I have a city in another world

Chapter 4303 War Trend

Chapter 4303 War Trend
After a great battle, the Yuanzu base finally calmed down.

Broken war weapons, scattered flesh and blood corpses, and countless broken stars are all being cleaned up constantly.

The traces of the war gradually disappeared like this, and no one knew how many lives were sacrificed here before.

For such a scene, monks in Loucheng have long been accustomed to it, and they will not be affected at all.

The high-level meeting is over, and all parties are busy again.

The monks of the major coalition forces went to different areas to garrison, and not all of them stayed in the base.

Tang Zhen also sent a group of garrisons to the astral camp transformed by Tang Zhen, using it as the front line of defense.

Once an accident occurs, the rear will immediately support and arrive at the battlefield as quickly as possible.

The monks in Loucheng, who had no mission, also began to seriously repair and prepare for the next battle.

When the two major powers are at war, one of them cannot be beaten passively, and will definitely find ways to fight back.

Even if you don't want to fight, you have to express something. While deterring the enemy, it also increases confidence for possible negotiations.

Unless it is a war of extinction, it is basically fighting and talking, and there is rarely a situation where there is no end to death.

Between Loucheng World and Yuan Clan, it is also not a life-and-death situation, and there is a complete possibility of a ceasefire negotiation.

Although what the Yuan Clan did before would pose a threat to the world of Loucheng, the matter did not really happen after all.

If there is no absolute certainty that the Yuan Clan will be completely exterminated, then the possible impact of the war must be considered.

Although they won the war, it does not mean they have an advantage. Because the enemy is in the dark and we are in the clear, the situation of the Loucheng coalition forces is even more passive.

Therefore, in the days to come, one must be more vigilant, because the Yuan Clan may send troops to attack at any time.

The accompanying super teleportation array has now been successfully installed and started, and the space portal has officially opened.

In the huge vortex, there are vehicles constantly coming in and out, sending the materials stored in the base to the world of Loucheng.

This is the happiest time for the participants, because the total amount of wealth is constantly increasing, which means that their war dividends will also become higher and higher.

Participating in a big victory can support a big family, which is the consensus of the monks in Loucheng.

In a place like the Yuanzu base, it is necessary to build a super teleportation array to ensure free communication with the Loucheng world.

Only when it is unimpeded can it develop smoothly.

There are also many Loucheng residents who arrived at the base through the teleportation array. They will live and serve in this base for a very long time in the future.

Things like this are not uncommon in the Loucheng world. While conquering the world, the pace of colonization has never stopped.

Overseas bases are like tentacles extending from the world of Loucheng, and they are like roots extending from big trees.

Continuously absorbing nutrients makes the big tree flourish.

The establishment of the teleportation array means that from now on, the base and the world of Loucheng have been integrated into one.

In the event of an accident, additional troops can be sent to rescue at any time.

If the Yuan Clan dared to attack, it would be tantamount to seeking their own death, guaranteeing that the opponent would never return.

As the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, Tang Zhen specially returned to the world of Loucheng. There were some matters that he had to deal with personally.

Now that the war has progressed, the veil of the Yuan Clan has gradually been lifted. It is indeed a huge monster, a powerful opponent that the Loucheng World must attach great importance to.

With the current lineup alone, it is almost impossible to truly defeat the Yuan Clan.

A little carelessness during the period may lead to defeat.

Tang Zhen communicated with the Cornerstone Platform in order to let the other party clarify their attitude and how to deal with the hidden and powerful enemy of the Yuanzu.

Should we continue to maintain the temptation and confrontation, or should we wipe it out completely in one go?
If it is just a probing attack, then it is enough for now, and the next actions must be restrained.

Unless you are absolutely sure, you must never initiate an expedition on your own initiative.

That way, even if they win, they will not be able to defend effectively. Instead, they will be exhausted due to the long-term confrontation.

During this period, various troubles will follow.

If you really take action, you can beat the enemy to death with a stick, and there is no point in beating the enemy without pain.

Tang Zhen knew in his heart that it was imperative to test the Yuan Clan, which was why the Cornerstone Platform supported the coalition forces.

Always find some way to investigate the Yuan Clan, and a small-scale war is the best way.

With the capture of the Yuanzu base, the original purpose has been achieved, if the attack continues, it will only make the war uncontrollable.

Neither Tang Zhen nor the cornerstone platform has the ability to control the direction of the war. This is a game between two behemoths, and it has nothing to do with their own abilities.

Once you are deeply involved, it will be difficult to escape easily, and you may even be completely swallowed, and you will end up in pieces.

The same is true for the cornerstone platform, which seems to be omnipotent, but in fact needs to be determined before taking action.

The results of the last war have not been fully digested, and the integration of the new world is still in progress.

The remnants of the wizarding world are still rampant, launching surprise attacks from time to time.

In recent times, overseas bases have been attacked more than ten times more frequently than in the past.

Such high-frequency attacks are obviously supported by someone behind them, otherwise they would not dare to confront Loucheng World.

If you don't solve the future troubles, how dare you start another war easily?
Inside the building world, it is also not particularly stable. There are always some guys who are greedy for profit and do things that violate the rules in private.

Tang Zhen was plotted against, and the cornerstone platform also knew something about it, but he was helpless about it.

In fact, it doesn't know who is the real culprit behind the scenes, and how can it help Tang Zhen uphold justice?

If it is a decisive battle with the Yuan Clan, it is necessary to disrupt the original deployment and deploy more troops to participate.

There are countless things involved and various consultations are required, and it is definitely not something that can be done if you want to.

Even if they are united and decide to go to war with the Yuan Clan, they still have to prepare for a period of time.

But for this matter, the major territories have different opinions, some attach great importance to it, while others sneer at it.

For the Yuan Clan who is not well-known and suddenly popped up now, they simply don't pay enough attention and vigilance.

With such a mentality, how could it be possible to support war.

According to Tang Zhen's speculation, if there is a show of hands to vote on the war, it is estimated that many territories will vote against it.

Having never participated in a war before, and even more so in the future, there is almost no possibility of successful persuasion.

The major territories do not want to participate in the war, and they are also considering their own interests, and the cornerstone platform cannot be too forceful.

Tang Zhen was not particularly optimistic about this exchange.

Sure enough, as Tang Zhen expected, after listening to the war report, Cornerstone Platform gave new suggestions.

Continue to investigate the Yuan Clan, suspend the attack on other Yuan Clan territories, and devote all efforts to research the Yuan Clan technology.

From the original aggressive attack to full defense, in response to possible retaliation attacks by the Yuanzu.

When the opportunity is right, the Cornerstone Platform will consider taking the initiative to attack and launch an all-out war against the Yuan Clan.

As for when, it all depends on the situation.

If this suggestion is followed, the cornerstone platform will continue to support the coalition forces and provide various conveniences for this purpose.

If Tang Zhen insisted on fighting, he would have to be responsible for his own profits and losses, and the cost of the war would increase exponentially.

He was originally fighting for the Fourth War Zone, but now he is fighting for himself, so the treatment is naturally completely different.

The reply from the cornerstone platform was already expected by Tang Zhen.

Depending on the position you are in, the things you consider are naturally different. The general manager of the cornerstone platform in the fourth war zone must not take risks lightly when making decisions.

But if there is one point that does not meet the requirements for starting an all-out war, the cornerstone platform will decisively veto it.

Tang Zhen knew this, so naturally he would not deliberately force it, as that would be a waste of time.

The most correct way is to obey the arrangement of the cornerstone platform, and then plan slowly.

If other lords are willing to continue to participate in this matter, they can also form allies with each other at that time.

Regardless of whether he fights or not, Tang Zhen has already made a lot of money now, and he doesn't need to share the profits with others at all.

(End of this chapter)

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