I have a city in another world

Chapter 4334 Send troops again in the dull territory!

Chapter 4334 Send troops again in the dull territory!
The Communications Department of the Dark Territory suddenly received a message.

The mission to the territory of Viscount Haoqi was attacked by rebels, and all members were beheaded and imprisoned.

The rebels are moving fast and are gaining control of the territory, the situation is very dangerous now.

After the news was made public, there was an uproar.

how can that be!

Every listener feels incredible, even very absurd.

How courageous are the guys in Haoqi's territory to do such a thing.

Do you think that there are no rules, and the knives of the Yuan clan don't kill their own people?
This is a big mistake, for the same clan who violated the rules, the ancestors of the Yuan clan will not be merciless in killing them.

The best benefits can be given to the tribe, but absolute loyalty must be returned. The Zudi has zero tolerance for traitors and violators.

Under such strict rules, the people of Haoqi Territory dared to attack and kill the higher-level missions, it was simply crazy to the extreme.

But anyone with a little sense would not do such a thing.

Although I don't believe it in my heart, the intelligence cannot be faked, and the incident has indeed happened.

As a victim of the incident, how should the Dark Territory respond? Will it send troops to launch a conquest?

Punish the rebels, and at the same time gain control, and expand the territory of the Lightless Territory again?

The people of the Lightless Territory are waiting for the lord's decision and are ready to go out.

Regardless of the truth of the matter, there must be a result, and the rebels must be punished.

Otherwise, the face of the Dark Territory and the rules of the Yuan Clan will be ruthlessly trampled on.

"There's something wrong with this."

When Earl Wuguang heard the news, he immediately noticed something unusual.

"Viscount Haoqi was captured, and the chances of being redeemed are extremely slim, and it is inevitable that the territory will change hands.

We want to seize power, and so do the high-level leaders of Haoqi Territory, open and covert struggles are inevitable.

But even if they covet the position of lord, they will be controlled within the scope allowed by the rules, and they will never dare to violate the rules and rebel easily.

Otherwise, even if it is successful, it will inevitably be severely punished and pay an extremely tragic price.

The bastard of Viscount Haoqi dared to attack and kill the mission, and blocked the news, constantly seeking the right to defend and attack.

Normal people of the Yuan Clan would never do such a thing, so I can be sure that this matter is by no means simple. "

In the absolutely dark environment, Earl Duguang said coldly, giving people a sense of wisdom with insight.

In this darkness, there are still many figures, all of whom are the Earl's subordinates.

They all agreed with Earl Wuguang's analysis, and this matter did reveal an abnormality.

For what reason, it is still unclear.

"No matter what the truth is, we must investigate it clearly. If it poses a threat to the people of the Yuan clan, we can launch a war of elimination at any time."

Earl Wuguang issued an order to send another legion, which was much stronger than the previous wave of missions.

It has the ability to invade the world, can launch military strikes at any time, and at the same time carry a large amount of logistical supplies.

Bring five puppet gods, twenty transformed beasts, and a large number of parasitic transformation monks, as well as other fighting races that vassals rely on.

Such a powerful lineup is enough to capture and control the Viscountdom of Haoqi.

As a high-ranking nobleman, Earl Wuguang is stronger and has more soldiers and generals.

Not to mention that Viscount Haoqi went on an expedition and took away the elite of the territory, causing serious damage to the combat effectiveness of the territory.

Once the war started, the Viscount of Haoqi would not be able to defeat the Earl of Wuguang at all. If there were no accidents, it would be a matter of time before it was captured and occupied.

In order to prevent accidents, Earl Wuguang also sent a special envoy secretly carrying a mobile army nest, which can deploy hundreds of millions of elite troops.

High-end combat power like this is only for emergency on the battlefield, and cannot be used as the main combat force.

When everything was ready, the Yuan Clan army set off immediately, and the ships shrouded in darkness advanced rapidly, heading straight for the position of Viscount Haoqi.

During the whole process, I saw only a mass of darkness, and I couldn't see what was inside.

This terrifying dark environment is a special variant of dark energy, which is extremely unfriendly to practitioners, and can have an astonishing boost to the Yuan Clan.

When the war begins, the extremely compressed darkness will expand and explode at an extremely fast speed.

Like a living creature with a body, it devours and covers all objects, leaving the enemy target in a desperate situation.

The past war results are enough to prove the subtlety of this tactic, easily crushing all opponents.

The difference is that in the past years, it was all aimed at practitioners and ordinary technological civilizations, but this time it may be a civil war.

Regardless of whether the internal war is won or lost, it is not a glorious thing. If there is a choice, the commander would rather not take this counter-insurgency task.

But military orders are hard to break. If the rebels really exist, this war must be fought.

Even if it is fratricide and violates the rules and concepts, you must bite the bullet and do it.

During the march of the fleet, information about Viscount Haoqi's territory was also being sent in a steady stream.

Someone secretly leaked information about the rebels.

According to the other party, the rebels have closed the communication system and cut off the connection between the territory and the outside world.

But they have a backup communication system in their hands, which can send messages silently.

But this kind of informant behavior requires taking great risks, and it may be discovered by the rebels at any time.

In the information provided by the other party, the list of rebels is listed, hoping to give a key blow at that time.

At the same time, they also actively stated that if necessary, they will also take the initiative to participate in the war.

Such a positive behavior is actually to obtain meritorious service, hoping to be rewarded generously.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is to take advantage of the chaotic situation to gain enough benefits for themselves.

Although the behavior is very dangerous, the rewards are equally generous. If you accumulate enough merit, you may even become a nobleman directly.

The Yuan clan has a huge population, the proportion of nobles is very low, and they have extremely high gold content.

Every citizen of the Yuan clan has the obsession to become a nobleman, which is caused by vanity in nature.

As a collection of evil thoughts, they know how to abide by the rules, but they are also extremely greedy and vain.

The change that happened this time is definitely a golden opportunity that the Yuan Clan of the Viscount Haoqi could only dream of.

They are secretly preparing for it, and they will jump out when the opportunity is right.

They are all ready to fight for glory and wealth.

Today's Viscount Haoqi seems to be peaceful and silent, but it is just an illusion.

How could this bunch of complicated guys be willing to be mediocre, let alone miss this rare opportunity.

Presumably in their hearts, they had already made a choice and stood on the opposite side of the rebels.

Unless there is a disease in the brain, no one will be optimistic about the rebels, and they all believe that they will definitely lose.

Wouldn't the benefits of helping to quell the rebellion when you knew you were sure to win be like picking it up for nothing?

Of course, there is also a fatal danger hidden behind this incident. Once the rebels go crazy, they will inevitably become the targets of attack and fall into the same fate as the mission.

It is also interesting to say that the number of rebels is only one-tenth of the territory's residents, but no one is united to suppress them.

To put it bluntly, it means timidity. No one dares to stand out, lest they become the target of the rebels.

It is equivalent to killing the messenger team, which violates the rules of the Yuanzu, and must be a pretty crazy guy.

Whoever dares to oppose them will inevitably be attacked frantically in order to maintain their authority.

The commander of the Dark Territory read the information carefully and analyzed it in detail.

Although the information was timely, he might not believe it all, it was just used as a reference.

After all, no one can guarantee whether this is a trick of the rebels, a false information released only to confuse opponents.

For some reason, the commander had a bad premonition in his heart.

This time, there is a high possibility that something will happen.

(End of this chapter)

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