I have a city in another world

Internal out of control

Internal out of control
Inside the suspended platform, there was silence at the moment.

A group of staff members stared blankly, their faces full of expressions of shock and anger. They never dreamed that they would be assigned such absurd tasks.

Guard the black dagger until reinforcements arrive.

There are rewards for completing missions, and severe penalties for failing missions.

The stunned staff had only one thought in their minds.

The security director is crazy, what is he doing, is he asking them to die?

The thing that I was afraid of, became the target of protection, and it was also bound to my own life.

The thick malice made them tremble all over.

But they also knew that the security director was not joking. As a company executive with a powerful armed force, he possessed terrifying power and could start a war at any time as needed.

If you are in a bad mood, it will be effortless to kill a few staff members.

His order was issued, which meant that several staff members had no way out, and they had to persevere until the end.

If you don't do this, the consequences will be worse than death.

Communication links have been disconnected, the security chief's warnings are still ringing in our ears, and the attacks by the indigenous people continue.

"What should we do? I don't want to die here!"

A frustrated staff member looked at the black dagger beside him and asked his colleagues in a trembling tone.

"Excuting an order!"

The person in charge took a deep breath, looked at the several figures outside, with a strong killing intent in his eyes.

He knew that at this moment, he had no choice.

If the opponent is just an ordinary native, he can open the control platform, and then use the weapon in his hand to shoot the opponent.

But these aborigines possess extraordinary power, and the person in charge has no certainty of defeating them at all.

Now he can only continue to hold on, hoping that the other party will not break through the shell of the platform before reinforcements arrive.

At the same time, I have to pray that the black short sword will not change again, otherwise they will be cut in half by the light as long as they sweep around.

When several staff members heard this, their expressions became more and more gloomy. Since the order could not be withdrawn, the only thing they could do was desperately reverse the disadvantage.

It's just that in the face of the aborigines who possess extraordinary power and attack wildly, none of their past knowledge can be used.

The only thing that can be done is to hold a weapon and rush out to fight the opponent desperately.

But they also knew that going out would definitely kill them, and with their own equipment and means, it was impossible for them to be opponents of the extraordinary natives.

Loud noises continued to be heard, and the shell of the platform shattered more and more seriously, and blue smoke even rose from some places.

Because of the manufacturing process, the control platform will not leak electricity and catch fire, and will not explode easily, but it does not mean that it will not be damaged.

The continuous attacks have seriously damaged the control platform, and [-]% of the functions have become unusable.

If it is attacked again, I am afraid that it will be completely scrapped soon.

Those heavy impacts, like heavy hammers, kept hitting the hearts of the staff, making them feel extremely panicked.

"Damn, don't they know how tired they are?"

A staff member cursed bitterly, his tone full of anger, but he didn't know that his expression was extremely distorted, and his eyes were always moving around uncontrollably.

This is a hidden racial characteristic, which is a harbinger of madness and out of control. If it is not controlled and alleviated, it is afraid that it will soon become crazy.

Seeing this, the person in charge quietly fetched the electronic shackles and walked towards the staff member.

While the other party was not paying attention, he rushed forward and locked his body with electronic shackles.

"Bastard, let me go!"

The staff struggled desperately, with anger in their twisted expressions. They did not expect that their companions would sneak up on them.

"What is this for?"

Several other staff watched this scene nervously, feeling a strong sense of crisis in their hearts.

They were afraid that they would be treated like this the next moment.

"Let go of me, damned bastard, handcuff me at this time, if something happens, I will have to wait for death!"

The handcuffed staff burst into tears and begged loudly to the person in charge.

"Stay honestly, I promise you will have no problem."

The companion's begging for mercy did not make the person in charge change his mind, but looked at the others coldly.

He is aware of his difficult situation, and wants to leave this planet alive. In order to do this, any hidden dangers must be eliminated as soon as possible.

"If you want to live, you must obey my orders, otherwise no one will leave alive."

The person in charge roared coldly, staring at the staff until they averted their eyes uncomfortably and lowered the muzzle of their guns at the same time.

Judging by their hesitation, they obviously succumbed to the majesty of the person in charge, and finally chose to obey the order.

The person in charge is proud of himself, he must establish his majesty, so as to ensure that everything goes according to plan.

Only by letting others obey orders can we guarantee that we can become the last survivor after going through the crisis.

But he didn't notice that the expression of the staff behind him who was leaning against him became more and more ferocious.

It seemed that a ray of black air floated out from the light of the dagger, and penetrated into the staff's body like a snake.

While inhaling the black air, his eyes were bloodshot, revealing extremely strong malice.

From his mouth, "giggle" laughter kept coming out, giving people a creepy feeling.

When the person in charge heard the voice, he turned his head to look in horror, only to find that the other party had stood up from the ground.

He was staring at himself fiercely with terrifying eyes.

"What's wrong with you?"

At this moment, the person in charge felt his hair stand on end, as if a chill rushed straight to the top of his head.

He clearly realized that the state of his companion was very wrong and the situation was out of control.

Before he could figure out what happened, the staff member backed away abruptly.

Not far behind him was the black dagger, which breathed out a frightening cold light.

"Give me death!"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the staff laughed wildly and threw their handcuffed hands at the dagger.


The moment he came into contact with the light of the dagger, one of his wrists was cut off, and the shackles hung on the other hand.

The broken hand fell on the ground between him and everyone, like a strange fish just landed.

Constantly scratching and jumping, it looks very strange.

The staff with one hand left seemed to feel no pain, but the smile on their faces became more ferocious.

With the only remaining hand, he grabbed it directly towards the hilt of the sword.

An unbelievable thing happened, the kind of cold light that could easily cut off a person did not cut off his body.

Instead, without the slightest hindrance, he easily grasped the dagger in his hand.

During the whole process, his expression didn't change, he just stared at a group of staff.

The blood-red and strange eyes, like two uncontrollable worms, crawled wantonly in the bleeding eye sockets.

This strange scene made the scalps of a group of staff tingle, and deep fear arose in their hearts.

Especially the person in charge, his eyes widened, as if he realized something terrible.

"Shoot and kill him!"

The person in charge roared loudly and raised his rifle in a panic.

While other staff members were still hesitating whether to obey the order to attack, his weapon had already fired.

The individual weapon used by the person in charge has its own locking and aiming function, and can adjust its power based on feedback.

No need for great shooting skills, as long as the target is locked, the opponent can be accurately shot.

However, such a weapon did not achieve the expected attack effect. In a short period of time, it was automatically adjusted from the lowest gear to the highest gear.

But even so, the staff holding the swords were still not shot dead. Instead, they were blocked by the weird light shield.

This kind of light shield is no stranger, and those extraordinary natives outside also have such a strange ability.

"Damn it, kill him quickly!"

The few staff members who were still hesitating finally came to their senses at this moment, raising their weapons and shooting wildly.

(End of this chapter)

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