I have a city in another world

Public Enemy of Monks

Public Enemy of Monks
If Tang Zhen hadn't obtained that mysterious book by chance, Tang Zhen wouldn't have experienced everything he has now.

What's more, they don't know that there is a terrifying hunter who is quietly hunting and cultivating civilization.

Tang Zhen was even more curious about the secrets of the Yuan Clan.

If the facts were as he thought, and everything was related to that mysterious monk, the matter would be far more terrifying than imagined.

Compared with the cunning and cruelty of the Yuan Clan, this super strong man who secretly arranged is the real fear.

No matter how cruel and cunning the Yuan Clan is, they are just tools to be used. They seem to control the fate, but in fact they have been manipulated by the fate all the time.

Categorizing and summarizing the known news, the answer is frightening, ridiculous and terrifying.

It is indeed quite ridiculous to want to clean up the heavens and worlds and completely exterminate the monks.

How many cultivating civilizations there are in the heavens and myriad worlds, and how many practitioners of different strengths and weaknesses, I am afraid that no one can answer.

To kill them all, what a huge project it is, what powerful means are needed, it is ridiculous to say it.

But if you really understand, I'm afraid you won't be able to laugh at all.

Because the operator of this matter is an extremely powerful monk, who has created one shocking fetish after another.

These items have powerful effects on monks, causing one civilization after another to fall and become extinct.

Even if this extermination plan fails to be successfully completed in the end, the killings caused during the period are absolutely shocking.

Tang Zhen has seen many monsters, and many ambitious guys who have committed terrifying killings.

Including himself, his hands were also covered in blood, and a large number of civilizations were wiped out.

However, compared with this extermination plan, it was far inferior. Including himself, they were all targeted for extermination.

There is no enmity or grudge between the two parties, only because Tang Zhen is a practitioner.

"It's ridiculous."

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

Because of the mission, he experienced the misery of a teenager and knew that he hated monks.

Even if he is also a monk himself and has the means to reach the pinnacle, it does not affect this disgust.

The idea of ​​exterminating practitioners has never changed.

But this kind of thinking is too extreme in itself. Most monks are selfish and cruel, but there are also benevolent and kind people.

There is no pure gold, no one is perfect, and no flaws are allowed. This is clearly a morbid manifestation.

It is definitely the style of a mage who does not try to persuade and correct, but only wants to destroy.

Perhaps this super strong man had already been completely possessed by demons, so he would do such an unimaginable thing.

If this is the case, the opponent's methods are definitely more than these.

The Yuan Clan is just one of the methods, and it was discovered by luck. There are bound to be more methods hidden in places that no one knows.

If, as Tang Zhen thought, the other party was an ancient god king, the situation would only be worse than imagined.

Tang Zhen has no plans to save the world, and it is also not his turn to take charge of this matter. Even if a fatal crisis really comes, more monks must be asked to shoulder the heavy responsibility together.

Except for his own territory and the organization he belongs to, Tang Zhen has no obligation to take risks for others.

The problem is that this matter is too incredible, even if Tang Zhen announced it to the public, not many people would believe it.

It doesn't matter whether others believe it or not, at least the cornerstone platform must be notified so that the other party can prepare in advance.

It is best to spread this news to the [-] theaters, so that all cornerstone platforms can know.

Gathering the power of the Loucheng world to investigate the truth of the matter may yield unexpected gains.

Tang Zhen made up his mind, so naturally he no longer hesitated, and directly packaged and sent the message.

The news related to the mysterious book was deliberately concealed by Tang Zhen, so there was no need to inform the cornerstone platform.

It was Tang Zhen's hole card, so how could he hand it over so easily.

Being able to take the initiative to provide information is already an act of benevolence, and there is no need to tell all of your trump cards.

After sending the warning, Tang Zhen calmed down and studied to crack the secret of the Yuan Clan.

During the cracking process, the captives of the Yuan Clan must be sacrificed to break them down to their most primitive state.

From the rule code, find out the abnormal place, and then crack it and analyze it.

The seemingly simple things are quite difficult to operate, and they fail again and again.

The failed experimental subjects naturally turned into nothingness, and they couldn't even reorganize and revive them.

For Tang Zhen, this was another unbelievable thing. In his mind, the Kingdom of God was unable to reorganize the disassembled Yuan Clan.

Tang Zhen's interest in the Yuan Clan became more and more intense, and he was sure that this was a race created by gods.

Inside their bodies, there are not only mysterious rules, but also irreparable restrictions after decomposition and death.

The purpose of doing this is obviously to guard against the deciphering of the gods and to block all the loopholes.

This kind of god-made race that violates the basic rules is indeed incredible, but there are also restrictions.

This special race has no way to practice at all.

Obviously it was the creator's arrangement again, and he didn't want these dragon slayers to end up as a member of the evil dragon.

The temptation brought by practice is enough to sink any intelligent race, and only by cutting off the thoughts of the Yuan race can they make monks their prey.

Dark energy is a kind of compensation, which comes from the energy conversion between heaven and earth, and it is also the driving force driving Yuan Clan to hunt and kill.

In order to obtain more resources and have more powerful means, the Yuan Clan will inevitably launch an active attack on the cultivation civilization.

One link after another, the Yuan Clan and the practitioners are tightly controlled, and there is no possibility of getting rid of it.

The Yuan Clan may have discovered long ago that they are being used, but even so, they still enjoy it.

Not only is it affected by the regular blood, but also because hunting monks has many benefits, which can satisfy their greedy and distorted psychology.

It needs to be known that the Yuan Clan was created for the purpose of harvesting cultivation civilization, only in this way can they get the greatest satisfaction.

Because the goal is clear, the Yuan Clan is never at a loss, and they are even more determined when they act.

In a short period of time, the prisoners of the Yuan clan in Tang Zhen's hands had been exhausted to the very last.

There are only some high-level people left, but they can't move around for the time being, and we need to torture information from their hands when the opportunity is right.

Without experimental materials, the research cannot be carried out smoothly. Although there are prisoners in other territories, they will definitely not be given to Tang Zhen.

After the prisoners of the Yuan clan were captured and distributed, most of them were sent to the fourth war zone, where the major lords were in charge of interrogation.

This is an important source of information, and the number is very limited, so it will not be handed over to Tang Zhen for dismantling and research.

If you want to obtain experimental materials, you can only find a way to obtain them yourself.

The people of the Yuan clan are precious and scattered, and there are only a few thousand people of the Yuan clan in a huge base.

After the average distribution, each territory has less than a hundred places.

The Yuan clan warships captured before only had more than a thousand members of the Yuan clan. Although they all belonged to Tang Zhen, they could not meet the needs of the experiment at all.

If you want to continue the research, you can only do it yourself to get more experimental targets.

The imprisoned Viscount Haoqi came in handy at this time. He still has a huge territory waiting for Tang Zhen to take over.

There are at least tens of thousands of Yuan people in the territory.

But this time, Tang Zhen didn't plan to send a large army, so as not to startle the snake.

Instead, they must act quietly and arrest a batch of test materials.

If the conditions are right, Tang Zhen will also attack directly to snatch another piece of overseas territory for himself.

(End of this chapter)

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