I have a city in another world

4218 - The Lost Planet

4218 - The Lost Planet

Tang Zhen followed the signs and came to the target planet.

It was only after arriving that I discovered that there was an eruption of spiritual energy tides here, and the situation was quite abnormal.

Like a pool of clear water, a drop of ink has appeared, and it is now in a state of diffusion.

This damaged planet was affected as a whole, and gradually spread towards the sky.

Of course, this kind of abnormal outbreak must have source support, otherwise it will be neutralized and ablated sooner or later.

According to Tang Zhen's speculation, the source of the burst of aura is likely to be the item he was looking for.

If the level is not enough, make such a big commotion.

Originally, I thought that when I arrived here, I could take away what I wanted smoothly, but I didn't expect unexpected twists and turns.

Sure enough, it took a long time, but it also proved that this item was not simple, and it was a worthwhile trip.

Even if the artifact is not satisfactory, the technology of sealing particles is still at the bottom, and Tang Zhenbai will definitely not be allowed to take a trip.

It is inevitable to make enemies with the group, but Tang Zhen doesn't care much about it.

When encountering the group's spacecraft, Tang Zhen shot directly, causing it to lose control and be scrapped.

The spaceships and warships of these groups are like gunmen lurking in space, and they may attack Tang Zhen at any time.

Even though he is a strong god king, he still dare not underestimate these battleships, let alone bear the opponent's attack foolishly.

Since you choose to do it, you must first remove the hidden dangers to avoid unnecessary hidden dangers.

Cultivator Loucheng belongs to the practice system, but Tang Zhen has a very good understanding of technological civilization. The scientific and technological achievements he has mastered are enough to make many advanced civilizations salivate.

With just a simple operation, he cut off the invaders' communication system, making the group headquarters deaf and blind, unable to understand real-time information about the planet.

After solving the threat of outer space, Tang Zhen went directly into the interior of the planet to find the broken artifact.

After repeated destructions, this planet has been riddled with holes, and countless creatures have become extinct.

However, in the desperate situation, there is also vitality.

Such abundant spiritual energy is the best healing medicine. I believe that it will not take long for this world to be full of vitality again.

Tang Zhen soon discovered that the intruder's aircraft was flying around, and the detection instruments were constantly scanning and searching.

There are also some aircraft that rushed directly into outer space, obviously to deal with the accident of the spacecraft.

Tang Zhen transferred the tiger away from the mountain, just to avoid some troubles and make his actions smoother.

Just like the harassment of mosquitoes, although it is not fatal, it will inevitably be disturbing.

Not long after, Tang Zhen came to a large pit.

At the bottom of the pit, he saw the damaged building, confirming that the seal had been broken.

With the help of the aura of this place, Tang Zhen deduced and quickly figured out what happened.

Because time is too long, the seal here is loose, and it is destroyed by intelligent mining vehicles.

The aura that had been accumulated for many years erupted crazily, leading to the recovery of this wave of aura.

A female monk discovered an abnormality and successfully took the artifact away, but now she is nowhere to be found.

"It's still in this world, but it can't be locked. It should be hidden by the artifact."

Such a situation meant that Tang Zhen had to wait patiently until the other party reappeared.


Following the results of the deduction, Tang Zhen found the underground shelter, only to find that it had been destroyed.

There are a lot of group soldiers nearby, with a posture of being ready for battle, obviously waiting for the return of the female monk.

The disappearance of the female monk was very strange, and the other party should have noticed it, so he chose to sit and wait.

But they didn't notice at all that there was a powerful practitioner standing by and silently observing.

Tang Zhen did not show up, but chose to wait quietly.

Time goes by slowly, the search inside the planet is still going on, and the rescue of the spacecraft is also going on.

The means used by Tang Zhen made the group's maintenance personnel feel desperate, and did not think that the spacecraft could be repaired.

The search inside the planet is still going on, but there is no gain at all.

The group's armed soldiers, growing apprehensive, saw that things were going from bad to worse.

The security director was sanctioned, which had already affected the morale of the army, but suffered a communication interruption.

This is definitely not a coincidence, but a counterattack from practitioners, a battle could break out at any time.

But at this moment, the security force is in a leaderless state. Without a top commander, it is equivalent to being robbed of its soul, and its combat effectiveness is seriously compromised.

Fortunately, no war broke out at this moment, otherwise such an army would be easily defeated.

As for the security director, he is still in captivity and knows nothing about the outside world.

The stupid group Senate made a rather stupid decision to dismiss a military expert who could solve the crisis.

Only because of the behavior of the security director, the majesty of the Senate was damaged. In order to ensure the authority of saying nothing, the security director must accept punishment.

At this moment, the group headquarters is trying every means to restore communications, and a specially dispatched team of experts is still halfway there.

Such a bad situation, no matter how you look at it, seems to be the rhythm of a big event.

At a certain moment, dots of light appeared out of thin air in the destroyed underground shelter.

The soldiers of the group guarding around were immediately attracted by this scene, and nervously watched the area where the light spot was.

Accompanied by a peculiar rhythm, the light spots continue to gather, forming burning flames one by one.

The flames gathered again, forming silhouettes.

Soon these figures formed bones and flesh, and the flames began to gradually disappear.

"I'm not dead!"

A figure shouted, with an excited expression on his face, as if he had escaped from death.

"Hahaha, I also carried it over, it was a nightmare!"

Another voice sounded, also celebrating loudly.

More and more figures appeared, and when they opened their eyes, expressions of surprise appeared on their faces.

"Don't move, kneel on the ground!"

Before they could cheer and celebrate, the group soldiers squatting around roared and gave orders.

The cultivators who disappeared and reappeared strangely looked at the destroyed refuge and the group soldiers around them, all showing angry expressions.

"You are courting death!"

An ancient monk snorted coldly, raised his arms violently, and pushed towards those group soldiers.

On the opposite side, the group of soldiers who were waiting in full battle, ready to fire, suddenly exploded.

This is just the beginning. The cultivators who have experienced a catastrophe are all flying towards the surrounding group soldiers as if possessed by a killing god.

They used their own methods to kill the group soldiers easily, looking like they were killing chickens and dogs.

The soldiers of the group that lost their leadership were all annihilated by the practitioners after resisting for a short time.

Their weapons and equipment have become the trophies of the practitioners, and their combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

The vast majority of the ancient monks did not attack, because they relied on their status and believed that an enemy of this level was not worthy of taking action by themselves.

Sect Master Haoyue was also among them, looking at the battlefield expressionlessly, but his heart was full of doubts.

No one knows better than her how terrible the fourth-class calamity is, it is the end of a narrow escape.

But after experiencing it, I discovered that the difficulty of the catastrophe is much lower than expected, and the reward for success is only equal to the first-class catastrophe.

It was for this reason that a group of responders were allowed to clear the level, including the few intruders.

Sect Master Haoyue knew that this situation was very wrong, but he didn't know what was going on.

Looking at those members of the group, they are gathering together at the moment, with obvious spiritual energy fluctuations on their bodies.

After experiencing a catastrophe, they also became practitioners and possessed extraordinary power.

Although they have mastered great power, their situation is very bad, as if they are inside a pack of wolves, and they may encounter fatal danger at any time.

The consciousness of some ancient monks is always locked on them, and if something goes wrong, they will kill them.

Just as the monks were thinking about what to do next, a voice slowly sounded.

"Now tell me, what happened during the time you disappeared?"

(End of this chapter)

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