4313 - Void Voyage
If there are some traces left, it is destined to be impossible to cover up.

Good at finding traces, and know how to analyze and crack, many problems can be solved smoothly.

These traces themselves are the best explanation.

The trajectory of the Yuan clan battleship has completely exposed the old nest, and it can be found as long as it follows the original path.

Navigation routes like this are highly classified, and cannot be accessed if the level is not high enough.

The value of every star route is immeasurable, and it may represent endless wealth, and it requires a huge price to complete the exploration.

Some of these routes cannot be bought even if you spend money. If you search recklessly, it is very likely to cause disaster.

The coordinates of the Loucheng world and the locations of the bases of the Yuan Clan are secrets that cannot be passed on.

Even the people of the Yuan clan have no right to know if the conditions are not met.

But for Tang Zhen, it was very easy.

The entire battleship has already fallen into his hands, not to mention the Viscount Haoqi. He only needs to be tortured, and this guy will honestly confess.

Although it may be a race created by gods with hidden taboo rules, the Yuan Clan is not as noble and perfect as imagined.

The combination of nobility and vulgarity makes people feel extremely weird.

They are born unable to practice, and despite trying various methods, they still cannot make up for this defect.

In the end, he was forced to transform himself, gain powerful combat power by absorbing dark energy, and create many powerful dark energy weapons.

Relying on these weapons poses a fatal threat to practitioners, and killing gods can also be done.

The Yuan Clan's personality is also flawed, with uncontrollable greed, especially when facing everything related to the practice of civilization.

Ordinarily, given the wealth of the Yuan family, it shouldn't be like this, but a similar mentality cannot be suppressed.

If this kind of personality was set when the Yuan Clan was created, then everything would be as it should be.

The shortcomings that mortals have, the Yuan Clan also has, even worse.

This point was vividly reflected in the interrogation process, and he was extremely cowardly in the face of various tortures.

Unless it involves secrets and there is no way to tell them, otherwise there will be no concealment.

The God Servant will also observe the situation, and when it is confirmed that everything has been squeezed out, it will be turned into a target to be dealt with.

At this time, Tang Zhen can safely use it for experiments, and there is no problem in dismantling and killing him.

Of course, this interrogation mode is not limited to the high-ranking Yuan clan. They have more secrets, but they can't tell them.

Viscount Haoqi had already given a lot of information before this, including the location of the lair.

Once Tang Zhen made up his mind, he would naturally take action immediately.

This time, the solo action still needs to be kept secret, so as not to be ambushed by the enemy again.

The last time he killed the Primordial God King was purely a fluke, the other party was a half-baked Primordial God King, and he had a secret hole card in his hand, so he was able to win by surprise.

It is impossible to have such good luck every time, fighting on the battlefield depends on real strength.

If the enemy learns the lesson and starts killing himself again, the consequences are indeed unpredictable.

It is indeed necessary for Tang Zhen to be cautious enough.

For this operation, Tang Zhen dispatched a clone with the strength of a star general.

You can use the means of the gods, freely control the power of the rules, and don't need to worry about the invasion of dark energy and sealed particles.

When encountering various situations, it can also be handled flexibly, regardless of offense and defense, it is more than enough.

If he was really ambushed and unfortunately fell, Tang Zhen could afford it.

It is not advisable to be blindly strong, otherwise it will only bring losses to oneself, and a proper low-key is not fear, but waiting for the opportunity to counterattack fiercely.

The king of gods can be transformed into thousands of people. The deity is in the fourth war zone, and the avatar sits in the territory and can do many things at the same time.

If necessary, the avatar can also instantly switch to the deity to complete the suppression and killing of the enemy.

Unless one is staring at Tang Zhen and has a special monitoring method, it is impossible to determine the true location of his deity.

Tang Zhen left the base, took Yuan Clan's spaceship, and traveled quickly through the sea of ​​stars.

In order to facilitate their actions, Yuanzu will randomly build void teleportation devices and hide them in special ways.

In the dark and boundless starry sky, without accurate coordinates, it is impossible to find these teleportation stations.

Arriving at one of the teleportation stations, Tang Zhen entered the activation command, and a glowing vortex slowly appeared in front of his eyes.

This is a simplified version of the Void Teleportation Station, which can open a passage into the void, and provide orientation locking and acceleration functions.

The function is similar to a gun barrel, and the spaceship is a cannonball, which will be fired after entering the gun barrel.

The acceleration function provided by the transmission station can allow the driver to reach the distant target smoothly in a very short time.

Just as the spaceship entered the vortex, there was a flash of bright light, and when the light disappeared, all traces would dissipate.

The void teleportation has already started, the spaceship will automatically find the most suitable location, and then start the second teleportation.

Next, it will sail automatically, and there is no need to pay too much attention to it. The spaceship will directly deliver Tang Zhen to the destination.

During the voyage, the spaceship may also encounter danger, after all, there are monsters in the void.

Aiming at these dangers, Yuan Clan also has defensive means, which can reduce the threat as much as possible.

The void is actually more vast, and there are not many monsters, and they are always in a state of wandering.

If you can meet it and get killed by monsters, you can only blame yourself for being unlucky.

The best choice when navigating in the void is to enter the cabin to sleep, so that many damages can be avoided.

If the strength is not enough, when you are in the void, you will completely lose your perception.

The whole process is muddled, and you can't feel the passage of time. It's easy to make people go crazy and collapse.

An extreme environment like this is more likely to breed demons and cause void travelers to suffer serious damage.

If you are a senior monk, you don't need to have these troubles. With special means, you can move freely in the void.

This is the case with Tang Zhen, he did not choose to sleep, but used the time of sailing to continuously deduce.

Deduce and simulate all the situations that may be encountered, and when an accident occurs, it can be resolved as quickly as possible.

In a high-level war, even a moment of hesitation may lead to fatal consequences.

If you want to make the most perfect response between the flashes and the flints, you not only need enough experience, but also pre-training deduction is also necessary.

This is the case with Tang Zhen. Even though he is strong and has rich combat experience, he still will not give up his efforts on weekdays.

When you work hard to a certain extent, it will be converted into strength and luck, which is universal.

None of the strong men Tang Zhen knew was lazy and lazy. Even if they showed a cynical attitude, it was just to confuse the opponent on purpose.

In terms of effort, it can be said that one is better than the other.

It should be known that the competition in the practice world has always been life and death, and perhaps just a small gap can lead to a different ending.

Especially the strong ones in the deep and high positions often have countless enemies. In order to maintain a crushing posture, they naturally dare not slack off in terms of practice.

After sailing in the void for a long time, after jumping through multiple space stations, he finally arrived at his destination smoothly.

Accompanied by the notification sound, a glowing vortex suddenly appeared, and the spaceship was ejected immediately.

The bright and prosperous planet suddenly appeared in front of Tang Zhen, like a shining gem.

(End of this chapter)

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