Whether they like it or not, in order to save their lives, all survivors have signed a contract.

Pray for peace and bear the price.

It wasn't until this moment that the survivors saw that Sect Master Haoyue took out an item with a solemn expression.

It was an old book.

The outer skin of this ancient book, like the mottled land, reveals the vicissitudes of life.

Under everyone's gaze, Sect Master Haoyue turned to the first page, but it turned out to be blank.

The pages at the back seemed to be cast together and there was no way to open them.

Several ancient monks who were on the sidelines showed disappointed expressions.

They originally thought that if there were words hidden in the book, they could take a look at it.

Even if it is just a line or a half sentence, it is possible to reap huge benefits.

But unexpectedly, the inside of this so-called artifact turned out to be blank.

In fact, they don't know what level this item is, and the artifact is only what the leader of the Haoyue Sect said.

No monk denied the question, because they couldn't see through this item, and the function of the ancient book was indeed miraculous.

The original leader of the Haoyue Sect relied on this item to successfully contact practitioners scattered all over the world.

Let them gather around him overnight.

When there is nowhere to go, a secret underground base is found.

Thinking of the price they had to pay, they became uneasy again, but they had no choice.

Under the gaze of one after another, Sect Master Haoyue wrote a line of words on the blank page using blood as ink.

“May the invaders be expelled, and we may escape safely and become the masters of the world again.


Leader Haoyue picked up the contract and placed it directly on the surface of the book. On it were the names of a group of survivors.

I saw a flash of light on the page, and another line of text appeared not far away, as if it was a response.

"This is a great wish, and you will go through the fourth-class kalpa."

Seeing this line of text, Sect Master Haoyue was relieved, with a bright smile on his face.

Looking at the monks around, Sect Master Haoyue said crisply: "The prayer has been passed, and it will definitely come true next time.
But in exchange, we must accept the robbery.

It is not an ordinary catastrophe, but one has to go to an unknown location and follow some special conditions. Only after reaching them can one gain life.

There are six kinds of prayers, which are divided into low-level wishes, medium-level wishes, high-level wishes, great wishes, extravagant wishes, and supreme wishes.

Our prayer this time is a fourth-class wish, which is very difficult and requires a heavy price.

Everyone, please be prepared to meet the coming catastrophe. I hope that when we meet again, you can all survive. "

The leader of the Haoyue Sect had a solemn attitude. No one knew better than her how terrible the disaster they were about to encounter was.

The catastrophe she experienced before was only due to two inferior wishes, but even so, it still made her feel lingering fear.

When the surrounding monks heard the words, they all showed nervous expressions. They didn't know the truth, but they knew that Sect Master Haoyue would definitely not intentionally intimidate.

The person in charge in the corner, as well as several captured staff members, looked helpless at this moment.

They didn't know what danger they would encounter next, they only knew that they were forced to sign a contract.

They couldn't understand what Sect Leader Haoyue said at all, and the interrogation only communicated through spiritual thoughts.

But at this moment, a piece of information appeared in their consciousness.

Doom is coming, please be prepared.

"Why, what does it have to do with me? Don't get involved with me!"

The person in charge yelled in his heart, but it was of no use. He only felt a growing sense of urgency.

Several other staff members also looked terrified, but they were helpless.

The survivors next to him sneered when they saw this. They didn't have any good feelings for the intruders.

If the ancient cultivator hadn't ordered that these intruders not be harmed, they would have been torn to pieces long ago.

Without waiting too long, a strange wave slowly came and enveloped every person who signed the contract.

A strange rhythm sounded, like Zen chanting, sounding solemn and mysterious.

The expressions of the people who were originally nervous and confused gradually softened, and light seemed to shine through their bodies.

The light became brighter and brighter, enveloping everyone, and the raging flames also burned up.

In this dazzling light, everyone turned into countless particles and disappeared without a trace.

A few minutes later, there was a loud noise, and the underground shelter was directly blasted through.

Figures rushed in one after another, looking murderous. The first person in line was the security director.

"Damn it, that thing was clearly here, why did it suddenly disappear?"

Looking at the empty underground base, the security director roared like an angry male bear.

His time was running out, and he finally found his target, but unexpectedly disappeared from his sight again.

Perhaps we can explore again to find traces of the target.

But the director of scientific research has helped once, which is already a great favor, and it is impossible for the other party to help again.

Without the help of the other party, it is simply wishful thinking to find the target again.

The emotion called despair rose from the heart of the security director, making him feel as if his bones had been ripped out.

Several hours later, the communication was started again.

Members of the syndicate's senate appeared before the security director, looking like statues, cold and emotionless.

The security director was silent, he had given up struggling at this moment, and quietly listened to his own trial.

As expected, because a major change occurred and he failed to complete it within the time limit, he was punished by the Presbytery.

Not only will he lose his current position, but he will also have to enter the group prison and be detained for a long time.

for such a trial.The security director accepted, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

The Senate's verdict was much better than he expected.

After all, this incident was an unexpected situation, not caused by his dereliction of duty.

The main reason for being punished was not completing the tasks of the Senate within the deadline. Within the group, this was an unforgivable crime.

After the sentence was pronounced, the security chief was escorted directly into the temporary prison, and the Senate was in charge of remote monitoring and command until the new chief took office and arrived.

Because the planet's aura broke out and was never controlled, it has become a real high-risk area.

In accordance with the requirements of the Senate, a tight blockade will continue, waiting for professionals to come to deal with it.

According to time estimates, the experts should arrive soon.

Everything was in order, but when the communication was about to be interrupted, something suddenly happened.

One of the spaceships located in outer space was suddenly attacked and is now out of contact.

One wave has not subsided, and another wave has arisen, which can be regarded as irritating the elders of the group.

They issued an order to investigate clearly and severely punish the saboteurs.

According to the analysis of the current situation, this matter should be related to the practitioner, but it is precisely this that makes it more urgent.

These remaining practitioners have been imprisoned within the planet, and the damage they can cause is very limited.

But if it can reach the starry sky, it means that it can get rid of the cage, which may bring serious danger to the group.

This potential enemy must be eliminated at any cost.

As soon as the order was issued, several other spaceships in outer space were attacked one after another.

All communication equipment failed, and this suddenly mutated planet was completely cut off from the group headquarters.

(End of this chapter)

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