4304 - Pause Attack
The cornerstone platform has a clear attitude, at least in the short term, it will not start a large-scale war.

If Tang Zhen wanted to expand the scale and continue to intensify the attack on the Yuan Clan, he could only figure out a way by himself.

The existing war results are enough to digest for a period of time. If there is still a need in the later stage, special tasks can be issued.

And quietly, get enough intelligence information to make full preparations for a full-scale war.

It is by no means like what it is now, even the seal particles have not been cracked, and they are suppressed everywhere when fighting the enemy.

Unless this problem is resolved, an all-out war can never be expected.

Temporarily stopping the attack on the Yuan Clan can also stabilize the situation and avoid the possibility of a war breaking out.

The Fourth War Zone is not afraid of war, nor is it afraid of the Yuan Clan, but now is not the best time to start a full-scale war.

Tang Zhen got a reply, but he didn't feel ashamed or disappointed because of it, after all, he had expected it.

Not only the cornerstone platform, but also the major lords participating in the cooperation should have similar ideas.

For them, the results obtained today are enough to meet the needs of research.

Starting an all-out war requires careful consideration.

In fact, from the very beginning, the major territories were not prepared for a long-term battle. They just participated in this matter and prepared to have a sip of hot soup first.

If there is a full-scale war with the Yuan Clan directly, it is absolutely impossible for so many territories to participate. The more you know the background of the Yuan Clan, the more cautious you must treat the long-term war.

Maybe they will gain a lot, but they will also be dragged into the quagmire of war, and there is no way to escape smoothly.

For a territory, this is definitely not a good thing, and it may affect its future development.

For example, before this, some territories opposed the battle against the wizarding world.

Fear of not being able to win the war, causing serious losses to oneself.

It was the cornerstone platform that gave the order, and in the end everyone was united, and because of Tang Zhen's outstanding performance, he stabbed the wizarding world severely.

There are too many unknown changes in a battle of this level, and there is no way to determine in advance whether it will be victorious in the end.

Tang Zhen knew very well that the current coalition allies would not agree to continue to attack.

They will stick to the defense and launch small-scale wars at the appropriate time, also only to consolidate the existing victories.

Whoever touches the territory laid down by the monks of Loucheng is looking for death, and the owner of the Yuan family is also no good.

There is no need to worry about whether the base can be held, and it will never be lost if it falls into the hands of monk Loucheng.

Although he knew the answer, Tang Zhen still summoned all the lords.

This meeting of lords will distribute war dividends and discuss how to act next.

The major lords will definitely not be absent from such a spoils-sharing conference. The world venue built by the divine mind will be joined by major lords one after another.

It was also very lively to meet and greet a few words.

They already knew the result of the frontline war, and they knew the reason for Tang Zhen's meeting.

The easy victory of the war really surprised the major lords, and they knew more about Tang Zhen's command methods.

Before participating in the meeting, the major lords had already made a decision.

Sure enough, as Tang Zhen thought, the major lords were satisfied with their current gains and did not intend to continue to attack.

There are only a few territories, and they are willing to continue to cooperate in the battle, provided that they are certain of victory.

The cooperation of dozens of territories may not necessarily be the opponent of the Yuan Clan, and it is impossible for several territories to succeed.

This type of alliance makes no sense at all.

The situation has become clear, Tang Zhen will naturally not force it, nor will he reveal his cards.

Once he really does this, he will inevitably become the target of public criticism and cause violent turmoil.

The cornerstone platform will ask for it, and so will the major territories. Tang Zhen's enemies, including the Yuan clan, will be eager to kill him.

With these hole cards in hand, it may come in handy at any time, and it can also be used to protect itself.

At the critical moment, you can catch the enemy by surprise and gain more benefits.

Having made up his mind, Tang Zhen began to distribute the spoils.

Under the supervision of the Cornerstone platform, the distribution process is fair and just, and there is no possibility of harsh deductions and cheating.

The harvest of the war far exceeded expectations, and the major lords were very satisfied with this, saying that they could strengthen cooperation in the future.

The benefits are not limited to the immediate ones. The Yuanzu base is like a hen that lays golden eggs, and there will be more benefits in the future.

Leaving aside the future benefits, the current gains alone are enough to make onlookers envious.

If Yuanzu's technology can be successfully cracked in the future, the benefits of the war will increase again.

The most important things in the major territories are actually sealing particles and dark energy. These things pose the greatest threat and have a wider range of applications.

But it is equally clear that this is the foundation of the Yuan Clan, and it is absolutely impossible to obtain it easily.

Before obtaining the control method, no one dared to touch this thing, let alone bring it into the world of Loucheng.

After the meeting, Tang Zhen stayed in the crack territory for a short time, and soon returned to the overseas base.

Under the starry sky where the spaceship shuttled, Tang Zhen remained silent, deducing the next action plan.

As a result, at this moment, he suddenly received a request, and someone from his descendants asked to see him.

Looking at the content of the message, Tang Zhen chuckled and agreed to the other party's request.

Not long after, Tangning, who was wearing a standard battle armor, strode into the base hall with her head held high.

Having experienced the baptism of war, he has become more mature, like a sword drawn from its sheath.

Tang Zhen couldn't be more familiar with such a temperament. He also looked like this in his early years.

As time goes by, the edge gradually converges, but the blade becomes sharper.

Once the sword is out of its sheath, it will be a scene of destruction.

"Meet the ancestors!"

Tangning's eyes lit up when he saw Tang Zhen.

For this legendary patriarch, Tangning had infinite admiration in his heart, and this war against the Yuan clan gave him even more insights.

While admiring and envious, Tangning's thoughts became more and more intense. This was also the reason why he asked to see Tang Zhen.

"If I'm right, you're here to say goodbye to me this time."

Tang Zhen said with a smile, as if he had already seen everything.


Tangning's heart skipped a beat, her expression became more respectful and admiring.

"The ancestor's eyes are as bright as a torch, I really want to leave and go to the Great Thousand World for a while.

Not only to fulfill the wish, but also to hone oneself. I only hope that one day, I can retrace the legendary path of my ancestors! "

Tangning's words can be said to be very arrogant, and people who don't understand will even laugh.

An existence like Tang Zhen is already at the pinnacle of the cultivation world, and the difficulties and obstacles he has experienced far exceed outsiders' imagination.

Not to mention copying it completely, even if the experience is [-]%, it is very likely to end up in the end of death.

Everyone knew this, but Tangning just said that. He wasn't arrogant or ignorant, but a rock-solid heart.

With his qualifications and the support of his family, he will indeed have a chance to ascend to the altar in the future.

Tang Zhen was naturally very pleased to see that his offspring were promising.

"You don't need to worry about breaking in, no matter what time, the fissure territory will be your strong backing."

Tang Zhen stepped forward, patted Tangning on the shoulder, and showed a gentle smile.

"I'll give you a gift, which should be helpful to you. Remember to come back alive and tell me about the wonderful things you've done along the way."

The storage box bound to the soul quietly merged into Tangning's sea of ​​souls, as long as there was a trace of divine sense, he could freely use the items inside.

In the heavens and worlds, there are too many strange and dangerous situations that can catch people off guard.

Based on his own experience, Tang Zhen has prepared a lot of items, which are enough to deal with all kinds of troubles.

With these items by his side, Tangning's chances of survival will be greatly increased, which can be regarded as the elders' love for him.

Tangning felt it and bowed to Tang Zhen.

"Thank you for the reward, Patriarch!"

Tangning turned and left, leading the Beast Xiaobai on a journey through the heavens and worlds.

(End of this chapter)

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