Chapter 4247
Outside the Loucheng world.

In a certain hidden area, several figures gathered here, and a secret meeting was being held.

They hide their spiritual aura and cannot be detected by the outside world. They recognize each other only by a special badge.

This secret gathering stems from the information released by the badge.

"You all know the content of this mission, do you have any suggestions?"

The speaking figure was covered in black robes and looked like a cloud of mist.

Only the badge on the chest is the most conspicuous. The background is a field of stars, but it is actually various mysterious runes. The front is a simple and simple sword.

His code name is Li Jian.

As the host of the meeting, Li Jian asked first, and looked at the five figures in front of him.

Like him, the participants also wore black robes, only the badge on the chest was clearly visible.

The badge patterns are beasts, cages, scales, candles and ancient snakes.

Each badge pattern represents a different meaning, which comes from a certain ancient practice civilization that has disappeared.

The specific implication is not important, it is just a code name, so as not to expose your own information.

It is no exaggeration to say that the ultimate meaning represented by this symbol of the gods is just rubbish in front of the participants.

"The sealed particles must be obtained, and then deduced and deciphered. If the organization sits idly by, it will inevitably bring fatal hidden dangers.

If it is in the hands of the enemy, once the war starts, we will definitely suffer a big loss. "

The fierce beast spoke first, and was very concerned about this matter, and uncontrolled fatal threats were not allowed.

"This matter really needs to be taken seriously, especially when the sealed particles are controlled by dangerous targets, it will definitely lead to a lot of accidents.

Even if you stay out of the matter, there is also the possibility of being affected. "

Prisoner said quietly, with a gloomy tone in his tone.

"The publisher of the information is Tang Zhen. He should know more information. Is there any way to have further contact with him?"

Candlelight looked at his companion, with a hint of expectation in his tone.

He hoped that some members of the organization could directly contact Tang Zhen and obtain first-hand intelligence information.

It is better to cooperate closely so that more benefits can be reaped.

Hearing Candle's inquiry, several figures fell silent at the same time.

After a while, Li Jian said slowly: "You have been in seclusion during this time, and you don't know the outside world. Tang Zhen is actually the hostile target of the members of the organization.

Not long ago, based on intelligence, members of the organization sneaked into the undercurrent of time and space to assassinate him, but a senior member fell. "


Zhuhuo was taken aback when he heard the words, and said in an incredible tone: "The senior member has fallen, how is this possible!

According to my understanding, Tang Zhen Dingtian is a fourth-rank god king, so how could he kill the ancient god king? "

After candlelight asked, it was actually very touching.

Several members remained silent. When they first heard the news, they were equally shocked.

Although it is very clear that Tang Zhen's power and methods are indeed extremely strong, he never expected that he could really kill the ancient god king.

And according to intelligence, Tang Zhen actually did something similar in a certain special area.

At that time, Tang Zhen played a supporting role and successfully killed the target at the level of the ancient god king.

When the topic came to Tang Zhen, the atmosphere became gloomy.

"So we and Tang Zhen are currently hostile?"

The sound of candlelight sounded, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"Who made the decision to choose an enemy like Tang Zhen? It's so stupid!"

Such is the character of Zhuhuo, he makes no secret of his dislike, and is never afraid of offending others when speaking.

If anyone dares to refuse to accept, just let go and fight.

Tian Ping, who had been silent all this time, spoke slowly after hearing the words: "The attack on Tang Zhen was launched because he violated the interests of the members of the organization, and then the members issued a kill order.

This point is to act according to the rules, there is no problem.

The executor is also Tang Zhen's enemy, and some members provided intelligence information and provided a series of assistance during the period.

It's just that they didn't expect that Tang Zhen's methods were so powerful that the action against him not only failed, but also caused the organization to lose a senior member.

The most sensible thing to do is to bear the loss, and then this matter will stop here.

Unless Tang Zhen discovers the truth, this assassination will become an eternal secret. "

The scales are the best at weighing pros and cons, and they will not be affected by emotions. They don't think there is an eternal enemy.

If necessary, they could even try to recruit Tang Zhen and make him a member of the organization.

"This matter is not that simple, unless Tang Zhen's enemies voluntarily give up and stop posting related missions, the enmity will still continue.

Besides, Tang Zhen's behavior style has always been revenge, and the members of the organization have launched several attacks on him, how can it be easily resolved?

Tang Zhen knew about this matter, and revenge would inevitably follow. At that time, would the organization just sit idly by? "

When the voice of the ancient snake came, he obviously knew more about Tang Zhen's grievances with the members of the organization.

"According to my guess, as the situation develops, Tang Zhen's enemies will become even crazier.

The stronger Tang Zhen became, the more dangerous the enemy's situation would be. If possible, he would definitely try his best to kill Tang Zhen.

Especially this time, when sealing particles were involved, if Tang Zhen mastered this method, it would be a disaster for the enemy.

If I were Tang Zhen's enemy, I would definitely prevent the destruction, and even take the opportunity to kill him. "

When the ancient snake said this, it suddenly paused, and then let out a cold snort.

"This is what makes me dissatisfied with the organization. Such a stupid rule is set up. Regardless of whether it is right or wrong, as long as a member issues a mission request, other members must cooperate and help.

It is indeed a good thing to protect the calf, but we must also distinguish the specific situation.This kind of cheating who caused disasters for their own family should not have been included in the organization in the first place. After doing bad things, let other members take the blame along with them. "

Fortunately, Tang Zhen's enemy did not participate in this secret meeting, otherwise he would have become angry from embarrassment.

Gu Snake dared to say that, obviously he didn't take the other party seriously.

When everyone heard this, there was another silence.

They also all admitted that what the ancient snake said was correct, there are indeed loopholes in the rules of the organization.

In fact, it is not considered a loophole, but a deliberate effort by the founder, just to show a kind of arrogance and domineering.

Said that at any time, the organization is the strong backing of the members, but at some point, the rules will become troubles instead.

Seeing the silence of the crowd, Li Jian spoke slowly again.

"Leaving aside the enmity between the members and Tang Zhen, let's just talk about the sealing particles and the huge organization that may exist behind them.

We must participate in this matter, and the sealed particles must also be obtained, including the benefits that may be obtained in the future.

Some members of the organization have already contacted Tang Zhen and obtained the qualification to cooperate.

The cornerstone platform of the Fourth War Zone will definitely pay close attention to this matter and provide enough help.

As the news spreads, other forces will respond, and even take action to snatch it directly.

The waves caused by the sealing particles should be far beyond imagination. You'd better do your best to ensure that the organization can obtain the expected benefits.

Of course, once successful, you can also get enough benefits. "

Everyone nodded secretly. They were indeed interested in the sealed particles, and they were determined to obtain them.

"This matter is so important, it's best not to have any accidents. In the name of the organization, I suggest to warn Tang Zhen's enemies not to come out to disrupt the situation at this time."

Tian Ping said faintly, this is what he is most worried about, for fear of unexpected changes.

After all, this operation was led by Tang Zhen. If he used his force to attack the organization, it would probably cause serious losses.


"Should have been warned."

"It is best to make restrictions so that the other party does not participate in this operation. This is the safest approach."

Everyone seconded their opinions one after another, saying that it should be so.

Li Jian shook his head slowly, and said in a serious tone: "Warning is fine, but withdrawal is impossible. The other party has already contacted Tang Zhen and has become a member of the cooperation."

(End of this chapter)

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