connection was finally successful, so naturally we had to figure out the specific situation.

The person in charge did not dare to hide it, so he quickly told the truth and directly shared images of the scene.

Especially the black dagger was given special attention.

This object is the closest to the side, posing a serious threat. The strange natives who besieged the monitoring platform seemed to be targeting this object.

The head of security looked solemn and remained silent for a long time without making a sound.

When the staff saw this, their hearts immediately hung up. If the situation was not particularly difficult, the safety director would definitely not be like this.

After waiting for only 1 minute, the security director finally spoke.

"From now on, you will do everything you can to protect that black dagger.

Before reinforcements arrive, it must not be snatched away by the indigenous residents, otherwise as long as you are alive, you will definitely be severely punished.

But if you are successful, you will get rich rewards, so that you can wake up from your dreams with a smile when you sleep! "

(End of this chapter)

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