Chapter 4246

With a roar, the practitioners descended from the sky and headed straight for the transformed planet ahead.

With the help of meteorites, many monks quickly broke through the anti-aircraft firepower net and fell to the ground suddenly.

Even if all the anti-aircraft weapons are activated and the sealing particles are activated to the limit, there is no way to prevent the practitioner from coming.

The power of the rules is at work to protect the safety of practitioners and make them immune to various fatal injuries.

The high concentration of dark energy makes the practitioners feel like a fish in water, and their combat effectiveness is doubled.

Such an unexpected situation caught the base guardian by surprise.

As a strategic weapon, sealed particles will be deployed as soon as possible no matter where the branch base is established.

The purpose is to restrain practitioners and create a restricted area for practitioners.

But now, instead, it has become a cocoon, and it has even become the operation of the enemy.

What happened at the headquarters of the group continued to be staged at the branch base. The soldiers who used the dark energy became rigid and were overwhelmingly crushed by the practitioners.

In just a short time, the defense of the base was breached, and a massacre ensued.

For those who try to resist, Tang Zhen will never be soft-hearted, kill one if they refuse to accept, and kill a group if they refuse to accept.

If you don't accept it, just kill them all.

Although the method of killing is simple and crude, it is very effective.

Before the war started, Tang Zhen had already issued an order, and all the gains belonged to him.

Unrestricted practitioners try their best to express themselves, just to be appreciated by Tang Zhen.

For this supreme being, the monks were full of awe, and knew that the war was so easy, in fact, it was all thanks to Tang Zhen's secret escort.

Switching to the normal combat mode, it will take a long time to break through the enemy's defense, and there will be a lot of casualties.

War is not a child's play, there will inevitably be casualties, the only difference lies in the number.

But fighting with Tang Zhen, during the breakthrough process, not a single cultivator was killed or injured.

This is not luck, but Tang Zhen provided the protection of the rules, so that the practitioners gained immortality.

After discovering the abnormality on the battlefield, the morale of the practitioners became higher and higher, and they rampaged in the base.

During this period, no one can stop it, and those who dare to resist will end up in ashes.

In just half a day, the base was completely occupied, and all the rebels were wiped out.

This time, they did not kill them all, but left a large number of captives.

What Tang Zhen has to do is to control these branch bases and expand the tentacles that extend outward.

These captured group employees are the most important part of the base. If they are killed, the benefits of the war will be greatly reduced.

If you want to train again, you need a lot of time and personnel, which is too troublesome.

Because of their own value, the captured employees were able to save their lives and continue to work at the base.

Of course, there will be various means to greet them, such as casting a curse on the soul, and wearing special torture tools for monitoring.

If you perform well, you can get generous rewards, but if you are determined to die, you will be tortured like death.

With a combination of kindness and force, all problems were successfully resolved, and the base officially fell into Tang Zhen's control.

Leaving a few god servants and some monks guarding the base, Tang Zhen led the fleet to move on.

The branches of the group should all have received news of the fall of the headquarters, and will also discuss how to deal with it.

These branches are not weak, and it is almost impossible to voluntarily surrender, and they still need to be subdued through war.

Tang Zhen is not afraid of fighting. Although it will take more time, he can do it once and for all.

A war of this level would normally be resolved without him needing to send a few servants of God.

But from the beginning to the end, Tang Zhen used himself as a bait, trying to catch the big fish behind the group.

If you want to get something, you naturally have to give something, and it is also good to do it yourself.

Being able to know everything exactly makes it easier to layout without leaving any omissions.

While leading the fleet to fight, Tang Zhen reported all news related to the group to the cornerstone platform.

He also asked Cornerstone Platform if there was any relevant intelligence information.

As expected, the Cornerstone Platform has no relevant records about the existence behind the group.

The effect of sealing particles is enough to shock all practitioners and pose a great threat to the cultivation civilization.

If the Cornerstone Platform knew about it, it would definitely not hide it, but would have made it public long ago.

After the information was uploaded, the Cornerstone platform was alarmed and contacted Tang Zhen for details.

Tang Zhen didn't hide anything, and told the truth about his experience, saying that he would continue to dig deeper to investigate.

Such a power organization is equivalent to a public enemy in the practice world. Even if there is no hatred, they must try their best to kill them.

Otherwise, one day, when in contact with the other party, it is very likely that you will suffer a big loss.

The weapon that can kill oneself is best held in one's own hands, only in this way can one become truly invincible.

If necessary, it can also be used at any time, instead of guarding against the enemy to use it against oneself.

After discussing with Tang Zhen, the cornerstone platform announced the news, but only for monks at the level of gods.

This is a benefit. Every once in a while, the cornerstone platform will release some information for free.

But it's just a generalization. If you want to know more about it, you have to pay enough battle points.

No matter when it comes, buying and selling must be done. This is the rule of the cornerstone platform.

Ordinary Loucheng monks don't need to know this kind of thing, otherwise it will only increase troubles.

As expected, after the news was announced, it immediately caused quite a stir.

They have contacted Cornerstone Platform one after another to inquire about related news, so they must find out.

Knowing that the news was reported by Tang Zhen, and when the investigation was still in-depth, some lords and god kings contacted Tang Zhen one after another.

Their real purpose is to obtain more information.

When Tang Zhen uploaded intelligence information, he would definitely have a choice, and it was impossible to know everything without saying anything.

For example, he can control the sealing particles, and he knows that various manipulation methods of dark energy come from an artifact of unknown origin.

These are private, and it doesn't matter if you don't say them.

The purpose of doing this is to maintain one's own advantages and obtain more benefits.

Tang Zhen also responded to these lords and kings who took the initiative to contact and inquire about information.

Some unreported news was treated by Tang Zhen as a favor and spread through these god king lords.

He is not short of this little battle points, but he needs some favors and accomplices who are willing to participate in this matter.

Although until now, he still didn't get much information, Tang Zhen was able to make a general inference.

The enemy is a big fish, and he can't swallow it at all. If he is not careful, he may even encounter backlash.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Tang Zhen made a decision that he would bring the fourth theater into the water together.

Fish in the murky waters and hunt the giant beast.

This piece of bait was fat and fragrant enough, even if Tang Zhen didn't open his mouth, monk Loucheng would take the bait on his own initiative.

As Tang Zhen expected, some lords and gods soon contacted him, hoping to participate in this matter.

No wonder they were impatient, it was just that the matter was too special, knowing the horror of the sealed particles, how could they continue to remain calm.

If the war starts and the enemy has this kind of weapon, how should he deal with it?
Inside Loucheng World, there is no need to worry, but overseas battlefields must be on guard.

In addition to being wary of enemies, it can also be used as a weapon to attack some enemies.

If the effect of sealing the particles is as terrible as Tang Zhen said, it will definitely save the cost of the war.

In the heart of the god king lord, there is actually another thing on his mind.

In addition to sealing the particles, does the opponent have other powerful means that can pose a fatal threat to practitioners.

If you really have it, you must snatch it and hold it firmly in your hands.

The involution in the Loucheng world is quite intense, if the competitor controls this method, wouldn't he be left far behind.

(End of this chapter)

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